December 05, 2005

Heat Vision and Jack

Heat Vision and Jack could be making the jump to the big screen from the small screen. Oh what's that? You've never heard of Heat Vision and Jack? Well that's probably because it's pilot episode never actually made it to the airwaves.

Here's the rub. Heat Vision and Jack featured Ben Stiller and Jack Black back before they were big names. Heat Vision was a motor cycle (like KITT) whose voice was done by who else... Owen Wilson.

Anyway, at a recent KONG press junket, Jack Black spilled that they are all looking at making a film version of the failed TV show. The good folks over at MovieHole give us the following:

The failed sitcom, about an astronaut whose on the from his evil employers (Ron Silver is the main bad guy, playing himself) with the aid of a talking motorcycle called Heat Vision (voiced by Owen Wilson), is possibly going to find life as a movie, star Jack Black said yesterday.

Though the FOX TV pilot for “Heat Vision and Jack” never made it to air, it has played at several film festivals to much acclaim.

I don't know about this... sounds like a bit of a stretch, even for the new rat pack. I mean, could a project like this get away without being labeled as a Knight Rider rip off (even though a lot of years have passed?). Have any of you seen the pilot episode? If so... what did you think?

Christian has been kind enough to point us to where the original pilot can be downloaded! Just go here.

Posted by John Campea at December 5, 2005 11:04 AM


I seen it. That is to say, I saw it. It was pretty disappointing.. I got a copy of it while in college and I guess it was around the time the "D" was getting a show.. its not verry ha ha funny and its more parody but without the funny.
It would not make a good film.

Posted by: powlsy at December 5, 2005 11:18 AM

You can download the pilot here:


Posted by: Christian Gosselin at December 5, 2005 12:20 PM

Got it. Smacks to me more of a one-off, self-indulgent parody between the guys and the fanboys who saw it bought into Stiller's clearly spoofed introduction where he CLAIMS it was a failed pilot for Fox.

I dunno about making it into a movie though. Would reek of an SNL Movie "one joke stretched to 90+ minutes" job.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 5, 2005 02:22 PM

Personally I loved the pilot. Personally I think they could pull off a film version (keep the low budjet TV special effect though).

As powlsy said it's more of a parody of crappy 80s TV than a sitcom. Though there are a few laugh-out-loud one liners. It reminds me of recent hits like Garth Marengi's Dark Place and Look Around You in that sense. I think it was made just a little ahead of its time.

Posted by: Dom Dunc at December 5, 2005 02:30 PM

This was funny stuff and good news. I'd seen the pilot quite some time ago and was wondering if it would ever appear again.

Posted by: Mike Browne at December 5, 2005 07:14 PM

Wow, I found out about Channel 101 a little over a year ago. And fell in love with the site. I've always wanted to see the pilot to Heat Vison and Jack. To come onto the movieblog and see an article about this is like wow.

Posted by: Mikelboy at December 5, 2005 08:20 PM

it's not funny, it's crap. You guys actually liked that??

Posted by: igl85 at December 6, 2005 05:35 AM

thats not crap, thats friken hilarious.

Posted by: Mikelboy at December 6, 2005 10:15 PM