December 06, 2005

Own your own Porn Company!

Now I don't just mean physically, I mean the whole shooting match (if you'll pardon the pun) from complete DVD Inventory and Archives to a complete Editing Suite, Cameras and Lighting equipment, Real Estate network for shooting, working relationships with Adult Stars and Adult Industry Lawyers, the list goes on. You can own the lot by simply bidding on ebay!

Thanks to Lee for the tip, through The Register the entire ebay listing let's you know everything you need to from the full inventory to cashflow...

Gross Income Estimate / Year - US $720,000 Cash Flow Estimate / Year - US $240,000

...through to the advice for purchasing...

  • You must be at least 22 years of age.
  • You must have a very open mind towards this type of business.
  • Your immediate family members must approve of this lifestyle. (Main reason why owners are selling this company).
  • Although the Adult Stars perform for you in front of the camera. This doesn’t mean you can treat them with disrespect. Reputation is everything in this business. Word gets out fast. You must be professional. YOU MUST BE Professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • We strongly recommended that you live in a state with a predominantly non-conservative attitude (Blue States).
  • Must be a competent business minded person. Although you’ll have a large head start over other rivals, never forget that this is a business nonetheless. Run it like a business and you will have no problems.
  • You need an editor who can use Final Cut Pro or Avid Express. You also need a cameraman to film your movie. All of this can be learned at local community colleges if you don’t posses these skills already. Although our editing system will come with an instruction booklet, let’s be realistic, spend a few hundred bucks and take class on editing.

Only US $100,000! I'm starting a paypal link from the site, with donations I reckon we can have The Movie Blog Porn Company running in a few months!

Posted by at December 6, 2005 07:32 AM


To hell with the Movieblog getting that company. its mine... all mine...

i even have a name for it. yes you guessed it.

"Pablos Perfecto Porn Production Palace, or "The Four Ps" if using shorthand.

Posted by: pablo at December 6, 2005 08:55 AM

Damn, dude... you're REALLY reaching. Does this really need to be on this site? :-(


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 6, 2005 12:21 PM

Why not Vic? It's about the Movie Industry, it's not "reaching" at all.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 6, 2005 12:50 PM

Hey, why not make it into a movieblog stock corporation? :D
You could probably raise funds faster that way, than just through pure money begging with paypal... ;)

I bet the movieblog porn stocks would "fly of the shelf" during the holliday... ;)

Posted by: morten at December 6, 2005 06:36 PM


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 6, 2005 09:53 PM

Don't get what the big deal is with the posting.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 7, 2005 05:07 AM

Sorry, bud, it's just with SO much movie news out there does the site really need to sink to the level of having an article about porn?


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 7, 2005 09:16 AM

It's about movies is it not? What if Sony-EMI was selling up? Or is it a genre specific issue here? I hail to the movieblog for NOT discriminating / censoring news based on specific companies, genres, actors, etc etc etc

Oh, Pablo, learn to count ;-)

Posted by: Lee at December 7, 2005 10:28 AM

i still only count four p's.... hmmm, let me try again. nope still get four :)

yes richard, it is clearly immoral/unethical/blah/blah to post about something so disgusting and hideous. i think its time the movieblog turned into its own censorship organisation.

While we are on the subject with adults talking to adults. Could doug and john please refrain from using "the f word" in their audio blogs as it hurts my ears.

Posted by: pablo at December 7, 2005 10:42 AM

Yeah, that was gonna be my point. Why is Adult Entertainment not classed as being in the Movie Industry?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 7, 2005 02:01 PM

Calling porn adult entertainment… that’s funny, that like saying a M16 is a sporting rifle for hunting deer. You know I know the movie blog is not designed or executed in a “Family Programming Manor” But any time Porn is added to the mix it cheapens the cause. Whether it’s joke, an episode of friends or yes even the valued Movie Blog. Yes, I guess there is porn “movies” but really do we go oh that’s directed by so and so. Most guys I know have no interest in the movie aspect of porn. They just want their money shot.

