December 05, 2005

Matador trailer online

TheMatador.jpgI'd seen a clip of this movie before, and all the hype surrounding the storyline and Pierce Brosnan's character had me pretty interested, so when the trailer came online today I was keen to watch it...and ultimately disappointed.

It seems to start off well and you start to get excited about the premise, but it seemed the more you see the more it deflates before your eyes, and a lot of that seems to be the Brosnan performance...What do you think, check the trailer on Movies Online and see what you think?

Posted by at December 5, 2005 04:07 AM


i think it's going to be a fun movie. I laughed at the trailer, but that is not an insurance for the movie :) Hope for the best. Don't know what is supposed to be wrong with Brosnan's performance.

Posted by: igl85 at December 5, 2005 04:48 AM