December 03, 2005

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon prequel?

CrouchingTigerHiddenDragon.jpgI'm sure we can forgive Ang Lee for wanting to step into the realms of prequels, especially as he's talking about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

It's very early stages though he tells MTV through Coming Soon.

"It would be a prequel, if it happens," Lee said. Currently in the earliest stages of pre-production, Lee cautioned that he won't make the film until he's found the proper entry point. "I haven't found a new passion equivalent to the first one," Lee added.

It's good news that he's taking so much time to get the story right, take note Hollywood. Also no news on who would be in it, he'd rather get the hook, write the story then think about the actors.

Is there an appetite for this movie? Definitely from me, the first movie was visually stunning, and had a rich story crammed with emotions galore.

Posted by at December 3, 2005 07:00 AM


I love Ang Lee, I love his indie roots.
I think if he directed Kevin Sherwood and Dave Hanson in a movie, that would be an amazing and interesting pair.
Both were amazing in that film by Christopher Folino.

Posted by: Mark Sage at December 3, 2005 05:42 PM

That's an interesting pair, Kevin Sherwood and Dave Hanson are more comedy actors, I think they could do a nice dramatic role though.

I think the best director for them would be an American Director.

Posted by: Cecilia Vermuck at December 3, 2005 05:44 PM

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is probably one of my favorite movies of all time and I had grown to anticipate Ang Lee's future work (I can't wait for Brokeback Mountain). I seriously hope he will forgo the prequel or even sequel to CTHD. By missing with something that is not broken it would take away that special touch, and breathtaking creation that I hold so dear in my heart.
Please leave it alone Mr. Lee.

Posted by: Poodle at December 3, 2005 05:50 PM

I seem to recall reading years ago that Ang Lee had sworn that he never wanted to do the same sort of film twice. Priorities have obviously changed somewhere along the line.

I'm torn on this one. Part of me says no because I was immensely impressed by Crouching Tiger and am worried he'll do something wrong with any follow-up. Another part of me says yes because I was immensely impressed by Crouching Tiger and want to see him do more work in that vein.

Posted by: James Russell at December 5, 2005 01:29 AM