December 15, 2005

Toshiba delay HD-DVD again

DVDPlayer.jpgThere's bad news about for the HD-DVD consortium, although coupled with some rumours that may provide some good light in the future. That bad news? Well Toshiba has delayed plans to release their first HD-DVD player in Japan again.

Over at Gizmodo they had the news some time ago.

Toshiba announced a delay of the Japan launch of its HD-DVD players. Saying there are still copy protection issues to address. The Japanese company is still hoping for a US launch this February or March...

...Toshiba said in a statement it would not launch the products until the last details on copy protection management systems, called AACS, or advanced access content system, were finalized.

"I cannot say when the AACS issues will be resolved," the spokeswoman said. "But it's hard to think the launch in Japan will come after the U.S. launch."

So the Japanese launch will be before the US...whenever that comes, and the irony is that the delays are all down to their new fangled copy protection system.

The possible good rumour for them, coming from Japanese Microsoft sources, is that a new XBox 360 might be appearing early next year with a HD-DVD drive in it...although it won't be added for anything game related (so go the rumours). Microsoft have denied this on one hand, and yet previously said that they'd be nieve not to include next gen media support through the lifetime of the box. (via Joystiq)

Frankly, more mess on the next generation DVD front.

Posted by at December 15, 2005 04:38 PM