December 05, 2005

X-Men 3 Beast and Angel Pictures

X-Men-Beast.jpgFinally we get to see some shots of what Beast and Angel will look like in the new X-Men 3 movie with pictures just online.

I'm not entirely convinced by the Beast photo, it's good but not what I was expecting, and Angel looks like...well, a guy with wings! See what you think, but for me there's nothing particularly special in here. Just don't confuse the photos of Beast and Ratner!

The photos are over at USA Today through Cinema Blend. Just a teaser before the trailer arrives this evening...

Posted by at December 5, 2005 08:57 AM


after mystique and nightcrawler, beast comes off a bit underwhelming

Posted by: bond, james bond at December 5, 2005 06:28 AM

I'm inclined to cut Mr Ratner a little slack on this one. Singer set the bar pretty high for this franchise and maybe, just maybe, Ratner will be able to live up to it. I know, pretty thin but I'm feeling optimistic.

I loved the first two - the opening of the second is simply breathtaking. But I do have one very minor criticism; I kind of felt that they lacked something visually to tie them to their comic book roots. Not to the X-Men stories but to the form itself.

Ang Lee's "Hulk" for all the slagging off it got was visually innovative in a way that reminded me of the comic book at it's best. Raimi's Spiderman works so well because his aesthetic is pure comic book action (see Evil Dead movies - particularly the third). Batman begins is literally culled from three or four of the best Batman books (visually owing the most to "Son of the Demon" - well Liam Neesons facial hair and Christian Bales uncanny resemblance to Bruce Wayne)

I have been waiting for the great comic book movies since I was a kid reading Marvel & DC. It's great to see these stories made to work so well and setting them in the real world and taking them seriously seem to be the trick. But to loose sight of what made them shine in the firstplace seems like a waste.

Posted by: Randall at December 5, 2005 07:52 AM

To me, bret Ratner himself is not the only problem with this film. It is Fox's treatment of this film from the beginning:the rushed schedule, the decisions seemingly made in retaliation against Bryan Singer, the revolving door involvement of so many directors, the rumors of script issues and the number of characters rumored to be in the film.
The only thing that bothers me about Ratner is his new reputation as the last minute step-in director. There was also controversy when they set out to make another version of "Red Dragon" and no reputable director in Holywood would sign on because of their respect for Michael Mann and his "manhunter". Ratner stepped in and took it over after they went through every name director in hollywood. Whether you liked the movie or not, many people were unhappy with the decision to make it.
Now he is "stepping in" again, but we will have to see what affect this all has on the finished product. In the end it all comes down to story and dialogue. Without those, good acting and good direction don;t mean anything.

Posted by: jason presti at December 5, 2005 08:27 AM

Beast looks pathetic. he looks constipated. He doesn't look angry. I know he's a scientist and all, but having Frasier Crane as Beast? That is wrong. The angel pics look good. i really like angel. This movie is not really looking to be as good as the other two.

Posted by: Brian at December 5, 2005 08:30 AM

I like the idea of Kelsey Grammer cast as Beast...he'll bring the eloquence and intelligence the character has to the role. Not so sure how he'll handle the occasional 'bestial rages' the character has -- the picture isn't all that impressing. However, I'm more concerned about the costume/makeup.

1. While comic fans know who beast is, the general public is liable to think this is the same guy as the last movie (Nightcrawler)

2. I know Beast is blue in the comic. But seeing it here, he just looks, eh. I almost wonder, considering they've gone for 'realism' in the costumes (no colors, no spandex), ratner could have made him have more 'natural' colors -- black, grey, etc to make him more
animalistic. Yes, it would have veered from the comic, and irked some die hard fans...but I think it would have made more sense.

As for the rest, Angel looks amazing -- and whoopee they gave that crazy Halle Berry a different haircut again.

Posted by: Tom at December 5, 2005 09:06 AM

Actually, Tom, Beast's fur was originally gray, similar to Hulk also originally being gray. Gray just didn't print well in the comics, so they changed the colors. in light of this, they could have made him gray. It wouldn't have made me mad. I still can't imagine Grammer as Beast. it's just not right. I suppose next we'll have David Hyde Pierce playing Banshee. oh. God, that would be awful!

Posted by: Brian at December 5, 2005 09:41 AM

When you consider the personality of Beast in both the comics and the cartoon (the one from a few years ago), I actually think Grammer is a great choice to play Beast.

It's all about character baby! And I think Grammer will be able to bring that character out very well. But who knows... could be wrong.

Posted by: John Campea at December 5, 2005 10:47 AM

Halle Berry: "When you are so loved by the fans you dont want to disappoint"

Allright, whoever told her she was good better fess up now so we can stone you immediately.

Anyway, i could care less about the movie. Maybe because i enjoyed the comic so much when i was younger, but I never understood why people liked these films so much. IMO, outside of wolverine they just sucked.

Posted by: Cole at December 5, 2005 02:53 PM

I always thought Beast should have been introduced in the first, even just a side character teaching in the mansion or something. I think Grammer will do fine if they tone down Beast's action scenes and primarily have him in a lab or something. The picture of him is not inspiring but maybe he'll be good on screen. Angel looks good but unless they went with Archangel how bad could they really screw it up. I am with you cole that the most important character to me is Wolvie, it was always the same in the comics and cartoons though and I look forward to the spin off more than anymore X-men films. I would like to see Gambit in the future but I doubt it.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 5, 2005 07:52 PM

I really wish they would have used some other characters instead of beast or angel. Beast isn't all that great. He's not exciting or anyhting. And Angel, I mean all he can do is fly. Gambit would have been a much better choice. I hope this movie is good.

Posted by: Joe at December 5, 2005 08:54 PM

I think the beast costume looks great. Theres not doubt that Grammer can pull off the polite scientist. Don't know how he'll go with any action scenes though.

Beast is a great character. The contrast of the mild mannered scientist against the rough exterior is what makes him a great character.

I'm more concerned about them screwing up Juggernaut.

If Ratner misses the opportunity to have the verbal altications between Magneto and Professor X that's where the movie will fall apart. The confrontations in the plastic prison are what made the first two movies. "You should have killed me when you had the chance!" How cool was that?

Posted by: Shane Kenning at December 23, 2005 09:28 PM