Oh and yeah I would bet good money that there are teens out there who read The Movie Blog. Now the using “the F word” is a valid point. But even in the movie circle an occasional F Bomb has no where near the ratings jump as porn. I mean doesn’t a PG-13 movie allow one F Bomb per show. So to make that comparison is legitimate but it doesn’t quite hold up. Now I know that everyone out there knows internet and porn go hand in hand… yuck, pardon the pun. So some out there is going to say it’s not like any 13 year old couldn’t find porn if they wanted to but really, does that make it right?

Well we all know the best way to discrete anyone’s argument is to make an extreme example of that persons point of view or make an extreme example of the other side’s point of view. Which congratulation Paplo, you did a good job, next would be to make some sort of Hitler comparison then call the person a racist or in Vics case a “Fundamentalists Nut Job”. Then finally just resort to name calling. Kind of like John was describing how that guy called him a racist.

Richard I see you arguing this point to the end. But really Vic was not that harsh he just stated he thought you made a bad call on this and there was better things to talk about out there.

Really, you post so much you could have just left this one out and the whole world would have never know or missed anything. You do a great job nobody is arguing that point. I would say in a legalistic point you were way within your parameters to put up this post but it was just a “bad call”. Finally, if porn is so interesting and valid, here is a good link that would make a great post that has to do with porn. It’s a much more original take on the porn “Movie” industry.


Posted by: Russell at December 7, 2005 04:45 PM

Either way they removed the listing from Ebay...

Posted by: Bert Grantges at December 7, 2005 05:33 PM

If it weren't for the Adult Industry the Movie Industry wouldn't have evolved as far as it has. VHS, DVD and Internet delivery have all been adopted and exploited by the Adult Industry before taken on by the mainstream, they've pushed the delivery of movies.

I totally disagree with leaving this out, that takes a judgement call on your part to say that this is not worthy of being discussed, and yet here we are discussing it.

For all the negative points made against this post it's obvious that they are coming from the point of view that is against the Adult Industry on a moralistic viewpoint.

As for Pablo's comments, I hardly think he's the one taking the argument to the extreme level. In fact you just did that in the same paragraph!

The Adult Industry make movies, and they have always been at the forefront of movie technology. I still don't see what the problem is with this post. As Pablo said, if this were about a studio outwith the Adult Industry being sold on ebay there would be no problem, these negative comments are concerned with the Adult aspect. Yet, they still make movies.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 7, 2005 06:27 PM

Yep probably everything you said was right. Obviously it is a morality issue and it was a judgment call . That the whole point you (in just my opinion) showed poor judgment because you posted this blog on such a morality issue. Porn rates a zero on morality. No redeeming qualities.

Also true to form you are defending your position admitting no sparkle of doubt. Which by the way I appreciate a response.

As far as Paplo he absolutely tried wining a debate using dirty tactics weather he knows it or not. I sure he’s a great guy. But to make the extreme comment of changing the Movie Blog to a censorship organization. Doing so showed a classic extreme response to a rational comment. All I did was point the natural evolution of an argument. Think I’m wrong, next time watch two guys get into a “debate”, watch how fast those tactics come out. Was it wrong to associate them to Paplo maybe? Maybe I was being unfair to him because I thought he was being unfair to Vic. I will consider that.

Richard your pinning your validity of the Porn industry because of there cutting edge technology in distributing. That seems so crazy to me. Porn is every red blooded person’s right if they so choose. As long as all parties are blah blah blah. I know that.

But what I am saying and said before and what Vic tried to say was Porn is an unmoral beast of an industry that can if unchecked ruin lives. It is every adults right, I have no right to tell you what you should or should not watch at home. Just like smoking and drinking it’s your right. All I am trying to say is as any adults, we should be careful, religious or not, we should try to keep it out of the main stream forums like the movie blog as much as possible. Especially when more impressionable young people have access to our views. I am sure their are a ton of porn blogs that that posting would have been much more suitable for.

