December 12, 2005

Mission Impossible 3 teaser online

So we posted the news yesterday that this was coming, and here it is. The teaser for Mission Impossible 3, or M:I:III!

It's over at Yahoo movies through Coming Soon.

As usual, being a working day, I'm working and have no access to watch this. So you guys get on it, watch it, and drop in a review of what you think of the teaser. Good, bad or lot's of action and not much content?

Posted by at December 12, 2005 07:32 AM


wow, i knew abrams was going to get this right

Posted by: hi at December 12, 2005 07:54 AM

I thought the teaser was well done. I was telling myself, "This looks pretty good," until I see crazy Tom literally smash himself onto a car after a missle blast shockwave. AWESOME!

Posted by: Dan at December 12, 2005 08:45 AM

I happen to be a sucker for the M:I movies, and even though the second one sucked, I have full faith in J.J. Abrams on this one. The teaser looked good, enough to satisfy me for now.

Posted by: Sujay at December 12, 2005 11:13 AM

I can truly say that rocked. I have a huge smile on my face and I'm now dying to see that. Line me up with Sujay, I'm a sucker too!

Hoffman looks awesome in it, as does Cruise. Calm though, it's just a trailer...

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 12, 2005 01:34 PM

The opening of the trailer started strong (depsite some cliche dialogue)... but as the middle unfolded, I was left wondering wtf is this movie going to be about? The opening was gritty and filmed with a hand-held-- a nice departure from the glossy work of MI:2. Then it went the route of explosion! Guns! Hi-flying antics!! and every other sort of generic action hijink. Boring. And then Tom went flying into the side of a car (with enough force to shatter the back window) as a jet screams past. Sweet.

While the trailer said nothing, the opening and close have me thinking this could be a good 'un.

Posted by: charkhammis at December 12, 2005 05:20 PM