December 05, 2005

X-Men 3 Trailer

The new X-Men 3 trailer has hit the web my friends... and I take it all back. Every bad thing I've said over the last 6 months I take back. This is easily the best TRAILER for an X-Men film yet. In the course of 90 seconds I went from being VERY sceptical about X-Men 3 to suddenly being REALLY PUMPED.

The look and sound of this new films is different from the last, you can tell that much even from just the trailer. But it all looks amazing. You get several good shots of Beast and Angle, but you also get a glimpse of Juggernaught (looks good) and a few others as well.

The thing that excited me the most about the trailer was how much Magneto was in it. He clearly has a central role to play in the film. I've been worried that with all the new characters being brought in that Magneto would get squeezed would... looks like I was worried for nothing.

Go see it now. The movie could still very well suck ass... but as of right now I'm excited about the X-Men again. You can get the X-Men 3 trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at December 5, 2005 09:38 PM


Are you guys sure that it's the REAL trailer?

Posted by: Alfredo at December 5, 2005 09:44 PM

Yes, 100% positive.

Posted by: John Campea at December 5, 2005 09:46 PM

AMAZING! All the mutants listed make sense in context! I can't wait.

Posted by: Vidphile at December 5, 2005 10:25 PM

I'm not quite as excited as you but it's certainly renewed my interest (and hope) for the film since, like you, I'd pretty much written it off. I don't remember the previous film trailers so I can't compare.

Posted by: Arethusa at December 5, 2005 11:30 PM

You don't need to take anything back. I saw the trailer and every negative thing you've said about the movie just disappeared from my mind. Then I saw it again. And again. And again.

I still don't think it's going to be a great film, but I'm there opening weekend.

Posted by: dRob at December 5, 2005 11:50 PM

the trailer looks awesome, but one thing they gave away is that there's a funeral in the movie, hence someone dies. The rumor earlier about who died in the movie, maybe is true...well we'll see

Posted by: Amit at December 6, 2005 12:36 AM

Okay, I just watched the trailer for X3... and I must say I'm not disappointed like I thought I would be.

Beast looks good.

Angel's shot where his wings expand looked good.

Juggernaut looks good. (though CGI would have been okay with me)

No complaints here. However, all I want is to see Apocalypse standing in the shadows at the end with a sweet voice.

Posted by: Jugg at December 6, 2005 01:07 AM

Looks like exactly what it is. A trailer with lots of explosions to hide the fact that theyve got too many characters for a 120minute movie.

I'm not excited at all. (But beast does look interesting.)

Posted by: Cole at December 6, 2005 02:01 AM

Interesting that Cole is the only one not 100% positive at this point, until now.

Sure is a great trailer. Yet remember what trailers can do for a movie.

Cole has a point, take away the effects and the explosions and you do have a bunch of posturing characters.

Yes, it does have me excited and it's done exactly what an X-Men trailer should do (indeed any action trailer should do) but it doesn't mean all is forgotten just yet, the movie will do that for me.

Beast looks a lot better than he did in the still, when he's seen in context. The aggression looks higher in this movie, as do the stakes and the implied darkness. Actually the Pheonix bit looks pretty cool too. Yet these are all things we knew would be in this one.

Great trailer, but my judgement will be satisfied by the movie itself.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 6, 2005 03:08 AM

i cant seem to download it but i saw a trailer on t.v. last nite
wow look- jean grey lives!!
and shes pissed!!
kinda spoils it a bit, no?

Posted by: bond, james bond at December 6, 2005 09:07 AM

If I hadn't read the script review I'd be more excited by it. It only confirms that while this movie will undoubtedly LOOK great, the storyline is unforgivably HORRIBLE. :(

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 6, 2005 02:31 PM

I thought it looked pretty good.

Posted by: Joe at December 6, 2005 02:47 PM

Thank, you Stuart, for actually sharing my viewpoint. I couldn't get it to dowload. Stupid peice of crap computer doesn't have quicktime. Anyway, I'm sure the trailer will appear on Coming Attractions on E! in a few weeks. maybe then i will see what the fuss is all about.

Posted by: Brian at December 6, 2005 02:51 PM

i thought the trailer was pretty awesome...
every character i could see looked great...maybe we'll get to see gambit in all his cajun glory

Posted by: leon at December 6, 2005 06:57 PM

thanks Brian thought it was just me, did the free download of Quick and it still doesn't work.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 7, 2005 01:13 AM

John's comment talks about getting a good look at Beast and Angle. Who's Angle? Right-angle? Do you mean ANGEL?

Posted by: Dave Thomas at December 7, 2005 06:00 AM

i have a problem with Quicktime! It says ever when i want to watch the Trailer that theres a plug-in needed (5 or higher,dont know what it mean), also i loaded the new version of Quicktime ! can some body help me !!

Posted by: Decepter at December 7, 2005 05:51 PM

The trailer definitely got me excited.

You see Jean Gray as DARK PHOENIX ..

And WARREN WORTHINGTON is ARCHANGEL - not simply ANGEL. ANGEL is his nickname, and kitt pryde!

