December 10, 2005

Pierce Brosnan now likes new Bond?

BrosnanBond.jpgWhat is going on with Pierce Brosnan? One minute we're hearing that he doesn't like Bond and he's shouting and swearing about him and the franchise, next minute he's full of praise. Now he's saying that Daniel Craig will make a great Bond in Casino Royale!

Previously with Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan Says F-U To Bond Producers, Pierce Brosnan Says Bond Producers Regret Decision Already, Pierce Brosnan speaks on leaving Bond and Pierce Brosnan Still Wanted To Be Bond. All very odd.

News from the UK paper the Daily Mirror through Digital Spy claims...

Pierce Brosnan thinks that Daniel Craig is an excellent choice for James Bond. The actor believes that producers should now let Craig play a grittier 007.

"When you look at Ian Fleming's work, it's there on the page. The martinis, the drugs, the cigarettes, the casino, the blood on the hands. But they never went there," Pierce told The Mirror.

"Hopefully, they will go there with Daniel. They have the product, they have the man, and I'm sure they will."

He even says he's a fabulous actor...flaky or what?

Posted by at December 10, 2005 12:59 PM


I just read another story last night that said that they aren't going to have Bond smoke. And along with the fact that Craig 'hates guns' and what they can do it seems theyre going in the exact opposite direction that Brosnan wants.

He's right though, if they would stop worrying about being so politically correct and make a real gritty, macho, sexy, violent Bond they'd have a blockbuster hit. I doubt you can make that kind of Bond though today, unfortunately.

Posted by: Jonesy at December 10, 2005 02:43 PM

It sounds like Brosnon was more upset at the producers of the Bond series with this whole ordeal. He probably doesn't have anything again Craig personally and I think it's cool that he's giving him a kind of thumbs-up for the role.

Posted by: Jason at December 10, 2005 03:38 PM

I'd like to know why the media keeps calling Craig "the first blonde Bond"--wasn't Roger Moore a blonde ?

Posted by: drake at December 10, 2005 03:44 PM

Craig said at his press conference when he was announced that he'd spoken to Brosnan before hand who told him to "go for it". Brosnan has never had a problem with Craig.

He did have a problem with people he'd known for 25 yrs, people he said who go on about them all being "family" firing him over the phone without much of any explantation after he'd been publically asked back and they said the role was his for as long as he wanted.

That article where he says maybe they're regreting their decison was from an interview Brosnan did with Entertainment Weekly back in the summer before Craig was even announced.

Roger had dark blonde hair and it was dyed brown for Bond. I think the media harp on his blondness because it would be rude to refer to him as the first homely and not too tall blonde.

Posted by: ember at December 10, 2005 04:14 PM

Thank you drake for noticing the blond thing, I had a problem with that too. In Peirce's quote he mentions drugs, I have been reading the Bond books and I can't recall drugs particularly Bond using can someone clear that up for me?

Posted by: crackerjack at December 10, 2005 07:25 PM

Bond uses Benzedrine to keep himself awake/alert -- most often mixing it with alcohol. The most notable examble is Moonraker before the card game, but also in LALD and TSWLM.

Posted by: ember at December 10, 2005 11:23 PM

Thank you ember, I had forgoten that part in Moonraker. I guess when I read drugs I thought of harder stuff, I just kind of wrote benzedrine off. That would make for a good scene in a film to show the flawed side of Bond. Thanks again for reminding me.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 11, 2005 12:08 AM

Just a few quick lines..I was totally bowled over when I first heard the news regarding Daniel Craig being the next Bond ! Where the hell did this guy come from?? There is just no way he should have ever have been a candidate. It truly makes me think that it is another case of "juice".."who you know,not what you know". Just WHERE does the connection/catagory of "handsome" fit in? Suave..debonair.. Whoever was in charge of casting definately "lost the plot". I've been a long time Bond fan and remember going to see Sean Connery at the movie theatre / cinema in "You only live twice".
For me there was and is only one true Bond and that's Connery. Coming in right behind was Pierce Brosnan who also was nothing short of excellent. I predict the re-make of Casino Royale will be a disaster sounding the death knell for James. The Bond films have had a good run and should best be remembered for their originality and classic performances of the actors involved. The film industry is just grasping at straws with all these re-makes. The movies "The Italian Job" and "Alfie" are classic examples of poor re-makes. If the film industry want todays youth to experience classic film then just re-issue the originals on the big screen. By doing this film goers today will also gain some insight into our past culture, and will come to appreciate truly great acting without all of the special computer generated special effects that are put into films of this era just to draw bigger audiences. WOW!..Sorry i thought i was going to keep this short !

Posted by: ukguy at December 11, 2005 08:52 PM