December 13, 2005

Witchblade Movie

Witchblade is being turned into a movie. Well actually, if the news is true, Witchblade is being made into 2 movies. Witchblade was a mildly interesting comic book that was made into an even more mild television show a few years ago on WB. But even though the show wasn't that good... the woman playing the lead (actress Yancy Butler) was SMOKING hot and made the show at least worth watching (well... with the volume turned off anyway).

The show's official website gives us this synopsis of Witchblade:

For thousands of years it has existed. An intelligent, symbiotic weapon of incredible power. A living gauntlet that becomes one with its wearer. The Witchblade: Only women of unmatched strength of mind, body and will have ever successfully worn it. Its legacy has created a warrior bloodline back through time and forward into the future. Joan of Arc wielded the blade as did other great warrior women throughout the ages. But to wear the Witchblade is to be both its master and its servant, as this mysterious weapon draws to it what it needs and casts aside what it does not. Stirring to life at times of crisis -- during wars, famines, pestilence -- the Witchblade has been used to cut a swath of blood and viscera through the ranks of previously insurmountable evil.
Yeah, that's a pretty good summary of the overall story.

The problem is... can a failed TV show adaptation be reconstructed into a hit movie? Let alone 2!?!? I have my doubts. I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi and fantasy... but this one seems like a bad idea. No word yet on if Witchblade the movie will have the cast from the TV show or not. I doubt it will.

Posted by John Campea at December 13, 2005 01:15 PM


The basic premise of the movie sounds really cool...but it is going to take some really good CGI to pull this one off. And that chick in the TV show wasnt all that hot!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 13, 2005 01:36 PM

I used to be a big fan of the comic but when the TV show aired, I was sorely dissapointed. I'd love to see a movie about it. I believe the movie adaptations of comics is getting better and better. I mean sure, I'd have done this differently, you'd have done that a different way, but I hold steady in my belief that one day there will be a comic movie where fans and critics alike will walk out and say "That was one hell of a film!"

Posted by: Cory at December 13, 2005 02:30 PM

I agree mech she isn't great and her acting is aweful.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 13, 2005 07:33 PM

i started reading the summary and as soon as it said "ancient bloodline of warriors " i hung my head and went "oh christ pushpops.. thye're going to say joan of arc wore one." ... wow... who woulda thought... they did indeed.

i now feel dumber for reading this post. and i hope the makers of this movie have nightmares of crapping themselves in the bed as a result of my disdain.

Posted by: mogulus at December 14, 2005 12:03 AM

"Witchblade" wasn't a failed TV show. The ratings were very good for a basic cable channel like TNT. The star, Yancy Butler, had a drinking problem. She checked into rehab and production was halted. There was talk about recasting the lead but the show was eventually cancelled.

Posted by: screamwriter at December 14, 2005 10:29 AM

So we had 'Barb Wire', 'Elektra', 'Aeon Flux' and now another 'Witchblade' adaptation. I don't know why, call me crazy, but I feel potential for...GREAT DISASTER.

Posted by: darko at December 16, 2005 05:00 AM

witchblade the tv show wasn't a failure. yancy's "personal issues" caused the show to be halted during the shooting of the second season, and then the ratings due o the massive delay/personal issues weren't enough to keep it going after that.
as screamwriter pointed out it was on tnt not the wb. i suspect if it were on scifi, it would've lasted a lot longer. and the way the 1st seson led into the 2nd had... the biggest twist i've ever seen on a tv show. i don't think any other show has tried anything like it.

as for the movie, i think a tv movie, stv, miniseries is more likely to work than a feature. would it include any of the tv show cast?

Posted by: Psych at December 16, 2005 07:14 PM