December 15, 2005

Shatner returns to Star Trek?

StarTrek.jpgOkay, I thought that when the news came out that Braga had left Star Trek was heading in the right direction, then Patrick Stewart talked about the money backing a new movie and even Bryan Singer talked about wishing to direct, I thought this was superb news and Star Trek was back. Not now it seems.

According to Can Mag through Cinematical, rumours are flying of the most bizarre Star Trek movie ever... is said to take place in a "mirror" universe, where folks from the past, present and future can all hang out and talk shop. Yeah, you know what I'm about to say next, right? Word right now is that, not only will Picard be in the film, but Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and Captain Archer (Scott Bakula).

Oh sweet lord...say it 'ain't so. To me this reeks of some Exec shouting "Let's get in all the characters that played high on demographics with those trekky people and throw them into one movie. That'll make money!"...Surely there's no one out there thinks this could be a good movie?

Posted by at December 15, 2005 07:38 AM


Do I think this would be a good premise for a whole movie?! Hell No!!!
Do I think this would make a good cameo scene?!!! sure!!! What Trek fan wouldn't want to see great characters from past and present put together?!
Just like with anything else in Hollywood, films all come down to 2 things: plot and script! Great actors and special effects people can be easily found. Stunt casting is fine as long as the film is not built around it.
The only thing i am happy about is that major players who want to bring Trek back in the right direction are talking about it.
Anybody who has read STAR TREK:MOVIE MEMORIES and read various interviews knows that William Shatner deeply regretted killing off Kirk in Generations and did everything he could to stop it up until the day of shooting. I don't blame him for what happened since paramount threatened to sue him if he did not agree to film the scene.
William Shatner really wants to stay involved in Trek behind the scenes and I think he would really be behind anyone who tries to bring Trek back in the right direction. If giving him a cameo in the next film will allow that...Hell let him do it!!!
Trek fans need all the help we can get nowadays!

p.s. like i said before If only we could get Bryan Singer together with Patrick Stewart(and Shatner?) to take over the Trek franchise, its future would definitely be assured, even if Singer couldn't direct, at least with an Exec Producer credit he would make sure it stayed on course!

Posted by: jason presti at December 15, 2005 08:29 AM

I think it could be a good Trek movie. Screw cameo, get Shatner back as the lead. Make Stewart the cameo. (no Archer, please. Maybe down the road) Anything to reverse the horrible death scene from Generations. Before anyone gets all antsy about that, let me say that we don't even know if the Kirk that came out with Picard was the real freakin Kirk. After all Guinan was still hanging out in the Nexas. Really, anything that gets Shatner back as Kirk, I'm hyped for. I hope its a good movie and we can finally give the original Trek a decent send off.

As for Singer, considering how bad he is screwing up Superman (and while they where good movies, he didn't really get the Xmen either), I think it would be best that he sticks with his own stuff. That said, Singer would still be better than Rick and company so I'll admit it isn't the worse thing that could happen.

Posted by: Rob Merritt at December 15, 2005 09:14 AM

I strongly disagree. I think this has a small bit of merit to it, because the Mirror Universe has been played out in all Trek series but 'TNG'. It was also in 'DS9' where some 'mirror' characters came through to create havoc in the 'normal' Trek world.

Oh wait. There is one small glitch. In the Mirror Universe, 'Archer' was killed off. So unless the 'real' Archer makes the crossover, or 'Mirror Archer' leaves a Captian's log of some sort, there goes this interesting idea in a flush and swirl.

Now, as to an entire Trek film set in the Mirror, no. It would have to be part of the story, but not all characters should be originating from the Mirror Universe. Overall, though, it's not a bad idea.

Posted by: darren seeley at December 15, 2005 09:29 AM

They don't have to use the Mirror Universe as a plot device to bring back old characters. They could easily do Time Travel. Every Star Trek movie that used Time Travel was successful.
If they do this movie, they better do it fast. Shatner's getting a lil old to be running around as Capt. Kirk.

Posted by: slybri at December 15, 2005 12:02 PM

It´s a very bizarre idea. And it´s even more difficult to do it. Anyway, it´s only rumorology.

I don´t think the future of Star Trek goes through that way. But who knows...

Posted by: Peter at December 15, 2005 01:00 PM