Posted by: Russell at December 7, 2005 07:02 PM

I do not see what the big deal is with porn. It is just nude people making babies on film. I for one am not going to protest the making of babies in any way shape or form. I am pretty sure some of the readers on this site were at one time babies themselves.

This was a funny, tongue in cheek post (no pun intended). Richard told me that he has never even watched an adult film, he is just reporting the news. Richard is a newsman.

p.s. Some of the teens that read this site have heard words like "porn" and "bum" today; please ask your parents what these words mean when you move out of the house.

Posted by: Doug Nagy at December 7, 2005 11:36 PM

If you guys (Richard, pablo, Lee) really and truly don't understand why I made my comments there really is no point in my trying to explain it further.


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 7, 2005 11:43 PM

Oh, maybe you can ponder on why Ebay removed the listing. It's just a movie company after all... right?


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 7, 2005 11:44 PM

I thought it was a cool news story.

Posted by: Borloff at December 8, 2005 01:40 AM

I am not pinning my validity of the Adult Entertainment Industry on furthering Movie Technology, I thought that was an interesting point to make. I pin it on the phrase "they make movies".

Your last statement falls into the realms of "nannying", and as Pablo said "censoring" what people can and can't read or see because a small group of people use their own moral viewpoints to judge what is right for them.

Much like the argument for videogames, and TV and literature in the past, there's nothing proven to show that Adult Movies wreck your life. As for participating in the Industry, for every negative story there are many, many positive stories.

I think as Adults we should treat others as Adults, and I mean that in every aspect of life. We should be honest and open and make others decide. Watching Porn does not make you an evil person who either fails in relationships, treats people badly, etc. Playing videogames does not make you kill people. Reading D.H. Lawrence did not make people have illicit sex anymore than they already were.

If we're going to not write about this, should we not write about Nine Songs - a "mainstream movie" with full sexual acts - or Russ Meyers B movies, it just doesn't stop there.

Vic - I appreciate your comments and I do like chatting to you, but I don't credit that statement that there's no point in explaining it further. Oh, and there could be many reasons why it could be removed - false, sold to another studio, removed because their immediate family accepted their profession, removed because it violates some law Business somewhere, anything. After all there are many adult related items for sale on ebay.

Thanks Doug and Borloff.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 8, 2005 03:55 AM

wow. I must admit i was trying to be funny in my post as i thought the original post was to be taken in a bit of light humour.

Granted it probably didn't work, but there you go.

As for the serious bits of the postings:

If i don't like a movie genre then i don't watch it or i post negatively about it, but i never say it shouldn't appear on the movieblog, thats just silly.

One of the beauties of the internet is discussing with people from all backgrounds and thats what makes it interesting. Shoe-horning the movieblog into a nice little box by excluding things we don't like would make it a little boring to say the least.

Is is just me, or are the different opinions, of ALL the posters on this website what makes us all come time and again?

Posted by: pablo at December 8, 2005 05:31 AM

Richard, you know my opinion of you, so I hope you just take this all as a non-personal discussion. :-)

"a small group of people use their own moral viewpoints"

See, now there's the problem, the concept of relative morality (and why I made my statement about discussion being futile). Even if you think morals are relative, you have to ask relative to what? You can't have something be relative to nothing, it has to be relative to some absolute.

Relative morality taken to it's extreme justifies the likes of NAMBLA. I mean if everyone has their own "personal" morality, they can pretty much justify anything.

And of course watching porn doesn't make you "evil", but I dare say that porn has led to more ruined marriages/lives than watching violent movies has.


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 8, 2005 01:03 PM

"but I dare say that porn has led to more ruined marriages/lives than watching violent movies has."

How? What the figures? That's as bad as the killer who blamed his crimes on Kojak. Just saying it isn't so. There isn't a proven link between watching porn and ruined marriages\lives.

I attended a presentation a few months ago from a senior manager in my company's what you could call MI area, and he made a very interesting quote. Now you will forgive me for not having the exact year, but I can get this if required. "The year that the divorce rate soared in the UK, the sale of Bananas increased by the same amount."

