December 14, 2005

The Da Vinci Code trailer online

DaVinci_poster2.jpgHere's something we have been waiting for, the trailer for The Da Vinci Code trailer is online.

First few to read this and go view it get yourself back here and do a review of it. What do you think, is it looking like it's going to live up to the hype? How do the characters look with what you expected?

Apple Trailers have the various versions, so go get watching.

Posted by at December 14, 2005 04:10 AM


all controversy asside ( as a christian i dont care whethar or not jesus was in love, was a pegan priest or what... ) this movie is intriguing..

the book was ok.. not great not bad. but hanks/macellon surely seem in top form.

this movie i am totallylooking forward to.
if you are offended by it, just leave it be.

as movies go, i couldnt be more stoked....good (if not a little vague ) teaser if i do say so myself.

Posted by: mogulus at December 14, 2005 06:05 AM

I cant get the trailer to download for some reason

Posted by: PlutoNick at December 14, 2005 07:21 AM

Cool, very cool. What you first see in the trailer isn't what you think it is. The revelation surprised me. And that ties in with how they're presenting the movie, this idea of rethinking what you see and what you believe to be true.

They downplay the religious aspect, play up the mystery. And they tackle the controversy surrounding the book and its premise in a direct manner, "no matter what you believe, no matter what you've read."

Anyway, the book may be "low brow" but it was a fun, quick read and I enjoyed it. I'm sure I'll like the movie, too.

Posted by: Iris at December 14, 2005 09:14 AM

Again, another surprising trailer. I might be turned around by this. Agree with all the comments to date, and I'm amazed at how the trailer has turned my thoughts round and I'm looking at this in a different light. Again, I might like this after all.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 14, 2005 01:46 PM

The trailer has changed my attitude as well. I was against the casting of Tom Hanks in the lead role, but he obviously slimmed himself down and made himself look young enough for the part.

I did crack up when I saw the words "Seek the truth" on the screen as though what will be presented are facts, when a lot of Dan Brown's supposed facts have been disputed. Still, it could be a fun movie.

The rest of the casting is perfect.

Posted by: John N at December 14, 2005 03:58 PM


I can not believe how this trailer alone brought chills down my spine. I so want this film to work. I remember how I love a lot of the action in the book and to see it brought to life with this powerhouse cast will be a thrilling experience indeed.

Hanks should be just as always, BRILLIANT. Now where did I put that book again?

It wont be hard to remember the release date of this one for 2006. May 19. Shared the same date with another movie I saw this year also of the same day. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at December 14, 2005 05:54 PM

Ooh, yet another broken Quicktime graphic in Firefox (even though I have Quicktime installed). Very nice.

Posted by: Pfffftt at December 14, 2005 08:33 PM

This film is looking better all the time, I was with others who doubted Hanks but the more I see of him the more I think Dan Brown should have written the character with Hanks in mind, can't wait to see it and I hope that someday they will do Angels and Demons.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 14, 2005 08:58 PM

am i the only one who still isn't sold on tom hanks as the lead? sure, they can make his hair a little longer- but he is still squeaky clean.

Posted by: emma at December 14, 2005 11:49 PM

Well, well well
This is a chilling trailer of a chilling movie.........Tom Hanks is looking god in it and the actress playing Sphie Neveu is sexyyyyyy man!

Posted by: Prankster Code at December 15, 2005 02:22 AM

Hey Crackerjack, I am with you on Angels & Demons, I think that was also a better book than Da Vinci Code.

I love Tom Hanks, he will be amazing in this film. I was just looking at his facial expression and boy oh boy!

Posted by: Simone at December 15, 2005 03:56 AM

Deffo, Angels and Demons better (and before this)...more of the same theme just like Crichton.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 15, 2005 07:27 AM