December 06, 2005

Mummy Returns 3 or 4?

The_Mummy8.jpgYes, more sequel news, and one that's been sequel-ed and spinned off to death. Well, two and one, surely that's enough. The Mummy and The Mummy Returns were funny action movies with some cool sequences, there's nothing really bad you can say about them, then there was The Scorpion King spin off, now we're back to the Mummy franchise for another sequel.

According to Cinematical...

The new Mummy film will indeed depart the traditional Egyptian setting and head for the Orient - specifically, 1940’s China...At the forefront of the story is the mighty (but very dead) Emperor Qin Shihuang, who is interested in…wait for it…world domination, which he plans to achieve by activating...his enormous army, which is handily still around thanks to a curse which turned them into terracotta and preserved them throughout the centuries.

Now hold on and bear with me for a moment, this is really difficult to follow, so read slowly. Where the hell's the Mummy? No Mummy. So is this to be called The Terracotta Army? The Attack of the Pottery People? There is no Mummy. Ah well, whatever, another stretched idea to get a sequel going. It's not as if the previous movies were pieces of art.

Posted by at December 6, 2005 05:29 AM


oh yeah, this will be quality. Can see the ending already. all the terracotta dudes dissolve as the daily 3pm acid rain storm hits town.

Posted by: pablo at December 6, 2005 08:59 AM

I think it'll be cool with a new title.

I mean, if Rachel Weiss and Fraiser are in it and they just change the title, it'd be pretty sweet to see!

Their characters are awesome.

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at December 6, 2005 12:04 PM

it wasnt imhotep that made these movies so great. it was the direction and the characters, as the last commenter here pointed out.

and terra cotta statues are creepy. have you seen them in real life? the terra cotta armies of the orient gave me nightmares as a kid. And the CHINESE HAD MUMMIES, richard. lol...

china, as a matter of fact, has more pyramids and mummies than egypt, you may be interrested to know... more than central america and any country on earth. it's the communist lock down on information that keeps us outsiders from seing them.

what you have here, mr. burton... would be an EDUCATED mummy sequel. which i predict will both rock like hell AND be a complete box office DISASTER.

american audiences dont think. we just have sex and die.

Posted by: mogulus at December 6, 2005 09:54 PM

I wish I was just having sex till I die, sounds nice. I would be on board for this film if it centered on Fraser and action and lost the kid deffinately and maybe even Wise, sorry ladies but they overdid her action in the sequel, she is the brains he is the brawn. I liked the first so much because it was a throwback to Indiana Jones but now Fraser is less important than the supporting characters. If I were in charge it would be about Fraser fighting and the title would differ from the Mummy, with less CG than Returns and more actuall stunt work by humans, remember those days.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 7, 2005 01:31 AM

In the spirit of Indiana Jones they should lose the "Mummy" name and go with the something cheesy like "The O'Connel Chronicles-The Terracotta Travesty". Keeping the same name will not bring box office bang in my opinion. Keep the character lose the name.

Posted by: Jason at December 8, 2005 12:21 AM