December 03, 2005

Singer to save Star Trek?

BryanSinger.jpgYes it's a throwaway comment from Bryan Singer, but he has said he's a Star Trek fan and would love to do a big, big Star Trek movie! Does the news for Trek just keep getting better?

Well let's face it, there's not much needed to make it any better, but with the news that Brannon Braga has left Trek behind him was a good start. Now fans are looking to the other destroyer to leave, but this speculation has just come as a complete sideswipe. From an IESB video interview through Cinema Blend:

Singer says the idea of doing a Star Trek film is something that he’s talked about with his friends for a long time. If he were ever able to do it, his movie would be a “longer story”. It’ll be “big, very big”

Big speculation, but let's look back on history and what he's said before and what he's making now...could it happen?

I'd love it to, and I think that Singer is probably onboard with the fact that the current destroyers of the show have to be kicked out for him to make the movie, and he wouldn't do it without complete control. What a thought though!

Still, he talks of another crack at the X-Men franchise, no great desire to revisit Superman, and with his current project list it may be a while before we even know if he's going to have a go at Star Trek...can't we hope though?

Posted by at December 3, 2005 07:15 AM


They should have put Bryan Singer in charge of everything the moment he showed any interest. He should have directed Nemesis, with Stuart Baird playing the 3-second cameo ensign on the bridge.

Posted by: dRob at December 3, 2005 03:01 PM

Singer is very boring now. I loved when he did the "Usual Suspects"
How about the director from "Gamers" I think Star Trek would be perfect for him.

Posted by: Nancy Davis at December 3, 2005 05:35 PM