If they do this right, it's going to be the Dark Phoenix saga, or as much as we can see of it, transferred to the big screen. And you kiddies will be in for some treat. Me too. :)

With this and Superman we're going to have two great visually appealing movies ....

Posted by: SpideyFan at December 7, 2005 08:31 PM

Believe everything you read on the Internet. Rumors especially. They're always true. By all means, don't wait till the actual movie comes out to see if the storyline is bad. Script reviews are 100% reliable.

And SpidefyFan, Warren Worthington, III was first code-named Angel, not Archangel. Archangel was only his name after the Mutant Massacre; losing his wings; and Apocalypse turning him into Death (blue skin, metal wings). And he has now gone back to using Angel, BTW. Angel is *not* a nickname for Archangel. They are two different codenames he has used at different points in his life.

Posted by: blahrg at December 8, 2005 06:25 PM

The Juggernaut looks good from what I can see. Jones was a great choose for the role, I wonder how their going to work him in to the story line, well they go in to the whole thing about him being the professor step brother. And isn't the juggernaut power magically based, well they get in to that. The look is awesome anyway.

Posted by: XFan at December 9, 2005 10:21 AM

This movie will make my year! I love the trailer!

Posted by: Simone at December 9, 2005 06:21 PM

I have to give them props on beast, with Kelsey Grammer casted I was censored with them missing him up. However, from what I can see in the screen shoots it works. Thou, most of the other cast members were encouraged to do most their own stunts, I can't see him getting around to fast in that suit, so it well most likely be CGI for all beasts action and fight scents. They probably should of just casted some big wrestler guy like Goldberg, HHH, or whoever. At least then, we could beast fighting in live action.
I am totally psyched about the movie.

Posted by: Weapon X at December 9, 2005 07:13 PM

The funeral is obviously for Jean...

Posted by: Darcondia at December 10, 2005 08:35 PM

Yo, weapon x, good call on the beast thing I haven't seen the full trailer yet, but it does look like the action is CGI for him, but at least they didn't go fully CGI. They really want that human quality to show. Though, a voice over would have been ok, but not with Goldberg, come on. Hey, if anything just, be happy they give him some real cloth, and he's not just running around in a Speedo, like in the cartoon. lol
The screenshots look great. Cannot wait until the movie comes out.
Does any one know if the official trailer that is suppose to be on King Kong is the some trailer or a newer, full-length version?

Posted by: QuickSilver at December 12, 2005 08:21 PM

I recently saw King Kong and there was not shown any X-men 3 trailer, despite that several sites said there was suposse to be one.

My Quicktime can't play this small trailer you can find on the web either, even though I got newest version. Does anyone know a place where it has been uploaded to play on other programs such as Realplayer, WMP or WinAmp?

Posted by: Julia at December 15, 2005 09:24 AM

The funeral is not for jean. Its actually for Cyclops, as he wanted a smaller role, and Halle Barry/Storm (being second in command of the x-men) wanted a larger role. If you watch the preview carefully cyclops isn't in it whatsoever beyond being haunted by aleklie lake.

Posted by: Dan at December 16, 2005 11:26 PM

I don't know about the funeral be Cyclops, but it might not be Jean ether, I don't think there'll actually kill off a main character. Though, James is working on other projects and he wanted a small role, I think he'll just not be around as much or run off somewhere. I think from want I've seen and heard about the movies, is that we well see a very depressed and moody Cyclops, who scent he loss Jean loss himself in his own motions. Storm most likly takes over after he goes awall and disappears. Who funerals, well if it's not Jeans then they most kill off anther character real quickly, unless the funeral scene is closer to the end of the movie. Which I don't think there'd put that in the trail or screen shoots this early, if it would give away the ending, or any major plot line.

Posted by: Weapon X at December 17, 2005 12:57 PM

I've noticed in the screen shots that Kitty Pride " Shadow Cat" is a main character in this movie, how did she get a spot on the team so fast it took iceman and Rogue two movies to get there uniform, it seems that they are getting pretty desperate for help in their newest fight, that their recruiting the younger students of the school to join the team Or they just want to bring her in to please her fans.

Posted by: Fanboy X at December 19, 2005 05:50 PM

there's a lot of new characters from the X-men Universe, so I doubt they'll have time to do intro stores for them all, it seems that they just going to be there, for the non-comic readers who go see the movie this might make things confusing. But, for us fans its going to be a lot of hey look It (who every) from the such and such saga, or issue # "whatever" of the(blank) series. Which is cool for the fans, but I don't like when movies do this, cause I am always the one in the group of my friends, showing what a nerd I am having to tell everyone whos Who and whats going on. You all know what I mean.

This one I may have to see for the first time solo so I am not playing the narrator, to all my friends, because, I don't wanna miss a thing. This movie looks great.

Posted by: Mister Sinister at December 19, 2005 07:48 PM


The funeral isn't for Jean or Cyclops


Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 19, 2005 08:12 PM

what's with the spoiler, is that from a official spokesmen for the movies or just a fan who thinks he knows more then the rest of us.

