Baby-BatmanJustice League continues to move forward as various news outlets report the film is totally committed to going into full production within 3 months and they’re even starting their main rounds of casting.
This movie has “wrong” written all over it for several reasons, but this news of the casting makes things even worse. This comes from our friends over at Slashfilm:

According to Hollywood Reporter, 35 to 40 actors are set to test for Justice League, including: Adam Brody (The O.C.), Joseph Cross (Running With Scissors), D.J. Cotrona (Windfall), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Grindhouse), Michael Angarano (Sky High), Teresa Palmer (Wolf Creek), Max Thieriot (Jumper), rapper Common, Friday Night Lights stars Minka Kelly, Adrianne Palicki and Scott Porter. According to the report, the test included no costumes, and script pages.

Hey look, I’ve got nothing against young actors… but I thought the characters in this movie were going to be Superman, Batman, Wonerwoman and the Green Lantern… not Superboy, Batboy, Wonder Girl and The Green Tyke.

One of my few complaints about the casting of Brandon Routh is Superman Returns, was that at 27, he just didn’t have enough age to him. This is the MAN of steel… but apparently the folks at Warner Bros are more interested in giving us a Teen Titans movie…. or more accurately a movie version of Smallville (But at least Tom Welling is 30 years old).

This movie has the totally wrong timing, with the wrong director, being made for the wrong motives and apparently will completely be in the hands of the wrong cast. Justice League is turning into a joke of comic book sized proportions. The only interest I have left in it now is the type of interest you have in seeing a car wreck… I’m just curious to see how much carnage is going to result from it.

Jcvd-MovieThis is the single funniest thing I’ve seen all day. So here’s the story. Apparently there is a bopic in the works for Jean Claude Van Damme. Yes, a movie about the life of Jean Claude (personally I think that could actually be pretty interesting). Anyway, here’s the kicker… the lead role in the film… the man who will be playing Jean Claude is…. Jean Claude Van Damme. Yes, Jean Claude will be playing Jean Claude (If I understand all this right).

Anyway, the movie is going to be called “J.C.V.D.” I love the title. So a few people have emailed me this morning with this video that isn’t actually a “trailer” for the film, but rather a little promotional skit made for the film. I’ve got to tell you, I laughed myself sick.

My favorite part: “no no no… you snap because you’re a nut job” You’ll see what I mean. Check it out:

Terence-Stamp-ZodWith all due respect to Ian McKellen’s Magneto, Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock and Nick Nolte’s negligent father in Hulk (ok I’m kidding about that one), to this day for my money the best on screen comic book villain performance has been, and will always be Terence Stamp as your intergalactic high lord and mine… General Zod (I’m kneeling as I type that name).

“Kneel before Zod” is more than a catch phrase, it’s a way of life. You’ve heard the phrase “A happy worker is a productive worker”, well, in the new glorious Zod era: “A happy kneeling servant is a LIVING kneeling servant” and I choose to be amongst the happy living my friends. Already my WWZD bumper stickers are selling like hot cakes as we all accept the inevitable… Zod shall return!

Ok, seriously folks… I’ve gone on record a number of times proclaiming that when Singer gets around to the next Superman movie (after Valkyrie and the strike is finshed) I would love nothing more than to see General Zod as the bad guy. So it’s no surprise that the most recent rumor (remember… this is a rumor) coming out of AICN has me a bit giddy.

(The Source) has personally observed Bryan Singer at work on VALKYRIE and apparently he has been putting pressure on one of his cast members to return to his star-making role as a villain in Singer’s SUPERMAN sequel. That, of course, would be Terence Stamp and the role would be that of General Zod.

Oh yes

How amazing would that be? Don’t underestimate the power of Terence Stamp’s voice. That smooth english cunning voice. I don’t care if the man is 85 years old… if he grabbed the hottest 18 year old Cheerleader on campus and said in that hypnotic voice “Go home write on all your panties ‘This area is Terence’s domain’” you better bet your ass she’d do it.

When the first whispers of General Zod returning for Man of Steel popped up, some people bemoaned “Oh come on, they already did Zod” I noticed no one seemed to be complaining that Dark Knight was having The Joker yet again as the villain.

Anyway, this rumor is probably bull… but it’s still fun to hope.

