December 09, 2005

Del Toro says Hellboy over Halo

hellboy.jpgHalo2.jpgAccording to reports today Guillermo del Toro is pushing to direct Hellboy 2 over Halo.

According to Empire Online through Coming Soon, the rumours are true that he's up for Halo, well he's in talks at least.

“Well, Halo is very much an interesting project because it’s so full of monsters,” he said. “It’s a big temptation. I’m in talks with them [Universal and Bungie Films] and Peter, but it’s not true that it’s on and Hellboy’s off. Hellboy’s on. If everything goes as planned, Hellboy will go.”...

...“The ideal for me would be to do Hellboy 2 and if Halo doesn’t go away, then yeah, I’d love to do both. But it may go to somebody else. We’ll see.”

So what of Hellboy 2 then? For me the story sounds a little...well...limp, but let's see what he has to say.

“It’s about the fairy world and the mythical creatures all rebelling against humanity and saying it’s the end of mankind and it’s the season for the sons of the Earth. And basically Hellboy has to try to repress or suppress that rebellion.”

Okay...Not like battling huge creatures and Nazi's then...just fairies? I'm sure he doesn't just mean the little inch high versions!

The original cast are onboard, as is the original creator, so all looks well for another Hellboy. I actually enjoyed the first and thought it was a fun movie, for me it ranked in my top three comic to movie adaptations. Would you rather he did Halo before Hellboy?

Posted by at December 9, 2005 05:32 AM


For me hellboy is already a developed character and whilst it wasn't "SUPER" is was entertaining as hell.

ok, enough bad jokes for a second.

Halo ++++:
* big budget * massive fan base * interesting storlyine
Halo ----:
* movie goers lack confidence in game to screen adaptions * no onscreen character development

Posted by: pablo at December 9, 2005 06:00 AM