January 18, 2006

Annapolis - another recruitment video

Annapolis.jpgI've seen the trailer for Annapolis before but it just hit me how much like Top Gun it is and how much of a recruitment video it looks.

From the equal opporunities it screams, to the bring out the best mentality, it doesn't look like it will hold much more than making the process look tough but amazingly rewarding and heroic. Then there's the "chat up the hot lady in the nightclub only to find out she's the instructor the following day" moment, oh dear god. If you haven't already seen the trailer then head over to Moviesonline and catch it in embedded Quicktime.

Posted by at January 18, 2006 02:44 AM


Meh... to me it just looks like a poor man's version of An Officer and a Gentleman... just with a poorer story and less talented actors.

Posted by: John Campea at January 18, 2006 09:06 AM

Wouldn't it be nice if life was exactly how is portrayed in the low IQ movies like this one?

People, aren't you tired of watching these unrealistic and repeated plot films? Even better, do you actually like them or believe them too? As, a European, please can I have an answer to this from a US citizen?

So, what this sh*t tells us?
Lets all join the army, kill few "enemies", together with some innocents, in the other side of earth and shall become Super Legends.

Right, even the news channels and army advertisements are not so bad.

I just hope Justin Lin does a good job on the Old Boy remake, thign that I doubt.


Posted by: Stamoz at January 18, 2006 09:55 AM

Yeah, Lin shouldn't be allowed to even think about touching Oldboy. Seriously, who decided this guy was the right choice to do that remake?

"Let's get the guy who's doing that crappy movie about the Naval Academy and that even crappier 3rd Fast and Furious film". Is it just because the guy is Asian? Shit, give it to Ang Lee then. At least then Oh Dae-su and Lee Woo-jin won't settle their differences with a frigging drift race.

Posted by: Stuka at January 18, 2006 02:20 PM

Why is it that a movie with an anti-american slant on the military will get praise up and down and anyone that questions it before seeing it is shamed for "judging" it without seeing it? But if a trailer comes out for a movie that looks pro-military/pro-american, even though no one has seen it, it is a "recruitment video" and is "sh*t". I'm not saying this is going to be a good movie but don't you think that is a bit of a double standard? What is wrong with showing the military in a positive light?

Posted by: adam at January 18, 2006 04:55 PM

I don't think that is totally true. Military movies percieved as anti-American are slammed by the right wing crowd as much as the left wingers roll their eyes at something like Annapolis.

Either way, they're both wrong. I thought Jarhead was totally overhyped and not that good of a movie, and I think Annapolis will flat out suck donkey dick. If you want a good pro-American war movie watch Black Hawk Down. You want a good military movie that questions war, ect. go watch Apocalypse Now or Full Metal Jacket.

Posted by: Stuka at January 19, 2006 12:01 AM

I usually try to check something first before I judge. However, the film production history shows us not to have great expectations from a trashy trailer like this. Don't worry, if I am wrong I will be the first to admit so.

As for the positiveness of the military, I just don't believe in it anymore. Seeing around (with open eyes) the modern world, I don't see any honour on military. The world changes too much, modernised and even though we are closer to each other, we still manage to kill each other for the greed of some politicians or better businessmen. Tell me the honour about this?

Posted by: Stamoz at January 19, 2006 10:55 AM

Oh come on, there's no political comment in here, the movie looks bad and the story has been done so many times before. Stock and standard.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 26, 2006 06:07 AM

Okay, I am a graduate from USNA (roughly 10 years ago) and I will dispel some of the myths. First of all, this is NOT a recruiting film. The Navy and USNA did not endorse the film at all. In fact, they have sent messages to the public and all service members stating such discord, and they did not allow any filming on the grounds due to the very inaccurate portrayal of academy life. To be clear, I have not and will not see the film so I can only comment on the trailer. By the looks of the trailer, this is a cheap copy of "Officer and a Gentlemen" and "Top Gun" put together and both of those movies had glaring inaccuracies as well. These movies are about as accurate as those that say "based on a true story." They should be taken for their entertainment value only, not for substance.

Second, I served in the military so I will not take criticism about my "honor" from those who have not. It is as challenging a job there is today. There are no easy decisions. We are not robots. We are not a bunch of Republicans (this I can assure you as I am not, nor were 50% of those around me). There is no pleasure in killing another person. That is sick. The question becomes, would you kill someone if they threatened to kill you? If no, then you are a true pacifist. Unfortunately, people like Osama don't care if you wouldn't kill them, they'll still kill you (see World Trade Center). Let's not get into Iraq because that is a WHOLE other debate. Continue the focus on whether or not we should have a military at all in the first place. I believe we should, and that we should only use it to defend ourselves. The honor is in patriotism and the protection of our citizens. If you are willing to die for something you believe in (like protecting the Constitution and our country's existence) then you may have to kill another to protect that. So when I hear that we are still as barbaric as thousands of years ago because we still kill people, I have to disagree. As a country, if we keep to ourselves and get attacked what should we do? Say something to our attackers like, "Oh please, don't do it again???" Unfortunately, there are people who always want to kill innocent people. That's why you need a military for protection or you will soon cease to exist when your attackers take over. Only sick people take pleasure in killing others, but smart people realize you need to do it sometimes for protection and defense.

This movie looks as though it has nothing to do with the hopes, worries, pressures, conflicts, etc. of true midshipman. It is unfortunate because a great story could be written about this and the personal conflicts that I know myself and others struggled with while there. This movie should have just stayed a boxing movie with the kid going to Georgetown (or other non-military school) and the basic plot would be the same. It has nothing to do with Annapolis (its title), and that is a shame.

Posted by: Josh Thompson at January 28, 2006 06:34 PM