December 02, 2005

Guillermo del Toro To Direct Halo?

Guillermo del ToroThe word racing around the Halo Movie Project right now is that Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro is the front runner to get the job and has actually already been in negotiations for the spot.

This is interesting news for a couple of reasons. But first, here's what the good folks over at M&C; had to say on the issue:

They say, that at a junket promoting ‘King Kong’ in New York, word started circulating that it’s going to be Guillermo Del Toro in the director’s chair for ‘Halo’, and that he’s currently in negotiations for the job. Del Toro could be a good fit. He’s a high caliber, big name director, of the type Microsoft and Halo game maker Bungie have insisted they’re going to get. His horror roots should serve him well in ‘Halo’s’ alien infested universe too.
Ok now wait just a minute. Since when is Guillermo del Toro a "high caliber, big name" director!?!?! Cronos wasn't bad. Blade II was a bad film that also happened to be pretty fun to watch because of the action, and Hellboy (which I liked more than most people) had very little success, and wasn't nearly as good as it could have... or SHOULD have been. I also liked Mimic too... but nothing that blew my socks off.

To me, Guillermo del Toro is a decent and serviceable director. To call him a "Big name, high calibre" director is quite a stretch though.

Now, having said that... let me also say that I think Guillermo del Toro would actually be the perfect choice to direct a film like Halo The Movie. He has an understanding of the audience this film will attract, he's done good action before and has some horror roots that would serve him well in a project like this one.

So in general, I like the idea of Guillermo del Toro Directing Halo... but be excited because he would be the right guy for the job... not because he a "Big name, high calibre" director.

Posted by John Campea at December 2, 2005 05:01 PM


Hey just be glad they didn't get Uwe Boll to do it. I think Del Toro is a fine director and I like all his movies, minus mimic. Hellboy basically made him a big name in the geek world so they arent too far off in proclaiming that.

Posted by: Frank at December 2, 2005 05:16 PM


wtf do you know about directing?

Posted by: jack at December 2, 2005 06:25 PM

I clearly don't know as much about directing as Jack thinks he knows.

Posted by: John Campea at December 2, 2005 06:29 PM

i don't know crap about directing. I wasn't on the set, involved in the film to tell you how good Del Toro directed.

Posted by: jack at December 2, 2005 06:35 PM

Guillermo is a pretty good choice. He's a great director, just a little bit weak as a screenwriter. But since they've already got a script written (which is supposedly really good) this is really good news.

P.S. Jack... Are you saying that the only way to say a director did a good job is by seeing what they did on the set? I'm pretty sure we can all tell from simply sitting down and watching a movie how good the direction was, you don't have to watch a 15 minute behind-the-scenes bit to say whether their good or crap.

Posted by: Flynn at December 2, 2005 08:10 PM

1) If Guillermo Del Toro does this, it will be after Hellboy 2. Let's not forget that he's actively developing that.

2) If you want your socks blown off, see "The Devil's Backbone". I was when a saw it on a big screen at the Austin Film Festival in 2001.

3) I loved Mimic, and told Del Toro I did (at the AFF Q&A; session in 2001) but Del Toro was not given the budget he was promised; it did not help if Miramax/Dimension cut a trailer where some FX were not completed at the time (like when Mia Sorvino was lifted up in mid air by...nothing?).

4) Don't sweat it, John. Directing don't know Jack...

5) One of the reasons the third Blade film was below par was the one two punch of Stephen Norrington (who also would be good for Halo) and Del Toro. It was like...Ridley Scott and then James Cameron. Smart talented directors with different approaches, setting the bar higher and expanding characters and story, making it hard to top.

6) Want your socks blown off #2: see "Chronos".

7) Do they have to hype Del Toro as 'Big name, big calibre"? No. Why?
All they have to say in marketing: HALO---> from the producers of "King Kong/LOTR" and the director of "Hellboy" followed by any actors who might be a draw. I mean, you know, sort of says it all, and gets my a$$ in the theatres.

8) About #4, I take that back. What Jack really wants to do is direct.

9) Sealer out.

Posted by: darren seeley at December 2, 2005 09:05 PM

when someone says that has great "directing" in it, are you sure the person even knows wtf he's talking about??

To say something has great "directing" is a very ambiguous statement.. Or when you say this guy's "not a bad director", or a "decent and servicable" director, it sounds very vague and nebulous. esp since I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "directing".. What are you saying when this movie has great directing in it? do u mean the set design and costumes are good? the look of the movie?

Posted by: jack at December 2, 2005 10:22 PM

another thing is.. we aren't sure exactly what the director contributed to the production, so when you praise something in a movie it might not be from the director.

Posted by: jack at December 2, 2005 10:28 PM

I think John just means that Del Toro hasn't had big box office success thus far, which seems to be is his main measuring stick for judging a director's "calibre". Fair enough. I think that Del Toro is definitely a big enough name in the sense that the ears of geeks everywhere will perk up when they hear Guillermo Del Toro is directing Halo.