Internet fanboyism (of which I am a proud member) has some serious drawbacks, not the least of which is to seriously misquote an actor or filmmaker, and then spread the missinformation with a mob like mentality until it’s just accepted as “common knowledge” ever though it was never true in the first place. Take Ian McKellen’s potential involvement in The Hobbit for example:

Some time ago, McKellen was quoted as saying that basically he thinks Peter Jackson should direct The Hobbit and that it would be a shame if he didn’t. Some how… Some way… Jackson fans took that statement and started running with “IAN MCKELLEN REFUSES TO DO THE HOBBIT UNLESS PETER JACKSON DRECTS IT”, when in actuality he said nothing of the sorts.

SCIFI is now quoting McKellen as saying:

“I would be disappointed if they didn’t want to have the original Gandalf. I suppose if I am still functioning and working well, it is very likely I would be asked to do it, and if I were, I would be very pleased to do it.”

So there you have it. Jackson directing The Hobbit or not… if McKellen is asked to come back as Gandalf, he’ll do it

lyriq-bent.jpgA few years ago, I noticed Lyriq Bent in John Singleton’s ‘Four Brothers’ and realized even for the small role he had in it, he had amazing presence as as an actor. Since then, I have seen him expanding his rapidly growing filmography in films such as ‘Take the Lead,’ ‘Skinwalkers,’ and the ‘Saw’ franchise. This month, he will reprise his role(now as one of the leads) as Swat commander, Rigg in the much talked about ‘Saw 4.‘ Recently, Lyriq took some time off his busy schedule to sit down with me, and although he was careful about not revealing secrets of ‘Saw 4,’ it still made for a very entertaining interview. I hope you enjoy Lyriq’s ancedotes, humor, and much welcomed honesty as much as I did.

Serena Whitney: Considering you have been involved in the ‘Saw’ series and this year’s werewolf film, ‘Skinwalkers,’ would you say you are a fan of horror films?

Lyriq Bent: I’m actually not a big fan of horror films. I don’t go out and watch them. If there’s a good one that has drawn a lot of attention from a lot of people, then I might consider watching it. But, I wouldn’t say I’m a big fan. If I were to that do that, I would be doing the real horror fans an injustice.

SW:What percentage of the scripts you’ve received recently have been horror films?

LB: (laughs) That is a good question right there. I’d say about 65 to 75 percent I’ve read that and I’ve been looking at for the past 3 months now been horror films. Which just shows you that you’ve got to be careful, because when you do a successful film in a certain genre..

SW: You get type cast.

LB: Or you get a lot of filmmakers in the same genre that think that’s all you’re interested in. So they’re all going to come out of the woodwork with their projects and you just have to figure out which ones you want to pick.

Read the rest of this entry…

FrailtyFILMS THAT DESERVED BETTER is an ongoing feature here on The Movie Blog of movies that failed to attract an audience at the theaters and failed to perform well at the boxoffice, yet were exceptional films. We just want to give out a hardy slap on the back and say “We love ya anyway”.

Who would have ever thought that the guy who played the little weasel used car salesman in True Lies could turn out to be a fantastic director? Bill Paxton completely knocked it out of the park with his first attempt behind the camera with Frailty. A combination of horror and psychological thriller, Paxton weaves together a thoroughly creative and original story with such tension, atmosphere and pacing you are completely and helplessly engaged the whole runtime.

Paxton and Matthew McConaughey turn in fantastic performances, and to be honest I don’t think McConaughey has ever been better that he was in Frailty.

In speaking about “twist” endings, I’m not sure that any film has ever had a twist at the end that was both as surprising, and thoroughly satisfying at the same time. I thought about this film for days after seeing it just for the way it all ended.

What astounds me is that Paxton can direct a film like this one… then show some diversity by doing a respectable job directing Shia LaBeouf in “The Greatest Game Ever Played”, and yet hasn’t been handed anything else to helm. Even though “Greatest Game” wasn’t a fantastic film, as far as I’m concerned Paxton is 2 for 2 and I’d be happy to hire him if I were producing a film.

Sadly, Frailty failed to find a large audience only pulling in $13 million… what’s even sadder is that unlike Office Space (which also did poorly at the box office) it also never really found an audience on DVD either… which is a DAMN SHAME. This is a SOLID and worthy film. Do yourself a favor and run out to grab this puppy… and watch it with the lights on.

Hey there guys,

It’s been over a week now since we implemented the new design here at The Movie Blog. We switched from Movable Type which we used for over 4 years to a totally new back end with Wordpress. We’ve added some new features and I wanted to get your input.

