December 13, 2005

Ultraviolet clip online

Ultraviolet.jpgI'm not sure that this clip is taken with everyone's permission, but I'm going to reference it until we're asked to take it down, which I feel we may be. The clip is from the movie Ultraviolet which stars Milla Jovovich and is written and directed by Kurt Wimmer who was also responsible for Equilibrium.

Now I thought Equilibrium was not a bad movie, there was some seriously bad dialogue and character reactions, and some of the stunts were very far fetched, but if it had been polished a bit and reigned in slightly it would have been much better. However this clip looks like more of the same. Woman against multiple guys with guns and outsmarts them all. Please. Oh, and why didn't they all just shoot? Personally I would never get my goons to stand in a circle, point their guns at someone in the center and fire, the bullets might go right through, or miss. Let's not even think about the twenty minute wait before they start firing.

The clip highlights my issues with Equilibrium again, looks like Ultraviolet needs polished and reigned in again. See for yourself and let us know what you think, the file is through JoBlo, the only working link is direct from here. It's an AVI, 11.6Mb and downloads slowly.

Posted by at December 13, 2005 02:34 PM


Anything that comes out with Milla Jovavich's name on it is something that I have come to dread!!! She cannot act and all the movies she plays in, she tries to be some stupid super heroine and is totally cheesy and unconvincing in every role. It doesn't even look interesting. As for Equilibrium...that was a kick ass movie!!!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 13, 2005 03:05 PM

Another little girl beating up big men movie. And Hollywood wonders why its losing the male demo.

Posted by: Jonesy at December 13, 2005 09:31 PM

The trailer link didn't work for me or doesn't work anymore. Therefore I can't join the other fans in insulting and ripping up the movie using mere words... :o(

Posted by: TM at December 13, 2005 10:20 PM

I don't mind watching a "little girl beating up big men" movie... if it's good. The clip was nothing close to good. It was just freak'n funny to watch. That "never-ending build-up" to the pulling of the trigger was just stupid. If it was cut down to about 15-20 seconds or something, it would be fine. It clocked at almost 1 minute!

Anyway, I liked Equilibrium but I agree that it needed some cleaning up. This Ultraviolet looks like it needs a lot of cleaning up and Milla Jovovich has little to do with how bad this clip is.

Posted by: ChrisP at December 14, 2005 06:46 AM


If you're going to do a bullet-dodging sequence, don't set it on a skyscraper rooftop and have Matrix-style music.

After all that setup, I had very little idea of what was actually going on.

And Equilibrium was laughably bad.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at December 14, 2005 10:46 AM

It wasn't just Matrix-style music, it was actual Matrix music from the end of Matrix Revolutions. The other track they used sounded like Terminator 3. It's a temp track, meaning they don't have an actual score for the movie yet.

Posted by: dRob at December 14, 2005 04:21 PM

I was hoping someone could tell me the name of the song/artist that is played during the last half of the movie clip. I can't find any music listings for this if someone knows and is able to tell me, that would be great.


Posted by: Buzzard at January 22, 2006 02:22 PM

Take a look at this site, it might help you also on another trailers:;=1787

Posted by: subzero at January 24, 2006 03:48 PM