He uses that quote to demonstrate that correlations can be created or misinterpreted, even when there are hard facts to back up the argument.

Adult entertaiment of many kinds can be used in a relationship for very positive means. I can atest to that, and it's not just men that appreciate Adult Entertainment, it's women too. Again, I can atest to that.

Again, I can't see why an Adult movie is not still a movie.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 8, 2005 01:41 PM

First of all sorry for this post being so long. I hope I am not breaking any sort of posting etiquette.

Second, the only reason I even replied to this blog is because when Vic questioned the need for this posting, and pointed out the questionability of the subject. It seemed to me you had no understanding of his view point at all. In fact his view point was being polarized and mocked. Since I happen to share Vic’s viewpoint I chimed in. In responce to what you said.

“ nothing proven to show that Adult Movies wreck your life. As for participating in the Industry, for every negative story there are many, many positive stories”

Oh my Richrd, really…really really? You think for every negative story out there this is “many” positive stories. You mean real stories. Porn for charity stories, “How porn saved my marriage stories.” Come on, your trying so hard to be right your ignoring the truth in front of your face. Think about man. It took about 5 maybe 10 minutes to pull up a bunch of articles. Read some of the descriptions of the articles below.

“I think as Adults we should treat others as Adults, and I mean that in every aspect of life. We should be honest and open and make others decide.”

So do I. That’s why I said clearly that:
A. I have no right to tell you what you should or should not watch at home.
B. Porn is every adults right if they so choose. Remember the sentence that said blah blah blah at the end? It was that one.
C. I would say in a legalistic point you were way within your parameters to put up this post but it was just a “bad call”.

“Playing videogames does not make you kill people…If we're going to not write about this, should we not write about Nine Songs - a "mainstream movie" with full sexual acts”

Richard we are not talking about songs or video games. We are talking about porn. Please don’t put words in my mouth. I have not mentioned on thing about videogames or songs.

“ Watching Porn does not make you an evil person who either fails in relationships, treats people badly, etc.”

No it doesn’t make you evil your right. I agree with you. That’s why I never said it makes you evil. What I said was “Porn rates a zero on morality. No redeeming qualities.” I also said “Porn is an unmoral beast of an industry that can if unchecked ruin lives. “

Again look at the articles below . Those there are some ruined lives. A lot of the reason those lives are ruined is because porn was unchecked in there lives. Hey lets go step farther. Here is a piece of Ted Bundy’s last interview 16 hours before he died.

Ted: Before we go any further, it is important to me that people believe what I’m saying. I’m not blaming pornography. I’m not saying it caused me to go out and do certain things. I take full responsibility for all the things that I’ve done. That’s not the question here. The issue is how this kind of literature contributed and helped mold and shape the kinds of violent behavior.

JCD: It fueled your fantasies.

Ted: In the beginning, it fuels this kind of thought process. Then, at a certain time, it is instrumental in crystallizing it, making it into something that is almost a separate entity inside.

JCD: You had gone about as far as you could go in your own fantasy life, with printed material, photos, videos, etc., and then there was the urge to take that step over to a physical event.

Ted: Once you become addicted to it, and I look at this as a kind of addiction, you look for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. Like an addiction, you keep craving something which is harder and gives you a greater sense of excitement, until you reach the point where the pornography only goes so far - that jumping off point where you begin to think maybe actually doing it will give you that which is just beyond reading about it and looking at it.

Finally Richard, I just want to say. Not once have I mocked you or questioned your ability. I have also said this is a judgment call. I also see that as far as the topic of porn goes your posting was probably as light hearted as it can get. I am not trying to make any assumptions against you or anyone else’s character. My original intent was to maybe articulate Vics point of view a little stronger. Not to win any debate originally :0) Really that article above is strong and worth reading here is the link
Best Wishes

P.S. Please read the articles listed below. ohh and Pablo I know you were just tring to be funny. I meant when I said I am sure your a nice guy. It's just you were being funny at vics expence and consequentially my and many other peoples exspence too. But hey that how comedy works. Right Doug.