1) Now that the new design has been up for a bit, what are your thoughts? Happy with it? Love it? Hate it? Ok? Not so great?

2) Functionality - Are you experiencing any bugs with the site? Is it loading faster? Slower? How would you grade the overall performance of the site since the switch?

3) Features - We’ve added a couple of things like the ability to subscribe to a comments thread so you can be notified when more comments have been made to a thread you’re following. What other (if any) features would you like to see added or taken away?

Thanks guys. We continue to try to give you the best user experience that we can, but we can only do that with your input. Please do take a second to leave your thoughts in the comments. Thanks!

Harrison-Ford-Where-NextAt one time he was the most bankable, reliable and biggest “A” List name in Hollywood. Harrison Ford, for seemingly eternity, could absolutely no wrong. Film after film that he appeared in was both critically acclaimed, fan appreciated, and financially successful (to varying degrees). His was a name that when it was attached to a movie, everyone sat up and took notice of that project. The next Harrison Ford film was a big deal. Especially to me. I love this guy!

Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner, Patriot Games, Witness, Working Girl, Sabrina, Regarding Henry, and hell… even Air Force One. The man was pure money and like I said, it seemed he could do no wrong. But then suddenly it happened.

About 10 years ago something changed. It was right after Air Force One and hit us across the face like a woman who didn’t appreciate you playing a spontaneous game of nipple twister with her. Six Days Seven Nights with Anne Heche came out of nowhere and punch Ford fans in the proverbial balls. An awful, terrible movie… not the worst ever made by any stretch of the imagination… but the first truly poor Ford lead film I had seen. Surely… it must be just a fluke right?

Then came one of the truly worst films I’ve seen in the past decades… and maybe deserves a spot on the worst 20 major films of all time list. Random Hearts. A film so bad, that it’s even reported that the director just didn’t know where to go with it and once sat down with the leads and asked them “What do you think this movie is about?”. It was 2 in a row… but it was not the last… not by a long shot.

What Lies Beneath came out as one of the most boring, cliche ridden plot hole filled “horror” films I’d ever seen. WE GET IT!!! THE DOOR CLOSING BY ITSELF IS SPOOKY… WE FRIGGING GET IT!!! For some reason, some people liked it, and critics didn’t hate it… and it even did respectably at the box office… but it really was 3 strikes… and suddenly… when it was announced that his next film, K-19 The Widowmaker was coming out… people didn’t really care. For the first time in my lifetime, a Harrison Ford movie was coming out that was getting next to no attention.

The unthinkable had happened. Harrison Ford wasn’t “A” List anymore. The era had come to an end. And it was only about to get worse.

Hollywood Homicide was just sad (and I mean that literally) to watch. To see this legend… this icon… now laid so low. It broke my heart. And the next film, Firewall… although a little better, wasn’t nearly enough to cure the situation.

So here we are… nearly 10 years into this age of a non-bankable, non-”A” List, non-buzz generating Harrison Ford. 10 years… and it still doesn’t feel right.

However, with the coming of Indiana Jones 4, we stand on the cusp of something we haven’t seen in almost a decade… a movie with Harrison Ford as the lead that people are actually excited and buzzing about. As a matter of fact, a recent survey showed that Indiana Jones 4 is the most anticipated movie of the next 12 months.

The question is… what does this mean for Harrison Ford? His name will be in the spotlight again for certain, but what does this do for his career at 65 years of age? He’s going back to his roots as the king of adventure, but once he puts down the whip, I highly doubt we’ll see other studios lining up to sign Ford for their next big summer blockbuster adventure movie.

He’s no longer the believable heart throb for younger leading ladies (shown in Six Days Seven Nights), so I doubt another Working Girl is in the cards.

And folks let’s face it… comedy just ain’t Harrison’s thing at all (although it works pretty well in his adventure movies).

So where does Harrison Ford go from here? Once the slam dunk blockbuster success of Indiana Jones comes and goes, where does that leave our beloved Harrison? Let’s face it, even though Sylvester Stallone made a fantastic Rocky 6 movie, and people are buzzing about seeing Rambo again, I don’t hear anybody talking about Stallone apart from those roles at all. No one is talking about Sylvester in other movies anymore. People are more interested in the character than they are in the actor. Is the same thing going to happen to Harrison Ford?

