December 27, 2005

Uwe Boll speaks on Postal, Hitman and Far Cry

UweBoll.jpgThere's not much from the Director Uwe Boll, but more than I thought considering the change in German Tax Laws meant he'd have to find lot's more money that's non returnable for his movies. Still Postal, Far Cry and Hitman look like they are moving on with him at the helm. God help the videogame adaptations.

Let me pick out the more interesting quotes from the article over at Creature Corner through Dark Horizons. Some of these should make you giggle! Oh, and I use the direct quotes, I haven't changed anything!

In Bloodrayne, you've got your highest-profiled cast to date. How did you get all these great actors interested?: they loved the script

If you could remake any one movie or franchise, what would it be?: Jaws

Any info on the film version of Postal?: i write the script right now

And is it true that Gary Coleman will reprise his role from the game?: yes

What's going on with the rights to Hitman?: hoefully vin diesel is contacting me soon

Far Cry?: full financed, we go for THE ROCK or Jason Stham

Do you anticipate the change in German tax law next year to effect your ability to continue to get films financed?: the next three are financed

Oh dear god.

Posted by at December 27, 2005 02:29 PM


Oh Uwe.

Posted by: k-slice at December 27, 2005 03:08 PM

according to IMDB someone else is directing Hitman, a guy named Skip Woods

Posted by: hi at December 27, 2005 04:23 PM

"Oh dear god" - Richard Brunton

Could not have said it better myself :)

Posted by: igl at December 27, 2005 05:12 PM

Jaws? What the Hell?!

Posted by: Sami at December 27, 2005 07:42 PM

Hitman could be a really cool movie, without Uwe Bowl Directing it. I mean Bloodrayne was probably the worst trailer I've ever seen in my life and has almost nothing to do with the game.

Posted by: Panda at December 27, 2005 09:20 PM

Why doesn't Uwe Boll go adapt the ol' classic video game 'Elevator Action'?
That's pretty much how I feel- one of those computer cartoony spies getting squashed by a slamming door, after reading Boll's joke about 'Jaws'.

He's no Spielberg, he's not even Renny Harlin from 'Deep Blue Sea'...
Screw it, he ain't fucking David Worth either.

David Worth? Yeah, David Worth- the dude who directed "Shark Attack 3" which contains the classic bit of dialog...

Posted by: darren seeley at December 27, 2005 10:32 PM

Shark Attack 3.. isn't that the film that they kill a shark with a golf club? That film has to rule just for that scene alone.

Posted by: plutonick at December 28, 2005 03:32 AM

Uwe is my hero.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 28, 2005 04:22 AM

Man, this sucks! Why don't people make good video games into movies. A Zelda movie would be so awesome!! But after that Mario Bros. movie, I don't think nintendo would take a risk. How about Prince of Persia? Anyone? Those games would make better movies than Hitman or Postal. Far Cry? That game is only one year old! How can you put that into production so soon? it makes no sense at all.

Posted by: Brian at December 28, 2005 05:40 PM