December 12, 2005

Miami Vice Trailer

Miami ViceThe first Miami Vice trailer has hit the web... and even though I have major reservations about the film, I've got to admit that I love the look and feel of the trailer. I feels very much like the show.. .and although none of the shows original music is in there... it all had the same feel and mood of the original music. So yes, overall I'm impressed with the Miami Vice trailer.

The only bad thing is that when you go to see the Miami Vice trailer you're taken through 3 or 4 pages just to get to it through Bacardi ads. It's really annoying my friends... really annoying.

Both Colin Farrell (as Sonny Crockett) and Jamie Foxx (as Ricardo Tubbs) look just killer. The trailer doesn't really give anything about the plot away... which is a good thing at this early stage.

If you want to see the Miami Vice trailer (but keep in mind you'll have to go through 2 or 4 links to get there) you can just go here. After watching the trailer make sure to come back here and give us your thoughts.

Posted by John Campea at December 12, 2005 07:30 PM


What? Not even Jan Hammer's "Miami Vice" theme?
A few bars of Phil Collins "In The Air Tonight?"

I just hope on the s-track they have DJ Icey or Rabbit In The Moon, or other elecronica/break beat artists from Florida. All I know is that RZA's on board.

Posted by: darren seeley at December 12, 2005 07:37 PM

Whatchoo smokin'? That was "Linkin Park" remixed.

Sadly, I've already seen this movie-- it was called "Heat Collateral".

Posted by: chark hammis at December 12, 2005 07:43 PM

I think Collateral Heat reads better.
TVLand just ran 24 hours of Miami Vice and I admitedly was hooked. I think I watched 7 episodes in a row before I got back to life. I like the pairing of Fox and Farrell but I don't know if they should have redone Miami Vice. Just a buddy cop film would have been fine but I can't help but compare Farrell to Don Johnson and I don't know if he has the same traits. Johnson's Crocket played as a veteran who was skilled and confident, Farrell may not convey that.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 12, 2005 10:21 PM

i can;t even make it to the fuckin trailer. piece of shit!

Posted by: Koko at December 12, 2005 10:26 PM


Why the sudden need to bring back old TV shows (Dukes of Hazzard, Herbie, The Honeymooners [gee, that lasted about a week in the theaters, eh?) and destroy the entire story just so you can make money off an image? Isn't there a STORY and a FRAMEWORK any more?

I feel like we're watching a really bad television show - but paying MOVIE PRICES for it.

Jesus, this looks absolutely TERRIBLE.

The picture on the movie's website - which is so obviously touched and retouched in photoshop a few times to get them to look REMOTELY like the original Tubbs and Crockett - is the best thing about this trailer / movie.

In the trailer, it looks like - gasp - COLIN FARREL and JAIMIE FOXX! They look NOTHING like Tubbs and Crockett, and I just can't stand to see another television show DESTROYED on the big screen!

More and more it's proven - there are NO new GOOD stories out there. And we don't even do the OLD stories justice - we just rape the old images and make money off it.

Shame on hollywood, and shame on us for paying anything to see these harsh "remakes".

Posted by: SpideyFan at December 13, 2005 01:25 AM

I can't get through to the trailer either...pages and pages of crap.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 13, 2005 02:50 AM

Managed to wade through the rum soaked crap to get there.

It does look slicker than snot and reminded me of how exiting a good Michael Mann flick can be (Heat).

Then I noticed just how little the trailer gives away - it's more of a teaser. Then I remembered Collateral.

Bearing in mind the source material (old tv) and the on-set grumblings, this has the potential to bite the big weenie.

On the plus side Tom Cruise is not in it.

Posted by: Randall P at December 13, 2005 04:51 AM

I finally figured out why the miscast Colin Farrell is in this film. Before Don Johnson was on Miami Vice, he was known as a party boy of sorts. Aside from ocassional hit/miss good acting, what's Farrell's track record in the public eye? He's the party boy actor of this day.

Yeah, I know that theory will get blown right out of the water. But, after SWAT and Vice, I predict we'll see Farrell again in a few years when the H'wood machine gives us the 'Adam 12' or he'll do a cameo when H'wood remakes 'Night Heat' into a movie.

Yeah. Night Heat. The late night cop show from Canada in the late 80's early 90's- starred Scott Hylands and Jeff Wincott. Great show.

Posted by: darren seeley at December 13, 2005 09:59 AM

the trailer is slow, but looks good. I like the boat racing scenes. Looks like lots of the movie is shot on water.

Posted by: David at December 14, 2005 09:36 PM

You guys drive me crazy. You're one of those winers who can't stand to see something they used to watch get updated. Granted most of the time its a stupid and cheap way to make some money, but Michael Mann isn't that type of film maker. His movies aren't big money generators but they are always interesting, well done, and beautiful to look at.

So what if the characters don't look exactly the same, they have the same essence, the same flash. And as I always tell my boys, just tell me Michael Mann had something to do with it and I'm there.

Trailer was amazing. Unexpectedly saw it before Kong and it was the best part of my evening. I'm starting a mental countdown. Go choke on something.

Posted by: enfirno at December 16, 2005 10:17 AM

Is the trailer playing in uk cinemas before Kong??

Posted by: Mattlock jennoe at December 17, 2005 11:30 AM

Since I never missed an episode on Friday night while in junior high and High School (yea i was a loser) Id have to say the movie like pretty cool. Im not a Jayz or L.P. fan but the music fit well with the theme of the trailer. Plus I heard the Ferrari in this one is pretty badazz. Well see

Posted by: tcmurray at December 17, 2005 02:43 PM

I really don't understand all the harsh criticisms of this trailer. Granted, there's not much substance to it, but it's a teaser trailer. And of course there's guns, explosions, cars, boats, clubs, and girls...just like the TV show. This trailer was meant to evoke that smooth Miami Vice style (updated since the show is 20 years old) and I think it did that. I find the comments that it looks like every other cop buddy movie sort of funny since just about every buddy cop movie since the 80's has imitated Miami Vice on some level. If anything, Michael Mann is just taking his canon back.

And given that he hasn't made an outright bad feature film I'm aware of, I'm willing to trust that he'll turn his TV show into a decent movie.

Posted by: Rich at December 19, 2005 02:21 PM

Wait a second... I thought this was a trailer for Bad Boys 3!

It looks like they have to take to the land, sea and air in order to evoke someone's interest. Hmmm... I wonder if they persue the bad guys into space?

Sad. They'll never get a $10.75 ticket + a $15.00 popcorn and pop out of me!

Posted by: InCogneto at December 21, 2005 01:43 AM

I loved it! It looks better than I expected and the trailer was hard as nails. I was hoping for the Jan Hammer theme but I was impressed by the choice.
It already seems like a fluid update. And I got right on to it here...repeatedly.

Posted by: tompaine at December 21, 2005 02:28 AM

I think this film looks slicker and bader than the 80s show. The trailer had me foaming from the mouth.(looks like mann dose it again), its a shame most of the people here dont know what their talking about.

Posted by: nick herron at December 25, 2005 05:05 PM