Once Indiana Jones 4 is gone, are we left with a renewed popularity for one of our generations greatest actors? Or are we left with just “the guy who was just Indiana Jones again”? At 65, with no more adventure and Indiana Jones behind him, can this Indy buzz infusion re-kick start Ford’s career… or are those days truly long gone? Personally, I really hope for the kick start.

hitman.jpgA few days ago, head honcho here at TMB, John Campea posted a story about how the movie ‘Hitman‘ was being tamed down from an R rating to a friendly PG-13 rating when it’s released in theatres. Although everybody can relax, (for now) because it looks like things have changed and ‘Hitman’ will indeed be an “R” rated film. (YES!)

Thompson on Hollywood Gives Us This:

A source close to the project and a Fox rep both confirmed that director Xavier Gens is still on board, and the movie will absolutely come out with an R rating. Sources say it will most likely be a “hard R,” in fact. Which makes sense, since turning intense action game Hitman into a PG-13 movie would be like making a PG-13 biopic about Paris Hilton: What’s the point?

I’m one of those people who hate when movies that deserve to be rated R are rated PG-13. It’s usually only cut that way to attract more viewers and more money. (Jesus, if I wanted to watch an R rated movie get butchered, I’d watch it on TBS or FOX television) The movie is entitled ‘Hitman’ for god’s sakes! Anyone who has played the game knows how VIOLENT it is, so why tone down the VIOLENCE when the audience expects the brutality, the gore, and the blood in the first place?

So people under 18 without a guardian can’t see it. Big whoop! The games are rated M (for Mature) anyways! (I don’t think all gamers are teenagers anymore anyways) Besides tons of R rated movies make large money in the box office, so I never understood the whole “let’s make the movie PG-13 to make more money” issue. I for one am I happy that they are keeping the film in its original state. What’s your thoughts on this issue?


Hey there folks.

Just a quick reminder that Doug and I will be doing the LIVE version of The Movie Blog Uncut tonight at 6pm EST (3pm PST). The show is live, and you’re able to call in and get on air with us, or partcipate in the live interactive chat board that we have open through the whole show. It’s always a lot of fun. So if you haven’t joined us for an episode yet… drop in tonight.

You can join us by just going to:

See you tonight! Bring a friend! Heck, if you’re a chick with hot friends… bring 3.

At 6pm EST, you can also just listen to the show live right here:

Hey there guys. This is going to be a new weekly feature around here. A couple of Movie Websites have partnered up to share with you the best editorial or unique content from each of the sites every week. We’re really looking forward to participating with these guys and sharing the best posts from their sites each week with all of you. I hope you’ll take time to read them. So here we go with the highlighted articles from around the movie web sphere this week:

4 Rules Before Making A Remake
The Movie Blog looks at some things that should be considered before a remake gets made.

Movie Theater Incentives: What Works? What Doesn’t? looks at which corporate incentives at movie theaters work and which don’t.

Seven Great TV Shows that have Been Shunned by Hollywood
Film School Rejects looks at seven fan favorites that should have made it to the big screen by now.

Exclusive Planet Terror DVD Clip
MoviesOnline looks at an exclusive extra from the Planet Terror DVD called “The Stunts”.

So take some time to check out these great articles and great sites. Next round up comes next Friday!

Simon-Pegg-ScottGood… Freaking… Goodness. Seems like the amazing Star Trek cast announcement from yesterday (Eric Bana being cast as the main bad guy “Nero”) is continuing on the momentum by a HUGE announcement coming out of the Hollywood Reporter today.

First of all, Harold and Kumar’s John Cho has been cast as Mr. Sulu. Not bad… not bad. I’ve never been thrilled with anything Cho has done, but at the same time I’ve never been put off by any of his performances either… so I’m neither here nor there on that one. But the BIG news is this:

Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz star Simon Pegg has been cast as Mr. Scott. You’ve got to be kidding me!!! That’s extremely cool news. I love Simon Pegg and seeing him move to the full blown main stream is neat to see. However… and I’m going to take a lot of flack for this… but I have to ask:

IS THIS A GOOD THING? I’m not 100% sure it is.

I know that every other fanboy site out there is panting like a dog at this news and think it’s the best news ever, but think about it for a second. I love Pegg, but is he really the right guy for this role? Remember, I’m not asking if Pegg is great. I’m not asking if Pegg is talented. I’m not asking if you love Pegg. I’m asking if he’s the right fit… is Simon Pegg really the right guy to play the role of Scotty? I’m not really convinced he is.

