December 13, 2005

Hostel clips online

hostel2.jpgNow I believe I have to warn you and say that this clip of the Hostel is US rated 'R', which means the content is quite adult in nature. I myself can't see this clip because it's a file that neither Windows Media Player nor Realplayer will show the video for, so as usual it's up to you guys until I can find another source for this.

You can check out the clips direct from Lions Gate courtesy of JoBlo who managed to get them exclusively. Here's the link for the high resolution stream, any others sidle over to that JoBlo link to view, they have the low, medium, and super high resolution for you too, then watch, come back, and say what you think, because I'm dying to know!

Posted by at December 13, 2005 02:54 PM


That's gotta hurt. Can't wait for this one.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 13, 2005 05:08 PM

Can I say holy shit, because HOLY SHIT I cannot wait to see that on a big screen.

Posted by: Ally at January 19, 2006 05:47 PM

HOLY S*** thats gotta hurt! It would be better if he just yelled and stoppted repeating himself!!! (WHAT THE F***!)

Posted by: Elyse at January 20, 2006 01:23 PM