December 14, 2005

Rocky gets blogging

I have a great issue with the word Blog and what it entails, and one thing that does not belong in the realms of the term Blog when a movie marketing campaign hires someone to create a Blog to sell a movie, it's not a Blog. Yet that's just what's happened for Rocky Balboa.

Through Cinematical we hear the news that the marketing people for Rocky have decided to make a Rocky Blog...although they only have one post there so far, it has a short clip of Stallone talking about blocking out a fight scene and dressed in a couple of Rocky's costumes - man he looks great for his age...damn, he looks great for my age!

However I can't help hating this marketing trend. I mean if you're going to do a blog give the authoring rights to one or more people involved who can post whatever they feel is good, don't vet and censor every piece of content going in as we've seen on movies before...that's dull. Or, get the big names to do the content, like Sly himself. Don't market it as a Blog if all you're doing is repackaging the leaking of titbits and teasers to keep the fans interesting...Oh, and the other thing is to reply and interact, so far no one from the movie has come back to the comments.

Let's see how this one progresses.

Posted by at December 14, 2005 02:21 PM


Rich my friend, I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you here. The Blog it self doesn't necessarily have to be run by the big shots. I can see why this is being done. Blogs are growing and growing - people are finding new ways to use them every day. Although this isn't the first time a movie has marketed its self using a blog ( Gawker Media created a blog for A dirty shame ). This approach will keep fans in the loop, and allow them to see and read about the production of a major motion picture. Personally I think it's great, and let me ask you this, you know a lot about blogs, if a producer came to you and asked you to build a blog for their movie, would you do it?

Posted by: Brad Shipston at December 14, 2005 02:44 PM

That's not the point. This isn't a blog, it's an advertising tool. It's just the same content that would be put on the website or leaked through other sites normally. It's not a Blog.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 14, 2005 02:47 PM

You may be right, but I'm an optimist and I love the idea of blogging -correctly-. So we will have to see if it is taken care of the proper way. It would normally have the potential of being something pretty speacial. Many blogs only last about a year, something like the Movie Blog is a huge commitment and but people would enjoy an 8 to 12 month read.

Let's see how it goes.

Oh by the way, I just got back from Philly and I have some great shots of the Rocky statue, I'll have show them to you.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at December 14, 2005 09:06 PM

Hey Rich,
her are the pics of Rocky I commented about. Not to bad.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at December 15, 2005 11:57 AM