Is Scoty going to be a comic relief character in the movie? Remember, in the original show, he did have some funny bits, but aside from Spock, he was also the most no-nonsense and serious character (until the later movies that is when he got really fat and jolly). The only time I’ve seen Pegg try to look hard and serious is in Hot Fuzz… and that didn’t work… even came off as comical (even in the parts that weren’t supposed to be comical).

Please understand, I’m not saying this is a bad move… not at all. I’m just wondering if this is the right fit… and what casting Pegg in the role says about the nature of the movie itself. Maybe something… maybe nothing.

Either way, good fit or not, it’ll be fun to see Pegg up there.

The “HD Civil War” (Copyright Rodney Brazeau) between HD DVD and BluRay has taken another turn. Another one in favor of HD DVD. Some people were all but calling the war over with BluRay the winner… (which was WAY too premature), and then Paramount announced it would only distribute its movies on HD DVD. Now… it seems the tide has shifted.

This comes to us from VideoBusiness:

HD DVD players began outselling Blu-ray models starting in mid-September and regained a year-to-date lead of a little over 50% through the rest of the month, said Jodi Sally, Toshiba VP of marketing of digital A/V products.

Year to date, according to NPD figures she cited, HD DVD players command 53% of sales; Blu-ray players, 44%; dual format players, 3%.

Man, I remember when I put up that post about Paramount picking HD DVD and everyone railed that BluRay was going to dominate and win, and that this was just going to prolong things. And I told people… look… only about 5% of homes have HD systems right now… it’s FAR too early to start proclaiming a winner. And now HD DVD is out selling Blu Ray. When only like 5% of the market has the stuff… “who is winning” can swing back and forth awfully fast.

Until there is only 1 universal format, I’m quite happy with my Plasma and DVD player thank you very much. Let me know who wins… I don’t care which one of them do.

John-Studio-SmallHey there guys. Tonight at 6pm EST (3pm PST) I’m going to be hosting a live chat tonight to take questions and talk about all things regarding The Movie Blog behind the scenes. Running a movie blog, Blogging, policies, how we do what we do, podcasting, dealing with studios, dealing with readers, stories, and all the dirty secrets about Doug Nagy you may want to know… I’ll air it all out!

I’ve received a bunch of emails over the last few weeks about these sort of issues so I thought we’d hold a live chat about it tonight… it should be easy since I don’t expect more than 10 people, so it should be pretty interactive too without much trouble. So if any of this stuff interests you (I’m sure we can talk a little movie stuff too) go over here:

at 6pm EST and jump into the “show”. Should be a good time, and hopefully informative. See you then.

george-clooney.jpgTwo of Hollywood’s biggest stars (who are also known for the strong political beliefs) are teaming up to film a political thriller. George Clooney is slated to direct the film which Leonardo Dicaprio will star in, and it will loosely be based on the upcoming Broadway play (to be directed by Mike Nichols) on Howard Dean’s 2004 Presidental election campaign.

Yahoo News Gives Us This:

Named after the Washington Metro station located near many lobbyists’ offices, the play follows a young, idealistic communications director who works for an inspiring, though unorthodox, presidential candidate. During the campaign, his career is done in by more seasoned politicos who thrive on poisonous partisan politics, dirty tricks and back-stabbing.

This is odd. Filming an adaptation to a play that hasn’t even opened yet? Although, when you have George Clooney directing (and most likely putting himself in the film like he usually does in his films) and having Leonardo Dicaprio headlining the film, this film is pretty much already guaranteed to be nominated for Golden Globes and Oscars….(The “politics” of Hollywood. :P)

will-smith.jpgRecently, Will Smith has agreed to star in a new drama directed by Michael Mann, called ‘Empire.’

Movieweb gives us this:

While key plot points are being kept under wraps, it is known that the film will be about a wealthy media mogul who plans to control the world. This will be the first time Mann and Smith have worked together since Ali.

This project sounds promising, but I gotta tell you I was NOT a fan of ‘Ali.’ Call me crazy, but the movie in my opinion was dry and boring and I have yet to still watch the entire film. To be quite honest, the last Michael Mann film I really liked was ‘Collateral.’ (Wasn’t a fan of ‘Miami Vice’ either)

Although if plot points are being kept under wraps then it must be something exciting…right?

