December 05, 2005

Pang Brothers direct The Darkness

TheEyePoster.jpgThe Pang Brothers, otherwise known as Danny Pang and Oxide Pang Chun, have been responsible for some great Asian movies, particularly The Eye and Bangkok Dangerous. Now they're set to direct the comic book The Darkness.

According to Coming Soon:

Platinum Studios, an entertainment company that controls the world's largest independent library of comic book characters, and Blue Star Pictures have inked a deal with directors Danny and Oxide Pang to direct the upcoming feature film, The Darkness, based on the popular comic book published by Top Cow Productions...

...In The Darkness, mafia hitman Jackie Estacado discovers he is the heir to a formidable mystical force called the Darkness and he is the only one who can stop a supernatural power bent on enslaving humanity.

There's, surprisingly, a videogame already in the works, who would have guessed. However I'm excited about seeing the Pang Brothers in Hollywood and what they can do, and if they can continue the success they've already shown where so many Asian Directors who have stepped across have failed.

Posted by at December 5, 2005 05:26 AM


I'm not.

I hated "Bangkok Dangerous' and 'The Eye' was...okay..but not as great as everyne made it out to be. I repeat:
I hated 'Bangkok Dangerous
I hated 'Bangkok Dangerous
I hated 'Bangkok Dangerous
I hated 'Bangkok Dangerous

May they catch a train back to freakin' Thailand I hated that movie so much...

Posted by: darren seeley at December 5, 2005 08:21 AM