December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas From The Movie Blog

Pure and simple, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Even if you take away all of the religious and social significance of the holiday, Christmas, more than any other time of the year, really makes me appreciate all the of people in my life who make it richer.

Take time this holiday season to make sure you tell those who are important to you that they are indeed important to you. Take an extra 5 minutes to nap, the extra minute to hug that aunt, the extra serving of turkey, the time to call your mom and dad, the effort to connect with friends you haven't seen or spoken to in a while... do it all... and be richer for it.

To all of you, Movie Blog readers, I'd like to say "THANK YOU". Thank you for giving me a place to talk about my favorite topic (the movies) and for talking back. For giving me the gift of conversation and ideas, of debate and discussion. For all of this, I thank you. You guys are all great, and I appreciate the fact that you take time out of your day to come over here and participate in the conversation with us. You're the best.

So Merry Christmas... and to quote one of my favorite holiday films... "May God bless us, every one".


Let me drop my festive greetings and good wishes to you all too. Have a great time with the family and friends, and remember to treasure everything you have and everything you receive. Eat well, drink well, leave ill feelings alone, and let the people that you care about know.

Have a Merry Xmas, and a wonderful New Year. Here's to seeing you all next year.


Posted by John Campea at December 23, 2005 11:44 AM


Merry Xmas guys!

Posted by: Kristina at December 23, 2005 01:59 PM

To our hardworking guys in TMB, have a good break from it all!

Posted by: Simone at December 23, 2005 02:14 PM

Merry christmas Movie Bloggers and thanks for giving a movie freak like me somewhere to talk movies and not get on friends and families nerves. :)

Posted by: crackerjack at December 23, 2005 03:27 PM

Thanks to John, Richard, Doug, Brad and everyone involved on this site - it's my favorite place to stop by each day.

Merry Christmas All and Happy New Year!

Posted by: Meli at December 23, 2005 03:30 PM

Hey guys, I would like to say well done on a great year here on The Movie Blog. Merry Christmas and a great Happy New Year

Dont Quit this Job!!!


Posted by: George at December 23, 2005 03:38 PM

Thanks John. Merry Christmas to all. Be safe, everyone.

Posted by: JAGMIR at December 23, 2005 04:55 PM

Merry Christmas guys, hope have a good one, d'you know what I mean! ;)

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 23, 2005 08:33 PM

Thank you guys so much for giving me a place to express my thoughts. You guys are the best . This site rocks! Merry Christmas to all!!!

Posted by: Brian at December 23, 2005 09:14 PM

John, Doug, Rich, Wormwood and everyone else that i may have forgotten, this is , if not the most accurate ( close to it ) movie forum/blog/place/site/thing on the web, it is definitely MY personal favorite website hands down. Though i go many places on this highway of disinformation, i come here first every time i log in. I laugh my ass off at your audio edition and rely on YOU for my trailer news and movie info. Until i hear it here i dont take it for scripture. Please. Never think about hanging it up. You racist pig. I'm black and proud and you hate chris rock so i hate you... wait. nevermind...

seriously... from the Mogulus foundation, Happy holidays and Seasons Greetings.

Posted by: mogulus at December 23, 2005 10:34 PM

Merry Christmas! Have a safe and happy one.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at December 23, 2005 11:27 PM

Merry Christmas to John, Richard and Doug and everyone else who happens to read this. Special thanks for making Audio Editions, one of the greatest things internet has ever provided.

Posted by: Jorse at December 24, 2005 05:59 AM

"Nollaig Shona Dhuit" to all at The Movie Blog.

See you in '06

~ James Mc Creesh
International Friend
Dublin, Ireland

Posted by: H1703 at December 24, 2005 08:53 AM

Merry Christmas to ALL!

Posted by: RLN at December 24, 2005 10:26 PM

Merry ho-ho, TMB family!! Hope you all have a lovely and safe holiday. See in you three days when I get back from hell... err, I mean, back home. (Ugh.)

Posted by: Lilly (formerly John Campea's part-time fiance) at December 25, 2005 09:13 AM