December 16, 2005

V for Vendetta second trailer

V4VendettaMask.jpgThe second trailer for the movie V for Vendetta is available online now.

As usual I can't see it right now and have to wait another nine hours before I can, so it's up to you. How does this one compare to the first trailer and what are you thinking about going to see the movie adaptation? Have a look over at Apple Trailers.

I thought the first trailer was good, better than I expected, so I'm hoping for good things from this one.

Posted by at December 16, 2005 03:55 AM


I am almost incontinent with exitement about this Movie. I read the comic book when it first came out - it's by Alan Moore who also wrote Watchmen and it is brilliant. Very dark and very British.

The trailer looks great. It's more explanatory than the first. Of note is Steven Fry in a cameo as Evie's father. The rest of the cast is splendid too especially Stephen Rea as the Policeman.

It looks action packed but with a brain. Stylistically think 1984 via Brazil, the Matrix (it is the Wachowski's after all) and current American foreign policy. All the governments and terrorists stuff is now seriously topical.

I can't wait. Ooops I think a little bit of wee came out.

Posted by: Randall P at December 16, 2005 04:42 AM

Yes, this does look like a winner. When I was growing up my parents couldn't get me to read anything. I saw it as a choir. Then they started buying me comics and it changed my life. Hundreds of comics were given to me simply because my parents were tickled to see me reading. So these movies mean so much to me.

Have you noticed that the graphic novel inspired movies (Sin City) have been turning out so much better than the series (Fantastic 4 -I'm sorry my dicky doc wears a skirt.)?

Posted by: Brad Shipston at December 16, 2005 08:30 AM

Part of me wants to like this movie, but another part of me knows full well that the people who made it are a bunch of whiney, navel-gazing, idiot Liberals who would be plenty happy to see Saddam Hussein still in power, and the Chinese communists over-running the island of Taiwan.

Posted by: barnyrubble at December 16, 2005 10:14 AM

"Part of me wants to like this movie, but another part of me knows full well that the people who made it are a bunch of whiney, navel-gazing, idiot Liberals who would be plenty happy to see Saddam Hussein still in power, and the Chinese communists over-running the island of Taiwan." - barnyrubble


Right. You've got their number.

Posted by: Arethusa at December 16, 2005 12:10 PM

Well it's sad, because when it comes right down to it Liberals don't believe in Freedom or Democracy - they believe in (at best) income redistribution, intellectual discourse as regulated (fanatically) by the dictates of political correctness, and financial reparations for every percieved wrong to have ever existed between one ethnic group and the other.

Because Freedom and Democracy doesn't result in a PERFECT situation for humans to live it, it's morally equivalent to life under a benevolent dictator. Life in "Amerikkka" is just the same as living under the control of "Red China" - bullshit. Move there if you think otherwise.

Freedom and Democracy sure as shit aren't anything worth fighting for in their mind - the Matrix Trilogy was a testament to that.

And let me qualify that - The FIRST one was, which was why it was so successful. It was classic good and evil. Neo the Good vs. the evil machines which dominated mankind. However the ultimate moral of the story for that trilogy, as seen in Revolutions, was that somehow the machines and the humans were morally equivalent - and that a peaceful truce was the only solution. More wacko liberal bullshit - which is why the movie tanked.

That Good and Evil are illusions. That there is only "Peace" and "Conflict" in the universe and the only thing worth standing up for is "Peace". Again - bullshit. GOOD is the only thing worth standing up for and sometimes conflict is neccessary to achieve that.

The Star Wars movies suffered from the same thing - the first 3 (ANH-RotJ) were classic stories of Good and Evil. The only thing was that we DIDN'T KNOW what a wacky liberal LOON Lucas was and we got that horrible abortion of a storyline for Episodes 1-3. It was all the same dizzy-headed liberal crock of shit. We saw the Jedi for what Lucas saw them as - "Peacemakers" - not the "Knights in shining armor" that everyone thought of them as up and until that point.

