December 08, 2005

Jet Li ends martial arts movies

According to the reports Jet Li is ending his martial arts career after his latest movie is release, Fearless - the trailer for which is now online.

According to Yahoo News he is wanting to concentrate on more spiritually rewording projects.

The 42-year-old actor told students at Fudan University that he wants to make more philosophical, family oriented movies, the Youth Daily newspaper reported Monday.

Li said he started taking a greater interest in spiritual matters in his mid-30s, when he realized "it wasn't enough to have a strong body, you had to have a strong soul."

Yet the career isn't over, he did say that he would keep making movies, and that he might work with Luc Besson again.

Li added, he has been in talks with more than 20 Hollywood productions and will "shoot whichever one comes to fruition first."

So no more martial arts, but plenty of movies from Hollywood...I'm not so sure that is going to be a good move considering the quality of the non-martial arts movies he's done...which are...

Anyway, the trailer for Fearless is available from WB Japan, although it is streaming and won't show any pictures on my screen! Thanks to Twitch for the link.

Posted by at December 8, 2005 05:31 AM


now that would be a shame. I for one enjoy his films from start to finish.

Fantastic no brainers, just bring a big box of over priced popcorn and let the action entertain.

Can he do non-action films? We will find out thats for certain.

Posted by: pablo at December 8, 2005 05:36 AM

Well, Unleashed wasnt action packed like most of his movies are...I thought his acting job was rather good in that movie...granted it cant be that hard to just not speak at all for the whole movie but his facial expressions or lack there of made the performance great. I think he could do it so long as he doesnt go the Vin Diesal route and do a stupid movie like the Pacifier.

Posted by: MechoPower at December 8, 2005 11:06 AM