December 11, 2005

House of the Dead 2

Lot's of blood, check. Flesh eating zombies, check. B List actors, check. Cheesy lines, check. Trailer that makes the movie look good, check. The trailer for The House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim. Oh god, check the name.

You can watch the trailer here courtesty of Movies Online. Frankly I was in two minds whether or not to post it. Your thoughts?

Posted by at December 11, 2005 12:44 PM


it can't be worse than number 1, thee worst movie i have ever seen

Posted by: hi at December 11, 2005 02:14 PM

you guys know i quit having sex for 2 years after seeing that first movie , right?

(douses self with gasoline. ) anyone got a match?

Posted by: mogulus at December 11, 2005 07:04 PM

House of the Dead was, BY FAR, the worst movie I have ever seen. I love zombie flicks, but! It was the worst piece of trash I have ever seen!

Those flashes of the video game that fill the screen during the "battles?" Holy crap was that bad. I'm not even going to give part 2 the time of day.



Posted by: Drewbacca at December 11, 2005 09:55 PM

Sorry, no match Mogul, and I can't hand over the blowtorch because I have to use it first...

Posted by: darren seeley at December 11, 2005 09:56 PM

i only just now had the unfortunate pleasure of watching number 1 beacuse i felt that i needed to see one of that German's films. well...
it was the most stupid movie i have seen up until this point. there were so many things wrong with it on so many levels. who would ever believe that a bunch of pill poppin ravers could have such good aim. They could have paid 2 HALF decent actors (and i stress HALF) to play the leads, and not spent that cash on 6 absolute no-names and no-talents. it was down right terrible.
one other point, and this will be my last because i dont want to be here all night, is that the game was based on going into a house to kill zombies, and the movie, the house was a safe place; it was protection from the living impared! WTF?
damn you Uwe Boll, (tears of hate running down my cheeks)you kill my dreams of ever becoming a director!

Posted by: Rich at January 8, 2006 12:31 PM