December 30, 2005

Google finance Broken Arrows film

BrokenArrows.jpgSo Google are expanding even further and their founders are financing a movie called Broken Arrows.

According to Boing Boing the movie is costing under $1m and the website for the movie gives the tagline of...

...A story of love and a struggle over the virtues of free will versus destiny. It follows the journey of Reese, who becomes a hitman after he loses his wife and unborn child, as he confronts the forces of love, faith, and destiny.

BB coin an interesting phrase, rather than say it's the official website they coin the phrase mlog for a movie blog. I like that because more and more we see Blogs used as promotional tools rather than as a Blog, and giving movie sites which follow a blog format their own name helps differentiate them. Mainly because the majority of them aren't what they claim to be at all, neither a Blog or written by anyone outside the marketing department! This one looks like the real deal though and has some interesting posts, unfortunately the feed isn't working for me.

The 25Mb MOV trailer is also on the site and looks quite interesting. From it you should recognise a few faces, Lori Petty and Peter Quartaroli are a couple I did straight off.

What do you think?

Posted by at December 30, 2005 10:02 AM


I remember Lori from Point Break with Keanu Reeves. It is good she is working and doing well. I also remember her as a hype in Mac Arthur Park. She may play a really big time "bad girl" one day. It is interesting that Google is going in the movie production business. Pirating films through Google searches has been very profitable for them.

Posted by: Mary Christ aka Kay at January 2, 2006 11:59 AM

the movie does look interesting...nice style and atmosphere. I liked Lori Petty in Tank Girl...this will be a bit of a different role.

Posted by: jimf at January 2, 2006 12:28 PM