December 07, 2005

Most Powerful Women in Hollywood

The Good folks over at The Hollywood Reporter have put together their annual list of the most powerful women in Hollywood. Here are the top 5:

#1) Anne Sweeney - President of Disney-ABC Television Group and co-chair of media networks for the Walt Disney Co.

#2) Judy McGrath - Chairman and CEO of MTV Networks

#3) Stacey Snider - Chairman of Universal Pictures

#4) Amy Pascal - Vice chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment and chairman of its Motion Picture Group

#5) Nancy Tellem - President of the CBS Paramount Network Television Entertainment Group

And yes, for those of you wondering, Oprah did make the list as the highest ranking performer at #8.

It's nice to see a list like this one with women occupying so many high powered positions in Hollywood. A list like this one would have been totally unheard of just 20 years ago.

Posted by John Campea at December 7, 2005 08:50 AM