The film doesn’t have a start date yet, but it will most likely go into production early 2008 to be the upcoming and inevitable strike.

I came across a VERY surprising list on Yahoo News (Yahoo changed their list to read “next year” instead of 2008)today that was basically the results of a study done of what movie goers most anticipated films of 2008 are. The #1 film really isn’t surprising at all… Indiana Jones 4. That’s a no brainer. #2 wasn’t all that surprising either, Batman. But a number of them really shocked me.

Before I go any further, here’s the list as it broke down:

1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Obvious)

2. The Dark Knight (Batman Begins 2) (Again, obvious)

3. National Treasure: Book of Secrets (WHAT!?!?! Really?!?! I’m kinda, mildly looking forward to this too… but #3?!?! More than Get Smart? More than Iron Man? More than Narnia?)

4. American Gangster (Glad to see this rank so high, but still a shock. I thought most people still hadn’t really heard of it yet)

5. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (Yeah, right where I thought it would be)

6. Iron Man (Higher than I thought… but not by much)

7. I Am Legend (Will Smith is bankable, no surprise)

8. Get Smart (Really thought this would be higher. Carrell is hot, Get Smart is a beloved title… #8 is good, just thought it would be up there more)

9. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (There are people looking forward to this?)

10. Charlie Wilson’s War (A Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts real life political thriller… you knew it would be on here)

11. Hancock (Again, Smith is bankable… could be fun… sounds a little like a “Captain Amazing” movie)

12. Beowulf (No thank you)

13. His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass (Thought it would be higher)

14. Mamma Mia! (Uggg… no thanks)

15. The Incredible Hulk (Trust me… just trust me… I read the script this week… this movie will ROCK, and when trailer start coming out for this bad boy people will be buzzing)

16. Speed Racer (Don’t care)

17. Step Brothers (Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly together again… but I thought no one heard of it yet)

18. Bee Movie (I’m very surprised this came in this low. The teaser commercials have been cute, it’s the return of Jerry Seinfeld… sort of… why is this movie not getting more love?)

19. Mr. Magnorium’s Wonder Emporium (Meh)

20. Starship Dave (great Odin’s beard… kill it… kill it now)

So there you have it. My personal biggest shock on that list is National Treasure 2 being so damn high on the list. That really caught me off guard. So how about YOU? How would you order these on your anticipation list? What other films coming in 2008 would you include, and which would you bump off to make room for it?

A while ago we heard about a follow up film to the amazing Stephen Chow film Shaolin Soccer… the catch is that this time it’s about a girl who plays lacrosse. Yes… lacrosse. At first it sounded too odd to be true, but I immediately realized that if you really think about Chow’s other films… NOTHING is too ridiculous.

Anyway, our friends over at Filmjunk posted up a trailer for it and I thought you’d like to check it out. I actually don’t think it looks anywhere near as fun… maybe they’re holding a whole bunch back from the trailer? As a side note… seriously folks, if you haven’t been Shaolin Soccer yet… make sure you get out and grab a copy or order one online… it’s sooo worth it.

Michael was kind enough to send me this new version of the I Am Legend Poster. It’s not bad… I mean it does what a poster needs to do… it communicated the essence of the movie, highlights the star and is generally pleasing to look at. Nothing too special but it’s pretty good.

I’ve got to admit that I’m looking forward to I Am Legend more and more… and I’m not sure why really. It’s not like we haven’t seen this movie before a few times already… but still, it’s looking good to me. Check it out.


serena-whitney.jpgI’ve noticed something over the years with my girl friends who are single or who are not happy in their relationships. They LOVE watching romantic comedies and dramas. One phrase you can pretty much guarantee hearing when you have a girl’s night in watching romantic movies that all star anyone who has grazed the cover of People’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ issue is, “Why can’t I meet a guy like that?” Well ladies, it’s because…THERE ARE NONE. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not a man-hater. I’m just saying movies depict men in an unrealistic way, therefore causing many women to have unrealistically high expectations of what makes a good boyfriend/husband. So, I thought I would make up a list and point out the many movie myths when it comes to the male gender.


Okay, let’s start with the easy one first. In movies, women always usually fall for the handsome lead. Thus, causing women in real life to use that celebrity or character as a basis of comparision regarding their own relationships. As much as I would love to be taken by Boris Kodjoe, it’s most likely not going to happen.


