December 05, 2005

Richard reviews Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

HarryPotter-GOF-Poster.jpgThere are a number of things I have to say right up front. Firstly I don't read the Harry Potter books, secondly I know this is late but when I was in the Edinburgh Ocean Terminal Vue Cinema I couldn't believe how many people were still going to see this movie, the cinema was packed, and what was more surprising to me is that it was packed with all manner of people. Young kids (way too young) with their parents, couples my age, and even a couple of old ladies who had to be helped up the stairs! Fantastic, when have you seen that diverse crowd in a cinema?

So, late or not, this review is going up!

Straight up though I have to say, I wasn't as impressed at this movie as I was by Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, for me that movie is still the best of the Harry Potter series, but now not by much. For this movie is a very close second.

It is, as everyone seems to agree, much darker than the other movies and I really do like this aspect. It's a well written story, and seems to lead things well to the next installment. The tension and suspense are built well throughout, towards a strong and fitting climax. Some have said that the ending is confusing if you haven't read the books, I do disagree although you'll obviously have had to have seen the movies.

The effects are superb, and the best of the series to date. You just have to watch the Dragons in action to understand what I mean, they are stunning creations and totally believable too. As are the effects in the underwater sequence, a sequence that is well edited and provides one of the most powerful and scariest moments of the film. This is surely where its rating comes from. Yet it's a perfect scene to provide the more adult issues facing Potter and his friends, and shows that his life is becoming more serious and more involved with events outside of his school world.

However, there are issues I have with this movie and some with the whole series itself. For instance, Potter is a wizard and he's in a wizard school, and yet you hardly ever see him casting spells and he openly says that his strong point is flying. I don't get this, and I realise there are differences in the books, but I'm talking about the movies, and in these he appears as a bottom of the class wizard. Indeed this is the first time I remember him casting successful spells. Then, with all that, he goes on to fight one of the most powerful creatures in the universe, or so we're led to believe. For me that's quite a leap in the story.

This last battle also comes to a very contrived ending which seems far too convenient, appearing as it does out of absolute nowhere. It's a "get out clause" that appears just in time and is explained later on. For me this reeks of the characters being written into a corner and a quick backdoor being created for them. I really didn't like this moment.

The entire movie seems harshly and overly edited, there was barely time to keep up as we leapt from pivotal scene to pivotal scene with rarely a breather for character development or backstory. You could tell this has been seriously cut down. Scenes seemed to begin late and end early, with characters just appearing ready to go. For me this didn't have the affect of keeping up the pace but actually harming it and racing on too fast with the story.

The acting is interesting among the younger cast in this movie, Daniel Radcliffe seems to have an awkwardness about him, and perhaps that's him playing the character, but it's apparent in most scenes where emotions are called for.

Emma Watson will have to mature some and learn to tone down her acting, for she was guilty of overacting at times. Yet I can see her becoming a big star in the future. She has the looks and you can see great performances in her.

Surprisingly it was Rupert Grint that provided the best performance from the young cast for me. He just seemed so natural in every scene, and so believable.

Overall I was impressed by the effects and the darkness of the story, yet the editing and the too pacey story meant that I didn't have time to follow the pace of the movie rather I had to race to keep up. I suspect this may take another viewing to appreciate it, or perhaps even a fuller DVD version, but for me this falls in as the second best Potter movie to date.

IMDB UK movie details
My voting history on UK IMDB

Posted by at December 5, 2005 05:30 AM


Thank you Richard...finally someone understands what I have been trying to say about this movie!!! Make sure John and Simone read this review as they might now understand what I was trying to say on his (John's) blog!!! And I will leave you alone Simone, I swear!!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 5, 2005 08:27 AM

I wonder what I would have thought of it if I hadn't read the book. Having read the book you can see how much was chopped out, but having read the book I understand some of the things that might have been lost on me if I hadn't. Overall I enjoyed it immensely, although Dobby and Winky's absences were a major downer. But I was left feeling that it was a case of "we have to make this film to continue the series, so let's do it and don't worry if no-one understands some it". Going thru the motions one could say, although that may be a little harsh.

Posted by: Darren at December 5, 2005 08:51 AM

LOL @ MechoPower. No, I dont want you to leave me alone!!!! Stay!!! *winks*

I was actually lookig forward to Richard's review.

To be more honest, I dont care that much for the Harry Potter movies. So my recent viewing of it will not affect me that much. Maybe its a bit of a lame excuse, but that's prolly the reason why I couldnt be bothered with the issues that has been raised how the 4th film is not as good, whether it has been seen by readers of the book or in this case, non-readers. I enjoyed it, but to explain further by analysing this and that, I dont see the point if I dont feel passionate towards it.

Not sure if I made sense there, but I tried!

Posted by: Simone at December 5, 2005 09:34 AM

No, I completely understand Simone...I happen to love the HP books and movies, even though I think this last one was crap...but anyways, I happen to be "passionate" as you say and now I can see why you gave it to me when I would dis the Star Wars prequels...even though I still stand firm and say they suck!!!!!!!! And yes, I am sure there will be more topics to argue about...or agree upon too...but it is more fun to argue!!!!!!! I will always be here for you Simone...HaHa!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 5, 2005 09:43 AM

you forget something...
the soundtrack... it's crap... what happened to JW?

Posted by: maegraukar at December 5, 2005 10:21 AM

Well if you dis Star Wars prequels in the future, then we will have a great time arguing, looking forward to it!!! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at December 5, 2005 01:15 PM

Sorry Simone but Mech you will always have me in your corner when it comes to Star Wars prequels.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 5, 2005 08:13 PM

No problems Crackerjack, I'd rather defend the Star Wars prequels on my own, that's it, gang up on me you two! LOL

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2005 05:53 AM

My brother hates anything I say negative about episodes 1 through 3. I was just playing a new Star Wars game on the xbox tonight (because the geekiness never ends) and they had scenes from the different films and tonight I saw a clip from episode four and it just made me remember how nice and real it looked when they used to actually build sets and had people physicaly there in costume. I like CG when used right but Lucas goes overboard. I just think he should have stuck to producing and let someone else direct. Also more focus on acting, he had some of the best actors around and they are comical because he doesn't seem to let them act, or maybe it's just hard against a green screen talking to a floating tennis ball. Sorry Simone, Lucas just let me down. Although the scene in the last film after Kenobi defeats Anakin Ewan was superb, very powerful when he is yelling at Anakin, love that scene.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 7, 2005 01:40 AM

Woah...did I review Star Wars?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 7, 2005 03:59 AM

LOL @ Rich. Sorry that the topic has changed from HP to SW.

Nah Crackerjack, I respect you more than anything else, besides I have made my peace to those who didnt like the prequels at all.

Going back to HP for Richard's sake, I agree that the effects are fab in this film.

Posted by: Simone at December 7, 2005 07:16 AM

I did like the effects in HP, I need to go see it again while its still in theaters. My blushing bride would like that, now just to find time and energy.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 7, 2005 08:41 PM