December 28, 2005

Wicker Man pictures online

WickerMan.jpgPictures from the set of the new The Wicker Man movie are now online, and boy do they make me think even less of this movie. Totally changed from the original I'm now looking more at something out of a western than anything. The picture to the left is the original The Wicker Man by the way.

I can't tell you how disappointed I am in the rumours coming out about this movie, and now we actually see something I'm not lifted out of that unhappiness much.

The original was superb, and the reported plans for this movie are spelling disaster. I keep hoping something will change my mind, but not so far.

Take a look at the pictures at Mike Browne's Blog through Up Coming Horror Movies and Coming Soon. What do you think?

Posted by at December 28, 2005 03:10 PM


Coolio, another link for me on TheMovieBlog! Actually most of those pictures are just from a place called Western Town in Maple Ridge, BC. It's been used in many westerns etc. and were not used in the film. I just took pictures and posted them because they were cool and "ghost towny" looking. Western Town is on the way to Island Town where we had a school house set (not shown) we shot at for days.

The only real set photo on that page is the last one which is in a field in Langley BC. I couldn't post a lot of the photos I took for spoiler type reasons, but the one at the bottom of the page does show the scale of the production fairly well.

Thanks for the link. If you ever need a Vancouver correspondent I'm your dude. :)

Posted by: Mike Browne at December 28, 2005 08:58 PM

The pictures you want to see, not taken by me, are here:

Posted by: Mike Browne at December 29, 2005 06:21 AM

Noooooooo........ You can't remake The Wicker Man, and you certainly can't do it with Nicolas Cage. Good God what next.... enough of the remakes already. Should I be saving my rage for the next audio edition Richard ?

Posted by: Weezy at December 29, 2005 04:24 PM

This claim that the original was great movie is beyond bogus,
Watched it recently and it's crap. Has couple good scenes and nothing else good about it.
There's absolutely no loss at all in it being remade....

Posted by: yytut at December 29, 2005 04:48 PM

Weezy, you're spot on. I think we'll be talking about remakes in the next Scottish AE, unless we do the Awards first.

yytut - I have no idea what movie you saw, but it couldn't have been the Wicker Man. It's a great movie filled with an undercurrent of dread and the slow realisation that things are just not quite right, and those final scenes are stunning.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 29, 2005 05:12 PM

It's one of a few films that have actually stayed with me. I remember where I was first time I watched it, it was in college in a film class. I knew nothing about it before I watched it and I've seen it a fair few times since. I shall not be tempted by the Nicolas Cage version. God even typing it is weird...No I say Nooooo. We may have to do the Audio edition sooner if only as therapy for me.

You know Aliens hasn't been remade, how about we remake that with Lindsay Lohan as Ripley. Must not say anymore, must keep rage for later.

Posted by: Weezy at December 29, 2005 05:40 PM

I have not seen the original, is there a point of seeing it first or just go straight to the remake?

Posted by: Simone at December 29, 2005 05:49 PM

Without a doubt Simone, it is truly a classic. Get hold of the restored edition and enjoy. Think about when it was made and the era of what was acceptable when you watch it and it'll be even more hard hitting.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 29, 2005 06:16 PM

Thanks for the recommendation Richard, I do have a lot of films I need to catch up on, I will add this one to my growing list. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at December 29, 2005 06:38 PM

So yet another 70's classic gets the pointless remake treatment! Yawn!

So how long before Star Wars, Jaws, The French Connection and the Godfather get remade?

Posted by: Morbius at December 29, 2005 06:50 PM

Star Wars and The Godfather to be remade? I think I'm going to be sick.

Maybe we should come up with a discussion of films we feel should not be remade and reasons why.

Richard? John?

Posted by: Simone at December 29, 2005 07:37 PM