December 09, 2005

Marie Antoinette trailer

SofiaCoppola.jpgMarie-Antoinette is the Directorial follow-up by Sofia Coppola to Lost in Translation, and the trailer is now online and it's quite, quite bizarre.

Unashamedly I caught this through Twitch again, and it's available on direct download. Quicktime, 20.3Mb trailer.

What do you think. I have to say in the opening seconds I was totally stunned. Not by anything other than the choice of music. Slowly though, I grew to appreciate it, and I do think it looks good. Visually it does look great. Champagne flowing, ships battling, fireworks, Kirsten Dunst naked. Most of that is wow.

Todd points out, quite rightly so, that there are also some amazingly odd casting choices in the movie.

Jason Schwartzman as Louis XVI? Sure, they're cousins and all, and the guy's a lot of fun, but Schwartzman as a French king? And then they announced British comedian Steve Coogan in the cast as well and my head just exploded. And check the rest of the cast ... Rip Torn? Asia Argento? Marianne Faithful? Molly Shannon?

This whole experience looks to be a particularly strange one. Thoughts?

Posted by at December 9, 2005 06:11 AM


Love it. At least it is different, AND at least we don't know what to expect, whereas most trailers leave nothing to the imagination.

Posted by: nilblogette at December 9, 2005 11:29 AM

I like it too. I wasn't sure about the music or...anything actually...and I like that! Coppola is a talented director and even if the film doesn't end up working for me completely I can't imagine the failure being anything but interesting.

Posted by: Arethusa at December 9, 2005 03:30 PM

Just seen the trailer, got me a li'l intrigued.

Keep an eye for "Mary Queen of Scots" starring Bryce Dallas Howard (if theyre still going to do it).

Posted by: Simone at December 9, 2005 05:27 PM