December 08, 2005

Iraq movies gain big names

The Iraq movie genre is seriously kicking off with two news stories in the last few days claiming involvement of Samuel L. Jackson and John Singleton.

From Cinematical comes the story of Jackson joining Home of the Brave directed by Irwin Winkler.

a drama about a Gulf War (II) vet. In the movie...Jackson plays a doctor just back from Iraq. His wife, played by Mendes, "is thrilled to have him back until she slowly begins to realize the man that returned isn't the same as before he left. She really begins to worry when he starts unraveling before her eyes."

It's a real character acting piece, and this is definitely a good thing for Jackson and, as Cinematical says, it'll remind us of his true acting ability rather than relying on his screen presence and persona.

Then, from Hollywood Reporter through Yahoo News, comes the news that Singleton is in negotiations to Direct a movie called Convoy, it's a movie that...

...revolves around a group of U.S. truck drivers who make a one-year commitment to drive goods for U.S. contractors through the Afghan war zone because of financial hardships back home.

It seems that the gates are open for movies of the Iraq war, and I do mean the current war. I'm not sure how this stands with me while we (as in multiple countries around the World) have troops in active duty in the country. Part of me wonders how the troops who serve(d) there think of this, and maybe we shouldn't be creating drama while people are dying. Then the other part of me, the part that has read Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda thinks that it's good if focus can be brought onto the war and what's going on right now.

I'm not sure, anyone who's served out there feel strongly about this? What about the rest of us, do we feel strongly either way, or is it just another movie?

Posted by at December 8, 2005 04:32 AM


Being an active duty Marine who has been to the war-zone and back, I say make the movies but tell the real story...dont ruin it by dramatizing them with love stories like Pearl Harbor did. Dont pull this politically correct bull shit making it impossible to all but love or hate the aggressors. Tell the whole story from both sides. The media never tells the whole story so people have a fragmentary knowledge about what is really going on over there. All they want to show is the servicemen dying and civilians being killed. They fail to mention the numerous humanitarian missions going on over there and how the people love us and support us 99% percent of the time, obviously there are people there who protest us...hence the 1%. Death is a part of war...some people have to die to ensure the freedoms you enjoy continue...this country was born by the blood of patriots from men and women brave enough to put their lives on the line to ensure you dont have to live under the rule of a tyrant and fear for your life everyday. So make the movies and do justice to my brothers and sisters in arms who have perished to keep us free. And I am open to those of you who wish to argue!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 8, 2005 08:50 AM

Sweet. Thank you MechoPower

The ONLY gulf war movie I'm looking froward to is the one Bruce Willis is making about Deuce Four. Everything else is Hollyweirds attempt to bash America.

Posted by: venmax at December 8, 2005 04:16 PM