December 05, 2005

Rocky 6 first picture online

Rocky6-Still.jpgThe first pictures of Sylvester Stallone starring as Rocky in the new movie from the franchise, Rocky 6 or VI, are now online. I have to say that Stallone is looking really good, that man knows how to look after himself and I am jealous!

Thanks to Dark Horizons for sourcing the pictures from both ESPN and Women Boxing.

The ESPN pictures show a couple of pictures of him at a real fight waving to fans, but also has three pictures of him entering the ring in character in front of the camera. Women Boxing have a cool shot of him facing off to his main opponent for a weigh in, and he looks awesome.

Have a look and tell us what you think, early shots, but still I'm getting a little excited about seeing him back.

Posted by at December 5, 2005 05:39 AM


He still has the looks for the movie at his am impressed!!! It gives me the motivation to stop playing my video games and actually the gym again when a 50 something (???) man can look that good physically and I complain about PTing when it is cold outside!!!!!!!!! Maybe this movie will live up to its counter parts.

Posted by: MechoPower at December 5, 2005 09:39 AM

Doesn't the IV in "Rocky IV" stand for "FOUR" and not "SIX"?

I was thinking that maybe I missed out on 4 and 5 somehow...

Posted by: xinit [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 5, 2005 02:47 PM

You're right, it does. Rocky IV is Rocky 4. This post is about Rocky VI or 6.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 5, 2005 04:19 PM

Whow that dude is looking massive. what chunk of muscle he's good!
I'm flabbergasted that he has got a cut like that again. AWesome!!!
I can't wait until the movie comes out!
He really gives me the motivation to have daily workouts

Posted by: Simon Winnecke at December 9, 2005 11:38 AM

Sly's back...once again. He maybe ageing, but he can still pack a punch. Its good that this film is going to be based more around Rocky himself, rather than another fighter i.e. tommy gunn.

He will go the distance, once again!!!

Posted by: John Malcolm at December 12, 2005 11:59 AM