December 07, 2005

Sigaw gains remake deal

Sigaw.jpgA little while ago I received an email from Yam Laranas, the Director of a movie called Sigaw. He sent me a copy to review, which I did and promptly gave it 7/10 loosing a few points because of a poor DVD transfer. Just yesterday he dropped me another note to update me on his progress at getting a new DVD release, marketing the movie in Hollywood, and his new movie. The main point is that it's now on the Hollywood remake list.

Laranas has started his own blog and on it you can read his update from his trip to L.A.

I was just having a meeting at Starbucks, minding my own business, when I suddenly got a phone call from Tessa Jazmines (Daily Variety reporter). What she told me then blew me away, "The hollywood producer of The Ring and The Grudge remakes wants to see Sigaw. Roy Lee wants a screener of your film.".

Awesome! Seriously Laranas showed some serious talent in Sigaw, and if you haven't caught it in the cinema yet then I suggest you do, get it on DVD now, or wait for the DVD re-release. Laranas goes on to talk about the key things that have happened this year...

1. Roy is setting up a remake for Sigaw. We now call it "The Echo" (it's a cool title!) 2. We premiered at the ScreamfestLA last October and won best music... ...6. The Echo got awesome reviews from Kevin Thomas of LA Times, Keith Breese of, Richard Brunton of TheMovieBlog, Staci Wilson of, Todd of TwitchFilm, Scott of HorrorMovies, Rowena Aquino of Asia Pacific Arts (UCLA),, etc... 7. I've befriended two of the coolest producers in Hollywood: Roy Lee and Shin Shimosawa 8. Had an informal brainstorming for The Echo with writer Stephen Susco (The Grudge). Stephen will write The Echo on spec. Such a great guy. I hope to work with him some time.

I also asked him (check the comments on his post) about the DVD re-release and he replied that they are reproducing early next year. This is great news as the current DVD transfer is not perfect and does affect the movie slightly, and with a remake happening it's all go for Laranas. Well done!

Posted by at December 7, 2005 07:20 AM