“A military jury Wednesday gave a 25-year prison sentence to a lieutenant colonel who admitted killing his wife during an argument about his use of the Internet to view pornography, an Army spokesman said.” A.P., Oct. 30, 2002.

Seven-year-old Danielle Van Dam, murdered last year in San Diego County, California, by a porn addict, became another victim of the “victimless” crime, as did the kidnapped and murdered 5-year-old Samantha Runnion of Orange County, California. Media have reported that the mother of Samantha’s accused murderer said that she saw porn on his computer.

"Father stabs his 12-year-old son in the head for refusing to perform a sex act less than one hour after downloading pornography from the Internet.” A.P., Dec. 12, 2000.

“Pedophile with backpack full of pornography assaults child in library.” The Spokane Spokesman-Review, Dec. 29, 2001.

“Two girls, ages 11 and 12 post pictures of themselves nude on the Internet, saying they were influenced by pornography on the Internet.” The Boston Herald, January 17, 2002.

“Study shows pedophiles start as young as nine, often exposed to pornography and violence. Asia Intelligence Wire, September 10, 2002.

“A man was arrested for masturbating while on the computer in the children's department at the Cleveland Public Library downtown Wednesday. According to security officers at the library, a security camera caught 23-year-old John Titter with his hands down his pants at the library. … Titter was busted in October 2002, for downloading child pornography at the Mayfield Village Library.”, Cleveland, April 10, 2003.

Porn performer “Reagan Starr,” in an interview with Talk Magazine in February 2001, described her experience while filming Rough Sex 2 in horrific terms. She said that, while sex acts were performed on her, she was hit and choked until she couldn't breathe. Other “actresses,” she said, wept because they were hurting so badly. In the same article, a sex-film star notes how threatening the work is to performers’ health. “Nearly everyone has STDs [sexually transmitted diseases],” said Chloe. “If you’re a porno performer,” she continued, “your latest HIV test is your work permit. ... The tests we take test only for AIDS. We’ve contained AIDS in the industry, but what about all the others? You know we’re now up to hepatitis G?”

Cybersex compulsive is a term coined in a 2000 study, “Online Compulsivity: Getting Tangled in the Web,” to define at least 200,000 American adults who visit Internet sex sites at least 11 hours per week. According to researchers Al Cooper, David Delmonico, and Ron Burg, writing in the journal, Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: “This is a hidden public health hazard exploding in part because very few are recognizing it as such or taking it seriously.”

Posted by: Russell at December 8, 2005 02:33 PM

Personally I know of no negative stories and two positive stories. No, and not "Porn for Charity" but where Adult Entertainment has been used within a healthy relationship.

I still don't understand why people are saying I have made "a bad call". It's an aspect of the Movie Industry.

"Please don’t put words in my mouth" - I wasn't, I was referring to the comment that the Movie Blog should not post a story relating to the Adult Industry. "Nine Songs" is a MOVIE, a movie which has actual sex within it. It is not a song. So should this also not be mentioned on the site?

"Porn rates a zero on morality. No redeeming qualities." I disagree, it can be used positively by consumers, leads technology (I was just reading an article in New Scientist about that very fact), provides jobs for many, as well as giving many female stars quite a large fortune!

Fantastic. So you are implying that Porn helped Ted Bundy become a killer? That's incredible. So if we remove Porn Serial Killings will decrease?

It's interesting if you read the psychology behind Serial Killers and how they are created it doesn't really matter if they fixate on Porn, animals, or whatever. They require a cycle of events to occur in their life to reinforce behavioural attitudes, this is often around killing and torturing small animals and stems from events such as abuse towards them or traumatic events in their family.

Nobody is ridiculing or mocking anyone here. Definitely not me. I just like a good argument. Especially when I'm right!

As for the quotes you have, as a comparison as I've mentioned before, a famous killer in the States (I forget his name, but I could search if required) claimed he was influenced by Kojak. Does that mean Kojak was bad and influenced him to do it?

