December 08, 2005

Harry Potter secrets revealed?

Harry_Potter76.jpgNow for those of you staunch fans of Harry Potter I would suggest you read no further. Seriously. If you're the kind of person that gets upset when you hear speculations about films or books you haven't yet seen or read, then you should look away and not read anymore. Seriously.

Okay, just us left? Good.

Well there's speculation coming out from sources such as Daneil Radcliffe, J.K. Rowling and Jim Dale (the voice of the U.S. Audiobooks) that Harry Potter may well die in the last book\film.

Oh heavens. I think I wet myself. (Sarcasm) Obviously these are responses to direct questions. They could have been asked "Will Harry Potter turn into a Garden Gnome?" and they would have got "Well, he could be..." and there goes the speculation! Or in Radcliffe's case he just expressed what he would do if he wrote the series.

However that's the news from Cinematical...and why not? The stories are getting darker and heavier all the time, perhaps something like that might well happen.

I've always thought, and bear in mind I don't read the books, that Potter doesn't turn out to be the hero. After all the movies so far have shown him as somewhat inept and only until the latest one does he happen on a use of magic that is actually positive...and really he's helped out hugely in that final scene. Perhaps it's not he that is the hero, but some other relative?...

Posted by at December 8, 2005 05:47 AM


didnt jk rowling confirm that she would like to do another book based on an older hsrry potter?

how can she do that if he is dead?

Posted by: simon at December 8, 2005 07:04 AM

About HP being inept...he actually the "books", he is actaully pretty good at what he does...he is just bad at school work, he is a person who learns from hands on experience...not books and lecture work. This is where the movies fall short...they make him look worthless and bumbling and leave you wondering how he has survived childhood at all. But in the books he is quite adept for his age. Obviously he is not going to be as powerful as Dumbledore or Lord V yet, but he is getting there...hopefully this will be portrayed in later books...escpecially in the Order of the Pheonix when they all go to war with the Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic. As for him dying...hey JK killed XXXX [RB - Edited to remove spoiler!] in the Half Blood Prince so why not kill Harry in the last one...then she can ensure there are no stupid rip offs of him later in life!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 8, 2005 08:28 AM

Heres one spoiler i wish was true.

i don't get blackmailed into watching any more of the movies. ok so its my own fault for watching so many crappy action movies that eventually its my turn to concede at the "5 people try and agree on a movie to go and watch" problem.

Posted by: pablo at December 8, 2005 08:59 AM

XXXX [RB - Removed spoiler again - sorry I wasn't quicker!] will be killed???

Oh man Mecho, you just ruined my day!

Posted by: Simone at December 8, 2005 09:03 AM

Mecho you XXXX [RB - removed bad word because I'm on a roll. Substitute "cad"]. you dont give out spoilers that big without tagging it. Not everyone is caught up with the series.

Anyway, if you are a reader of any sort and actually read through the HP series then its painfully obvious that JK Rowling is a very bad writer (which is why i'm not done with HBP. Damn is she boring). She's great at creating characters and has a nice imagination but as far as storytelling goes then she sucks. She doesn't know how to pace a story, she can't do drama, she's not funny and she just tries too hard to create a gigantic universe when a small city is all thats needed. So its obvious that her goal is to kill off a main character just to create buzz and do the unexpected.

And before anyone gets defensive. Book sales do not directly relate to author's skills. The HP series is very good when condensed (like in the movies or retold by someone who knows how to trim the fat) but reading it straight through is a chore. "Dobby, i will liberate house elves blah blah blah." oh brother....

Posted by: Cole at December 8, 2005 10:15 AM

HAHA...should have read the books instead of just being satisfied with mediocre cinema!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I am a little sorry. :( [RB - Add "I am really sorry and do apologise sincerely". Heehee!]

Posted by: MechoPower at December 8, 2005 10:58 AM


I find Richard's editing so hilarious!!! Cheers for that Rich!

Stil Mecho, I am not very happy with you! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at December 8, 2005 01:19 PM

Ok Ok, I am really sorry for reals...I was on a role there and didnt realize what I had said until your post Simone!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly didnt mean it but it still is kind of funny!!! Now you want to read the books dont you!!! I wont do it again!!! And to Richard...good job is cool that you are such a good sport about things...Thanks!!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 8, 2005 01:25 PM

Thankfully some people appreciate me!

It's all too easy to say a spoiler without realising, I've done it before in a post. No harm done I'm sure, it was meant in the vein of the discussion.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 8, 2005 01:43 PM

Rich, why, who doesnt appreciate you??? *shocked* I am telling you, turning 35 makes you a bit emotional doesnt it? *winks*

Hey Mecho, now that you have spoiled it for me, does something tragic also happen to Sirius Black? What's your email addy, we can talk about it there. I dont really need to read the books, I have you! LOL

Posted by: Simone at December 8, 2005 02:55 PM

Ach, the usual Internet people.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 8, 2005 03:05 PM


Why did I sense that you would actually say that???

Posted by: Simone at December 8, 2005 03:40 PM

Forget Harry Potter!!! Have you bought the girlfriend a Hot Dog yet??

Posted by: Dwarfy at December 9, 2005 08:43 AM

Ah Dwarfy, I'm no fool. I know who you are!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 9, 2005 08:56 AM