In almost every romantic comedy or drama I’ve seen, the male lead will usually profess his undying love to the female lead (usually after a huge fight or temporary breakup) in these long and lengthy speeches that make Hamlet’s soliloquies look short, and that also usually make most womens’ hearts melt. Movies like ‘Disturbia,‘ ‘Jerry Maguire,’ and ‘Chasing Amy’ are all notorious for this. This causes many women to get depressed, because usually the closest thing a woman gets to getting a man to profess their love to her is when he gives her(voluntarily) the last chicken wing off his plate.


Tell me if this sounds familiar. Boy meets girl. Girl is repulsed by boy. Boy keeps hounding girl. Girl eventually caves in and falls for once repulsive boy. Movies like ‘One Fine Day,’ ‘Something New,’ ‘Six Days and Seven Nights‘ and many others have all had female leads that literally treat the men like sh*t, and yet the men STILL pursue the women after being constantly rejected by them. Girls, let me tell that although playing hard to get and having a little attitude may help you catch a guy, treating the object of your affection like sh*t will get you nothing more than a “angry booty call” out of him.


In the obligatory sex scenes in romantic movies, we usually see two bodies mesh in a perfectly choreographed way and the woman always has the most intense orgasm. We usually forget the first time with someone usually involves awkward positions and “shortcomings.” (If you catch my drift)


A few years ago, I got mad at my long term boyfriend at the time because he hadn’t done anything romantic for me. (i.e. Grand f*cking Gestures) How I longed for him to serenade me off key like Jerry O’ Connell and Adam Sandler did for their ladies in ‘Scream 2′ ( yup..even horror films are guilty of this) and ‘The Wedding Singer.’ Or for him to even carry me out of my workplace like Richard Gere carried Debra Winger out of the factory in ‘An Officer and a Gentleman.’ I remember him being angry at me after that…because I hadn’t appreciated all the little things he had done that were so much more important. :(


In fact he probably won’t chase you period. How many movies have you seen where the couple onscreen get into a fight, and the woman runs away, and the man catches up with her and turns her around to give her a passionate kiss? (I’ve lost count after ‘The Notebook.’) Let me tell you, that hardly happens. The only passionate thing I’ve gotten when I storm off after a fight is the finger.


I remember years ago I went to a psychic and they had told me that the man I loved was going to stop my wedding in the future. It was then, I realized I was getting jipped. Every woman has probably daydreamed in their lifetime about the one true love of their life stopping their wedding (like they do in the movies) and driving off on their motorcycle, (never understood that) and living happily ever after. Honestly, if that fantasy were to happen, it wouldn’t go down like that. You would probably be surrounded by debt (due to the costs of the wedding you skipped out on) and probably living in some remote place due to the fact that your jilted groom has probably put a hit on you and your “one true love.” Isn’t it just romantic? (Now I really hope the psychic is going to be wrong!)

Although our relationships may not seem as glamourous as they do in the movies, women (or the women around me at least) need to realize a man does not need to wear a cape or ride a valiant steed to be our hero or knight in shining armor. Honestly, forget movies’ perception of men, and deal with men for how they are and not how you would like them to be. If men did the same thing women did when watching their action movies, they would expect us to have perfect hair and make-up 24/7, an incurable sexual desire, and no PMS.

That’s just my take on the subject. Are there any other movie myths I’m leaving out?

Wolverine-Start-DateA couple of guys (Ty was first) have emailed me to let me know that the folks over at ComingSoon have put up a list of film start dates for a huge number of movies that studios are hoping to get into production before either the writers or actors or directors strike. Some of the notable ones that caught me a bit by surprise:

Wolverine - November 7th
This one isn’t really a surprise since we’ve been hearing for well over 4 months now that they’re were eyeing a November shooting start. It’s nice to see things are still on schedule with that one.

Magneto - January 1st
WHAT?!? The last I heard Goyer still didn’t have budget numbers and now they’re ready to shoot in 3 months? I’m thrilled to hear it, I’m just really shocked.

Justice League - February 11th
Not too surprising really. We’ve known for a little while that Warner has been hyper fast tracking this thing into production. I’m still predicting a disaster of colossal proportions the likes of which will become the stuff of Hollywood ledgend.