The same arguement was used against the makers of GTA when kids who shot cars with shotguns claimed that it was playing GTA that caused them to do it. Their parents did the same thing. It was the loaded and accessible weapons in their house and complex reasons within their psyche, fuelled by issues in their lives.

These are the reasons. I know many people who have\do watch porn, read porn magazines, look at porn on the Internet, I even knew someone who ran a porn website. None of them committed any offence against anyone and they are all in relationships, most have children, and all have decent jobs. Perhaps they may be raping and killing in the future, but right now I can say a definite no on that score.

As for the comments from the "Porn Star", again, there are many positive stories from the Industry where stars are treated well, can command their own terms (i.e. only have sex with partners they chose, with condoms, with drug and blood tests, etc).

The Internet is not an exhaustive resource and is intrinsicly biased towards the content that will get people reading and commenting. Positive use of Adult Entertainment does not. As I said a few paragraphs back I know of many positive and no negative stories.

Surveys? Well John just wrote a post about a survey that shows the film audience want more adverts. Obviously that has to be true. US surveys and reports are telling us there is no global warming, hurricanes and melting ice caps tell us differently. Surveys are, like statistics, biased towards the point of view of those presenting them.

Again though, I will reiterate my comment. Why is an Adult movie not classed as a Movie?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 8, 2005 03:04 PM

In the last 2 days since this topic was posted and has become a round table discussion I chose to stay quiet and just watch you guys have a go. I think it's time that a woman have a say about the matter.

Pornography is no harmless diversion, and no offense to Doug's earlier comment, but it is MORE than just nude people making babies on film. Rather than portraying sexual relations as a beautiful and intimate expression of love between a man and a woman in honorable marriage, pornography demeans and distorts the sexual act. Women, men, and children are portrayed as objects that exist only for sexual gratification. "Beauty is measured by proportion of body parts, shaping unrealistic expectations," says one report. "Depicting women as anonymous, ever-wanting/waiting, empty sex toys for men, stripping and exposing their bodies for monetary gain and entertainment cannot possibly translate into a message that can exist in harmony with equality, dignity and humanity," concludes another report.

Russell, I am posting here to also express my thanks for the articles you have quoted.

Posted by: Simone at December 8, 2005 03:32 PM

Interesting that you clump all those categories of Porn together. Children with Adults, etc.

There are movies that depict the sexual act as a beautiful thing, and not as you say there, and there are many of them. Indeed the marketplace aimed at Women is quite a large and lucrative one nowadays.

Far from demeaning Women, you should listen to what many of these actresses will say about how they feel about their chosen profession, and they are the ones that are exploiting and using rather than being exploited or used.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 8, 2005 03:41 PM

Stubborn, you're very stubborn Rich. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at December 8, 2005 03:48 PM

Why is an Adult movie not classed as a Movie? Oh you're right. Okay then this was all a waist of time. Because I have already said you are right.

For the third time I will put the words on the screen “I would say in a legalistic point you were way within your parameters to put up this post but it was just a “bad call” That’s why your right.

But here is where you’re wrong. As it has all ways been apparent that the Movie Blog is not a for forum porn coverage now it is a clearly stated in fact. Yesterday in referencing your post, he brought up the question why doesn’t the movie blog talk about more porn. In the Audio Blog John said and I quote “were more about mainline, mainline movies. That’s more what we’re about.”

Additionally I never claimed it (porn) ruins all lives. What I said is “No it doesn’t make you evil your right. I agree with you. That’s why I never said it makes you evil. What I said was “Porn rates a zero on morality. No redeeming qualities.” Other than distribution advances. Which is funny because it seems you said that with such a confidence that that was a big deal orriganally. Then when I pointed it out to you that you were grand standing on distribution you kind of retracted and said it was not “the point” but an interesting point. Okay it’s interesting but still it was a bad call to make that point on this blog. Why, not because I think so or Vic or anybody else but John. He clearly stated The Movie Blog is not for porn. Now in defense of you he put a positive spin on it. I don’t blame I think I would have done the same thing.