As for whether or not he's the right man for the job, I don't think so... personally I thought Blade 2 and Hellboy were fun but a far cry from what it sounds like they're trying to do with Halo. Halo wants to be a sweeping epic military sci-fi story, not just a campy fright flick with gore.

Posted by: Sean at December 3, 2005 12:35 AM

No Sean... that's not what John Means.

What John mean when he talks about Directing:

1) Blocking shots
2) Story pacing
3) Environment selection
4) Bringing performances out of the actors
5) Visual story progression
6) Scene selection
7) Plot navigation
8) Mood setting

This is just a couple of things I personally look for. So yes Jack... you can tell if a director has done a good job by just watching his films. But as in everything else with film... it's subjective. My opinion is no more valid than yours.

Posted by: John Campea at December 3, 2005 01:01 AM

My pick for the director would be Paul Verhoeven, since he's already done Starship troopers. Granted, I'm not a fan of any of his movies, but Starship Troopers is very similar to Halo in a way so he seems like he could be the right man for the job.

Well.. I just get annoyed when people keep saying this or that movie had "terrible direction".. or the "direction sucked". that's why i wrote what i wrote.

Posted by: jack at December 3, 2005 01:10 AM

So Hellboy had bad blocking shots, and Blade II didn't exhibit the same environment selection that a high calibre director would have? I guess I don't see it, but of course, as you mentioned it's all subjective. I just think Del Toro is pretty accomplished at this point, regardless of how much I personally enjoy his films.

Posted by: Sean at December 3, 2005 03:19 AM

Paul Verhoeven is more suited than Del Toro.

Posted by: jack at December 3, 2005 03:59 AM

Interesting John. You're all over adaptations of videogames by really bad Directors (Uwe Boll) and writers, and when one gets a name attached that is undoubtedly better than any previous adaption you're still all over it and very negative.

I think that he could be a good choice. HellBoy was a very ably directed film, overall it was very enjoyable, and I think its limited success might have been down to the limited appeal of the original character. With Halo there's universal appeal, and a rich, already created, history and storyline to tap into.

I think there's negativity towards the genre of videogame adaptations in general, and this is reflected in the comments. Sure most adaptations to date have been crap, but that is solely down to two things Writers\Directors who aren't even vaguely skilled and a source material that has nothing to take from, or a one paragraph story.

This one is shaping up to have huge leaps forward in both areas and it at least deserves some chance. It's definitely not a movie that can be written off before it's begun.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at December 3, 2005 06:36 AM


How the hell did my comment about Del Toro sound "still all over it and very negative"?!?!?!

I said:

"Hellboy (which I liked more than most people)"
"Guillermo del Toro is a decent and serviceable director"
"I think Guillermo del Toro would actually be the perfect choice to direct a film like Halo"
"I like the idea of Guillermo del Toro Directing Halo"

Just because I'm not hopping on some artificial bandwagon proclaiming him as a "Big name, high calibre" director doesn't mean I'm being negative.

Damn Scotish. :P

Posted by: John Campea at December 3, 2005 09:23 AM

"Hellboy basically made him a big name in the geek world so they arent too far off in proclaiming that."

Chuckle. Pot say a big hello to kettle.

Anywho, Nice bunfight.

And so to the point. Great game, good Director, definately one to watch if only because of the unusual development; Microsoft/Bungie holding on to the rights and hiring their own writer.

Paul Verhoeven? Starship Troopers similar to Halo? Are you nuts, thats like saying Spartacus is similar to Life of Brian. I'm guessing you haven't played Halo. Come to think of it, sounds like you haven't seen many Verhoeven movies.

Ok cat firmly inserted amongst pidgeons.



Randall (Big Name High Calibre Movie Geek)

Posted by: Randall at December 3, 2005 12:09 PM

or maybe John just doesn't think Del Toro is all that because he's mexican. ;)

Posted by: brad at December 3, 2005 09:22 PM

I loved the Devil's Backbone. I went into the cinema not knowing what to expect. It blew me away.

Posted by: PlutoNick at December 4, 2005 10:40 AM

I'm just saying Paul Verhoeven has experience in military/war/futuristic movies, and Del Toro has none.

Posted by: jack at December 4, 2005 04:38 PM

Starship Troopers was a pretty damn good movie, it had great plot and good acting with great visual effects for the time...way better than Hellboy or Blade 2...I also think Paul Veorhoven is better qualified for the genre type. Honestly I think the only director who could pull this off and make it just absolutely jaw dropping in James Cameron or Ridley Scott. I dont think anyone else could do it like them...but obviously my poor little heart will be broken and they will settle for someone else. I give the man credit (Del Toro) for his accomplishments and given the popularity of Halo...I dont forsee many directors being able to screw this up. As for high I dont agree. His movies, again, are fun, but not up to par for a Halo franchise. I still say use real Marines and military characters if you really want the feel of the movie...that was Jarheads was way too over the top and I find this to be the problem with most military type movies. But I still say this movie is going to kick some major ass.

Posted by: MechoPower at December 5, 2005 03:25 PM