Posted by: Weapon X at December 20, 2005 05:39 PM

I think the spoiler guy is tryin 2 sound like he knows more, but i think the funeral will be for cyclops, because i read a spoiler that cyclops sees jean as the pheonix, and beacause he is so distraught he takes his glasses off and fires an energy blast at jean, but it like bounces back and vaporises him if i remeber correctly. at first i thought this was rubbish, but then i saw the trailer where he takes his glasses off and fires, then you see his glasses levitating. this might be wrong but i thought it might be

Posted by: Liam Drake at December 22, 2005 01:36 PM

I heard that rumors a while back also, but I think it was said that it was from the original draft of the scripted, and has been rewritten a few times scent then. Its hard to tell when or where in the movies the funeral takes place, which would give of alittle more of a clue to whos it is. you can see the pictures that its Beast, Rogue, Iceman, Kitty, I think collossus, and you can see one of the x-kids form the school in the background. (also a women who I don't know who she suppose to be, but she looks like Christa Miller "Kate O'Brien" from Drew Carey.) However, they are trying to push the limits on this one, an anything's possible. I still don't believe they'd be willing to kill off a main character. but, you could be right.

Anyway, the movies looks great from what I've seen. Though, I am still having trouble watching the full version of the trial off the website, anyone have any luck finding it anyway else, possibly with a different player program like media player, or real player…

Posted by: Weapon X at December 22, 2005 03:03 PM

i agree withyour point about the whole cyclops being a main character thing, but i think that jean does kill cyclops as the pheonix, because i think thats what she is crying about in the trailer when she is in wolverines arms, i think either he tells her or it suddenly hits her that she killed him. i also hard it could be prof x. apparently he gets struck down by some sort of disease, although i think thats very unlikely

Posted by: Liam Drake at December 22, 2005 03:23 PM

I still wonder how there going to bring beat into the storyline, is he just there at the beginning, or don't he have an intro story, is he beast at the beginning or does he transform in to beast. Hank McCoy played by "Steve Bacic" Made a very brief cameo in X2, shown on the TV in the background in the bar scene, where he was seen as just Dr. McCoy, not as beast. I don't know why there didn't recast Steve Bacic, though they made a good point about Kelsey Grammer being a good fit for the role. Then again, they could have brought in George Buza to play him if they just wanted a good voice for the part. (For those who don't know him, George Buza was the voice actor for the cartoon series, he also was a background actor in the first x-men, which was kinda like a in side joke for the movies makers.) But he's a big guy he could have got in shape for the role and put on the suit, it would be cool to hear the original voice that we'd all recognized form the cartoon series.

Posted by: FanBoy X at December 22, 2005 03:31 PM

Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix kills Xavier from what I heard.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 22, 2005 04:03 PM

Will, you don't see Xavier in any of the funeral shots, and I did see some shots that, I don't remember what site but there was a screen shot from on the set with a build that had a "the cure for the mutant virus is here" sign out front, Implying that there going into the whole "The Legacy virus" story line. Xavier could have got the virus and died leaving the school and x-men team, lost. So, then, they have to pull together anyone remaining, and try to stop the upraise, magnetos leading, the war against humans, which it seems he has a large following, including the Juggernaut.

Posted by: Weapon X at December 22, 2005 09:36 PM

A virus scary amongst mutants, would be the perfect setting for a mutants quarantine, which would open the window for anti mutant groups to start rounding them up. fulfill magnetos worst nightmares final pushing him over the edge, causing him to start up the mutant alliance, upraising an all out war. Which most of the newest screenshots out, reveal a war like setting.
The mutant revolution

Posted by: Xfan at December 22, 2005 10:25 PM

the mutant revolution, the cast list and screen shots show Callisto who in the sieres was the leader of the morlocks, a grounp of unger grund group of mutants, so, it looks like they join the war with magneto.
also, I noticst that in the screen shots that Callisto don't wear her eye path, many they just did wana cover her face as much.

Posted by: FanBoy X at December 25, 2005 05:29 PM

How about that Fastball Special at the end of the trailer?

Posted by: Colossus at January 2, 2006 02:53 AM

Ya, the fire ball is cool, its most likely from pyro. But, I heard a rumor that Ken Leung might be playing Sunfire. , I think this rumor started after the brotherhood screen shots came out and fan try to identify them all and, saw Ken Leung, and figured, Sunfire is one of few Asian looking x-men character. his power would clash with pyro’s, so, if he is in it, I don't really see the point besides to have a referents to the character.

Posted by: Xfan at January 9, 2006 09:31 AM

You can’t really compare sunfire to pyro, in Abilities, pyro can only control fire, where sunfire creates a plasmetic solar fire, which ignites his body, and can produce great temperatures and generate radiation shielding psi-field. I don’t see how that clash with pyro powers. Though it don’t make he’s power sim lame by comparison, though if they where on opposite side, pyro could propel control sunfire body flames.

Posted by: Weapon X at January 9, 2006 01:41 PM

did anyone else read the interview with Jones, saying thats he's signed, in his contract for at least two more x movies after this one.

Posted by: Weapon X at January 17, 2006 05:57 PM