I also said “Porn is an unmoral beast of an industry that can if unchecked ruin lives. “ That’s great that you don’t know any hard luck stories that have to do with porn. Really neither do I personally. Based on what Doug said. Your exposure has been quite limited. So has mine. But that does not mean their not out there. The articles I listed are public you could find them if you wanted to. In fact really you have found them via me showing them to you. Additionally I never made any claims on the good to bad story ratios of porn. You did, quite a silly statement too I might add (I know that sounds rude, apologies for it.). I showed it to my wife and she chuckled. I said again quoting me “if unchecked ruin lives”

“They require a cycle of events to occur in their life to reinforce behavioural attitudes, this is often around killing and torturing small animals and stems from events such as abuse towards them or traumatic events in their family.” But Porn fall into the “behavioural attitudes” Category. Now not once have I said it leas all to destruction or even most. I just said it leads some to ruined lives.

It sounds like you didn’t read the full article I will paste anther portion for you convince.

JCD: How did it happen? Take me back. What are the antecedents of the behavior that we’ve seen? You were raised in what you consider to be a healthy home. You were not physically, sexually or emotionally abused.

Ted: No. And that’s part of the tragedy of this whole situation. I grew up in a wonderful home with two dedicated and loving parents, as one of 5 brothers and sisters. We, as children, were the focus of my parent’s lives. We regularly attended church. My parents did not drink or smoke or gamble. There was no physical abuse or fighting in the home. I’m not saying it was “Leave it to Beaver”, but it was a fine, solid Christian home. I hope no one will try to take the easy way out of this and accuse my family of contributing to this. I know, and I’m trying to tell you as honestly as I know how, what happened.

Ted Bundy the guy that committed some of the most heinous sex crimes in our generation. I’m saying he clearly states he was introduced to porn at a very early age and became addicted to it. Also he does not blame porn or put the responsibility of his crimes on his porn addiction. But it is obvious it had a role to play in his life. Again, if unchecked porn can ruin lives. And please don’t dismiss this with an silly Kojak example.

Oh and again you bring up video games. Why, I have already said there is no video game = death issue So either
A. realize I never thought that
B. know your persuasive arguing skills won me over
C. or I’m just in denial and will always think video games and Ozzy kills people .

Finally Richard, I don’t think their is much benefit for me to keep going back and forth with you on this. I know Vic said the same thing and you dismissed it, but you have already stated you are approaching this like an argument so we have gone way past conversation and even left debate behind us. That’s too bad. The points made by Vic and I were pretty understandable no matter what your back ground is. I also have said over and over comments that show understanding on why you put up this silly little post. Additionally I have said I agree this is a movie topic. I still don’t think you showed good judgment on this post and wish you would have admitted to the validity of my reasoning.

Simone, thanks for the nice words.



Posted by: Russell at December 8, 2005 04:41 PM

Good, I'm glad you see I'm right now.

Just to reference back about not having a go at anyone or ridiculing anyone, it seems you are all the way through your comments, and after you brought it up.

Sure John said that, but he didn't clearly state "The Movie Blog is not for porn". He's never covered it before, and if you want to be selective he and Doug agreed that it was a good post. Personally I haven't talked to John about that comment so I could not say something like "Now in defense of you he put a positive spin on it", I am not sure if you have to guage his feelings on that.

"Your exposure has been quite limited." Depends what you mean by limited. Doug's comment was a light hearted one and he doesn't know what my life experience has been with the Adult Entertainment Industry. Checking my previous comments you can see quite clearly that's not the case.

"You did, quite a silly statement too I might add" So who's ridiculing? Silly statements? I was quite clearly saying that there are many positive stories, by your own admission you state you have quite limited exposure and yet you seem to be able to judge my statements based on that limited knowledge.

No, by behavioural attitudes I was referring to the acts of killing. Not of looking at pictures or movies.

