December 04, 2005

Patrick Stewart on Star Trek rumours

PatrickStewart.jpgPatrick Stewart the former Captain of the Enterprise is talking openly about the plans for another movie, and it's not a prequel but a sequel. This seems to be more than rumour too, but actual hard money talks.

From UK Teletext through Dark Horizons comes the news that Stewart has been in these talks and he'd be interested in boldly going again, despite saying for years now that it's over...

"But there are weighty people in Hollywood who are very interested in one more run around the holodeck. There are serious plans. I was told this may happen two or three years down the road, by which time I'll be able to sit again in the captain's chair, but then again, it's not all that far away and if I'm in good shape I'd love to do it".

So there are indeed good messages coming out. Combine this with the news that Brannon Braga has left and that Bryan Singer would love to direct a Star Trek movie and I think there's a genuine upward trend here. In a few years they might have the right creatives on board (so to speak) and a decent crack at it.

Posted by at December 4, 2005 10:57 AM


Just so long as the folks bring back Manny Coto from "Enterprise" who turned the show around in the last season and...


Sign up John De Lancie as Q and make everyone happy.

Posted by: darren seeley at December 4, 2005 05:31 PM

I got a better idea; Sign up Bryan Singer and make everyone happy by providing the first GOOD Next Generation movie, lol.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 4, 2005 07:39 PM

This could be the saving grace of the Trek franchise if we could also get rid of Berman. I just hope that Braga leaving will lead to the abandonment of the current plans for a prequel trilogy involving the Romulan war. Currently they have a producer that has never done Sci-fi let alone a trek film and a director who stated outright that he does not like Trek and never wanted to direct a Trek film. He was paid off and told that this next film will not be like a "trek" film.
The ultimate fan dream would be for Patrick Stewart and Bryan Singer to get together and "take over" the Franchise, and for Singer to get a "producer" credit. Even though Singer's schedule will not be free for a couple years this would ensure that the franchise stays in the right hands. Plus, If Something happened and Singer was not able to direct the film, at least with a producer credit he would be able to make sure a capable director took over for him.
The other fan dream would be for paramount to let go of the purse strings and let J. Michael Straczinki(Babylon 5) take over the Trek TV franchise. He has been stating over and over that he would love to do it and that they "offered" it to him but they would not make him "Executive producer". With all that he has accomplished there is no way J.M. should be taking orders from a Berman or Braga, although thankfully Braga is out now. The greatest thing would be for J.M. to team up with Ira Steven Behr? the producer of DS9, the last truly creative Trek show after next generation, but that's just me.

Posted by: jason presti at December 5, 2005 08:17 AM

I actually like Berman's most recent idea. Where the current leaders of the country... G.W., Cheney, Condi Rice, and Rumsfeld get somehow transported to the 44th century where earth has been invaded by the species that A.L.F. is. The leaders team up with futuristic cybernetic dolphins and attempt to save the day. In the end, we come to find out that Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's, isnt atually dead, he just became immortal and began his plan to rule the earth. And somehow the crew from SeaQuest gets involved too... It sounds AWESOME. Can i say it again? AWESOME.

Posted by: G.W. at December 5, 2005 08:51 PM