December 08, 2005

New Pink Panther trailer

I have to admit that the companies who create trailers are very, very clever. Either that or the new Pink Panther movie is actually funny...[SPIT], and I just can't believe that. Yet the new trailer is out, and I laughed at one point and giggled at one other.

You can see it over at Apple Trailers, if you really want to. Go have a look, and let us know if you are a fan of the original and then what you thought of the trailer.

Me, I laughed at the subway station clip, and giggled at the front desk fall...not at the following camp joke it has to be said. Although watching it, there is hope that Jean Reno might come out okay from this.

Posted by at December 8, 2005 04:53 AM


Hmmm, i was really wanting this movie to suck-eggs as i am not a big fan of steve martin.

But, will watch this trailer later and see if its worth a re-assesment.

Rich, are you sure you were watching the right trailer? ;)

Posted by: pablo at December 8, 2005 05:43 AM

I'm a big fan of the originals, just finished watching all of them again, I love the part when he is disguised as a sailor with his inflatable perret " I'm just an ol salty dog from the salty seas youknew"

not to sure about this one, although the subway fall was funny.

to me that series died along with Sellers.

Posted by: Simon at December 8, 2005 07:47 AM

Nope. Still not seeing it.

Posted by: Mike Browne at December 8, 2005 10:04 AM

I wonder if you have seen the interesting message new international trailer? At the point where Jean Reno and Steve Martin are walking in front of a subway entrance and Steve falls into the subway, you can see graffti scribbled on the wall behind them - the only words I can make out (just behind Steve) are "Stop Bush". I wonder if that was intentional or not?


Posted by: Kevin at December 8, 2005 03:55 PM