December 20, 2005

Ghost Rider Teaser online!

GhostRider-Still.jpgSlightly earlier than expected the Ghost Rider revelation footage is online, and it shows Nicolas Cage transformed into full glory as the Ghost Rider.

Thanks to Vic at Screen Rant for the burning heads up, you can see the footage at the official site, just select The Rider Revealed and watch. You'll need Flash 8 installed, if not it'll offer to do it for you.

For everything that's been said about this movie, I actually like the way he looks once he's turned, beforehand he looks a bit ropey with that die job. Still, footage always makes you feel better about a movie doesn't it? Go see it and let us know what you think of the character.

Posted by at December 20, 2005 01:28 PM

Comments Sony having second thoughts about early 2007?
I'm hoping they move this least in October 06, where the film could take advantage of the Halloween flavor...

Posted by: darren seeley at December 20, 2005 01:45 PM

Doesn't work on firefox can you believe it?

Posted by: Marco Shimomoto at December 20, 2005 04:12 PM

i am so on board with the fiery demon of vengeance.

looks great.

Posted by: miles at December 20, 2005 04:19 PM

I'm surprised at how cool this looks. Still, I think it's a weird character to put on screen. He has an origin that I hope they change a little bit, because I don't think it's very appealing. The character himself, I like.

Posted by: ChrisP at December 20, 2005 05:29 PM

I agree, it does look cool. No complaints from me. Anyone notise that Ghost Rider has an red eyeball in the socket of the skull? Just wanna point out this minor detail.

Posted by: Al Young at December 20, 2005 06:24 PM

i'm going to have to see a lot more to take Nic Cage seriously as a superhero. oh well, better this than Superman :P

Posted by: Goon at December 20, 2005 08:02 PM

His skull is too small for his body. Too skinny. And it doesn't exactly look like Nic Cage is actually playing the "transformed" ghostrider ... Looks 100% cgi to me.

Posted by: SpideyFan at December 21, 2005 08:21 PM

Works fine for me on Firefox 1.5.

Still, not much to see.

Better that you dont bother!

Posted by: Rynndar [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 22, 2005 02:00 PM