December 05, 2005

Woody Allen shuns Hollywood

Looks like Woody Allen is a bit tired of Hollywood, in his latest comments he talks against the Studios and for British actors.

From Vanity Fair through

"I don't feel that (the studios) are qualified to give the input. They wouldn't know a good script from a problem script or how to cast a picture."...has another reason for choosing England over the US for the still untitled movie project next year--he loves the humility of British actors.

Allen says, "The stars don't deem it any kind of comedown to do a three-line part. I'm able to work on a low-budget film there and it doesn't look like a low-budget."

Well it's something many of us have known about for sometime, but it's amazing how little big names speak out against the Studios. Perhaps because they are either getting paid huge salaries or that they fear they'll never get work again. If only enough of them stood up, perhaps they could change the tide?

Posted by at December 5, 2005 05:07 AM