Sorry if I'm skeptical of a movie portraying a "Freedom" fighter coming from the likes of the Wachowski brothers. If it were up to guys like that in the Real World Saddam Hussein would still be shoveling hundreds of thousands of women and children into shallow pits in the desert.

Posted by: barnyrubble at December 16, 2005 02:47 PM

Barny, you have shown me the light. The Wachowski brothers are would-be enablers for murdering despots and George Lucas is a pinko commie. Got it (even though it *was* a bit long :-( ). Filthy liberals!

*makes rude hand gesture at screen*

Posted by: Arethusa at December 16, 2005 04:51 PM

So...what about that comic-movie adaptation? After all, we're talking about a MOVIE!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 16, 2005 05:27 PM

This one looks really nice!!!!

Posted by: Simone at December 16, 2005 06:17 PM

They aren't "Would-be" enabelers Arethusa - they're the real deal. It really is a shame. All those "Bible-thumping red-state hicks" you Libs like to make fun of are the FIRST group of people to stand up and put their ass on the line any time Democracy is threatened in this world, while all the clowns in Hollyweird spend endless amounts of time and money attacking anything and everything American.

Liberals fantasize about fighting for freedom in the movies - Conservatives do it in real life. You could learn a thing or two from them.

Posted by: barnyrubble at December 17, 2005 12:46 AM

Yawm. This is why political discussion in banned on our forums.

Anyway, back to the REAL discussion...

The trailer is great, this is one of my top 5 anticipated movies of 2006.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 17, 2005 01:34 PM


Yeah - libs can make movies imbued with all sorts of liberal political and philosophical messages - but the minute someone calls them on it and criticizes them all of a sudden they're "Off-topic" and/or advocating censorship.

I hate to break it to you bubble boy, but it's DEAD ON TOPIC and disagreeing with someone does NOT = censorship, and you look pretty damn dumb trying to defend the likes of the Wachowski brothers by pretending that they don't have HEAVY liberal messages in their movies.

But you Libs don't get it. You're so used to dominating the American media that you're not used to dissent and debate. You better wake-the-f*ck up. You're losing that media monopoly in the area of hard news - ala Fox News (which TRIPLES CNN's ratings) and the new media revolution. This revolution WILL move on to other areas of the media that you have a stranglehold on like music and TV and movies.

The Passion of the Christ was NO accident. It succeeded as well as it did because mainstream America is STARVED for popular entertainment that reflects their values. Not a bunch of self-centered, pessimistic, morally relative garbage that Hollyweird has gotten so brainwashed into producing on a regular basis.

Posted by: barneyrubble at December 19, 2005 11:12 AM

Barneyrubble I would have agreed with you before I “put my ass on the line” in Iraq. However after fighting for “freedom” I saw that the world is not black and white. You have to see past your personal biases, in your case its “conservative right and liberals wrong.” If you take the time to look at the facts and events occurring around you, you will see that conservatives can be just as wrong as liberals.

The way to true freedom and democracy is NOT through violence and warfare. The real way to freedom and democracy is through understanding one another and finding a common ground. As far as your comments regarding the liberal controlled media NONE of the “news from Iraq” is entirely true. The Iraqi civilian casualties are appalling. The hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians that are dying are actual people just like you and me, they are not “collateral damage.”

When on raids for insurgents and weapons caches, I saw about half a dozen fathers killed in raids and after we completed our search for weapons we realized that we had just murdered an innocent man in front of his whole family. Before you go and say I have no idea what I am talking about you have to remember I was in Iraq and I saw what really happened.

I will be shipped back to Iraq before this movie’s release date but I just want to say that there is a good chance I will not come back alive. So Barneyrubble don’t go and judge some one because of their race, religion and political views. You simply don’t know the facts and realities of our world today. The fact is a life is a life and a person is a person entitled to their own view’s and just because you don’t agree with someone does not mean you are right and they are wrong. If you want to see things from one viewpoint and one view point only that is your decision to make. You are your own individual entitled to your own views, but I would encourage that you make an attempt to accept other people’s views and not just see liberals as “idiots” but as a human.

Posted by: J. Smith, 3rd ACR at February 8, 2006 07:07 PM