The point I was making, which you seem determined to avoid, is that just because someone says an item influenced them does not make it so. You are choosing to argue about Pornography in this case, just as other people argue that videogames cause people to kill, or TV shows, etc.

It's just a very typical arguement that appears when someone with either a regligious or moralistic viewpoint tries to enforce their viewpoint on everyone else. Hence some groups will shout about how bad porn is and it's wrong morally and causes such pain without looking at a balanced view on it. Same with videogames, or TV shows.

You see there's no debating with these types who just believe that their moralistic view is right and everyone else is damned!

Adult movies are still movies. Especially now the certification has relaxed on sexual content and those "mainstream" movies now include full sexual acts as with the movie Nine Songs.

However I didn't show any bad judgement by posting an interesting movie related story. Hence probably why I'm writing posts on the site.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 8, 2005 05:33 PM

"You see there's no debating with these types who just believe that their moralistic view is right and everyone else is damned!"

To be fair there is also no debating the issue with those that think that morals are a relative and fluid concept. You believe just as strongly that *your* moralistic view is right as well. :-)


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 8, 2005 06:57 PM

Double anal penetration is the most serious porno.

It takes hard work and skill - like figure skating.

Posted by: Doug Nagy at December 8, 2005 07:26 PM

Well Vic that is true, although I would say a balanced viewpoint is much healthier.

Fab Doug...thank's for the help! (Sarcasm!)

Oh, just two more things. I did not abandon my original argument, I moved on to talk about something else, it's still a very valid point and there's a great article in New Scientist about it, not just my view.

Lastly, before I move on to today's posts. I too can belittle. I showed this post to my girlfriend who laughed too. She couldn't understand the narrowed viewpoints expressed here.

Okay, back to more movie posts, and I have to say I have emails from a independent movie producer who has used adult entertainment actresses in his movie.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 9, 2005 04:53 AM

Hey, peace Richard. :-)

On a final note (for me, anyway) it drives me NUTS to hear that standard accusation of narrow-mindedness.

I think I'll go off and be REALLY open-minded and invite a child molester over to babysit my daughter. I mean he just has a different viewpoint... he has the right to exercise his preferences and all that. I don't want to discriminate against his right to choose his sexual partner. :-\



Posted by: Screen Rant at December 9, 2005 12:38 PM

Wow! You're really off on one flight of fancy there! Extreme or what, I guess that's to prove your not narrow minded!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 9, 2005 02:31 PM

Heh. :-)

Posted by: Screen Rant at December 9, 2005 05:02 PM

I stumbled In here and I figured though no-one is probably interested in what I have to say I thought Id leave my feelings on what Ive read here.

I see where everyone's point of view comes from, but the truth is that porn (though to the minds of many is a dirty word)is completely natural. Your taking the fantasies of like minded consenting adults (having sex) in front of a video camera so that those same like mided adults who are too afraid to be open with their own sexuality can have the pleasure of letting loose in front of the tv in their own private homes. Whats wrong with that?

Then You add a mini story line some funky music and the costumes to add to the viewing pleasure and any way that you slice it, Its a movie.

Now the comparison to a child molestor is in my OPINION, Is just wrong and in plain terms nasty..
I mean come on thats a child being taken advantage of. Sure there are those bastards out there that Im sure any one of us would love to just let loose on who are getting away with it, and even worse using a valid industry (the Porn Industry-Internet)to spread it to others but in no way does something Evil compare to that of consenting adults using their right to express themselves.

There are those who dont agree with porn or even comparing it to a valid MOVIE business but who are we to judge those who are not hurting others but just simply pleasuring themselves and making money off it...are those people who are so against it being legit because they feel its wrong or is it just because they have a problem with being that open minded themselves.
If you can watch the pleasures of animals on The Discovery Channel then you shouldnt have a problem of wtching the pleasures of man on video either, I mean we are just animals too.

Thanks for listening
To each his own

Posted by: Tenchi at December 19, 2005 12:56 AM