G.I. Joe - February 8th
DId not realize they were that far along already

Bond 22 - January 8th
YAY! Time for us to find out of Casino Royale was just a fluke or if Daniel Craig really is the best James Bond of all time

The Thomas Crown Affair 2 - February 2nd
I’m really glad they’re making another one of these. I quite enjoyed the first, and I’d like to see Pierce in one of these types of roles again.

Fast and Furious 4 - February 4th
Oh my dear sweet lord

So there you have it. What do you think?

The back and forth goings on between New Line, Jackson, the fans and The Hobbit have been head spinning. We hear New Line fires Jackson, we hear lawsuits… then we hear there are secret discussions going on between the two parties… then we see Entertainment Weekly suggest a reconciliation may happen between New Line and Jackson.

But either way, according to our friends at MTV, the New Line bosses (Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne) are seemingly steadfast that they’re ready to move forward with The Hobbit.

Neither New Line nor Jackson’s camp would give comment to the magazine, but Shaye and Lynne, as much as they tried to dodge it, did give comment to us. “One film at a time!” Shaye laughed. “‘The Hobbit’ is in the future,” Lynne said, somewhat mysteriously. Does that mean there’s hope? “There’s more than hope,” Lynne said with a wink, as he walked away.

It sounds like 1 of 2 things is happening here. Either:

1) Outside the courtroom talks between Jackson and New Line are even further along than Entertainment Weekly thought. This is possible… it’s amazing how much can get accomplished when one just agrees to sit down at a table to talk.

2) New Line has solid plans in place sans Jackson are are ready to move forward

Either way, I’m just itching to see The Hobbit on the screen. Preferably with Jackson involved in one form or another… but I’m ok without too.

Gee..I didn’t see this one coming. (*Note sarcasm) Due to it’s successful run in the theatres, and the millons of dollars it made worldwide, a sequel to the biggest sleeper hit of 2007 is in the works.

Cinematical gives us this:

Nevertheless, it got lots of love, and it’s no surprise that Bloody-Disgusting is now reporting that the film is going to get a sequel. The movie is currently in the works, but they have heard nothing about who is attached to the project. My guess is that they’ll take the same theme and go with a new person, and maybe one of the film’s co-stars — perhaps Ronnie in college? Or maybe they’ll convince Shia LaBeouf to come back, and his adventures will have made him some sort of super-spy who moves around spying on dangerous wackos.

This sequel will only sound interesting to me if they keep the original cast from the first film. (I loved the movie, but if Shia Lebeouf wasn’t in it…I would have been soooo BORED!) Considering his career is taking off and that he will be in fact shooting ‘Transformers 2′ soon, I think the only person involved from the first one who would most likely be in the film is the character, Ronnie.

If they don’t have anyone from the first film, I will not even rent this on DVD. ‘Disturbia’ to me was a stand alone film, and I think it should be left alone. What are your thoughts?


Hey there folks.

Just a quick reminder that Doug and I will be doing the LIVE version of The Movie Blog Uncut tonight at 6pm EST (3pm PST). The show is live, and you’re able to call in and get on air with us, or partcipate in the live interactive chat board that we have open through the whole show. It’s always a lot of fun. So if you haven’t joined us for an episode yet… drop in tonight.

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Yeah…when I first read this headline on another news site, I thought this was a joke as well. Apparently Limp Bizkit’s lead singer, Fred Durst directorial debut, ‘Education of Charlie Banks’ is going to be released in theatres in Spring 2008 under Anchor Bay Entertainment’s studio. The most surprising news about this film is that it’s actually getting good buzz. (Who would have thought?)

Yahoo News gives us this:

: Indie studio Anchor Bay Entertainment has acquired North American theatrical and DVD rights to the coming-of-age drama, which stars Jesse Eisenberg, Jason Ritter and Eva Amurri.Eisenberg (”The Squid and the Whale”) plays the title character, a high school student who witnesses a local bully (Ritter) savagely beating two teens at a party. Years after giving and rescinding his testimony to the police, the past comes back to haunt him when the bully shows up at his college and enters his life. Amurri plays the object of Banks’ affection.

It sounds like Fred Durst has realized that he has a better talent than making atrocious noise.(I’m sorry…I meant to say music.) This film has already won an award at the Tribeca Film Festival and it actually sounds like an interesting film. I’m not going to judge his work until I see it. Although, I don’t know of many singer/directors out there…can you name any?