December 16, 2005

Sigaw Director talks remake

Sigaw.jpgOver at his Blog, Yam Laranas speaks of his desire for a remake of his movie Sigaw - if you remember I reviewed it recently and it scored high, even higher if the DVD transfer was better, and the news that it's getting a new treatment was superb - and you can see quite clearly why, indeed you find you actually agree with him.

I want a remake of Sigaw.

I want The Echo made. I actually wanted to change a few things in the original : add and remove a few scenes - making it more compact and loose the unimportant stuff. Sometimes you realize these things once your film is out there and then you get to see the audience's reactions. I wish I could have done a few changes then (but never had the opportunity) and I think hopefully the remake will be my chance...the story will just get better. I will still do camera and lighting so the big part of the original is there - only better.

He's short and to the point, and you can understand why, especially if you've seen the film. It is excellent, and an updated transfer would push how good it is even more. Yet there are a couple of things that could be added to and built on, and the audience made to feel even worse! Fantastic.

At least I have the permission from the director...

You certainly do, it's him you dafties!. So we just need to keep watching this space. Hopefully Laranas will keep us updated, and possibly even before he posts on his blog.

Posted by at December 16, 2005 02:55 PM


10 points to Richard for the use of the phrase "dafties", lol.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 17, 2005 12:22 PM