December 08, 2005

Charlize Theron as Next Bond Girl

I just love Charlize Theron. She's sexy as hell and has all the talent in the world to back it up. We'll just give her a mulligan for the horrible horrible horrible Aeon Flux. Heck, even Sean Connery had "Highlander 2".

Now the word is that Theron has been pegged as the director's top choice for the lead female role in the upcoming James Bond flick Casino Royale. Clearly she would be a good choice for them. High profile actress, loads of talent, 1 Oscar in her pocket already and a world of beauty. Why on earth wouldn't they want her in there?

The catch is that there's no word yet on if Theron is actually going to take the role or not. After the Aeon Flux disaster she may become a little more trigger shy about jumping into projects like a Bond franchise. She may also want to avoid the inevitable Halle Berry comparisons (sexy talented actress with an Oscar, does a sexy super hero movie that totally bombs and is also a bond girl).

Would I put Theron in the next Bond film? You're damn right I would. Would she actually take the role? Honestly I don't know... I have some serious doubts about it. If Aeon Flux never happened I'd say she'd do it... but now I'm not so sure.

Posted by John Campea at December 8, 2005 10:04 AM


She's also funny as hell. She was hilarious on Arrested Development.

Posted by: Eric From Philly at December 8, 2005 11:57 AM

I think Charlize is a hotie. Anyone else think that? By the way, MOVIE COMMERCIALS SUCK.

Posted by: JAGMIR at December 8, 2005 12:19 PM

I don't see it. If Charlize cares about her future, she probably should invest her time in better roles. Does she really want to walk in the footsteps of Halle Berry?

I would like to see Neve Campbell as bond-girl. She has nothing to lose, everything to win, and she can be very sexy. Or how about Katie Nauta. I would wanna see that.

Posted by: darko at December 8, 2005 01:30 PM

I am with Darko on this one, Miss Theron doesnt need a Bond film to establish herself.

Hey no offense, I am a fan of the JB franchise too!

Posted by: Simone at December 8, 2005 04:12 PM

Actually, Aeon Flux isn't half bad. Not perfect mind you, but better than many of the Sci-Fi Blockbusters out there these days.

Posted by: Triflic at December 8, 2005 05:16 PM

I loved on arrested development when Charlizes character says "Rita Corny". Im going to miss her on that show. I also happened to be in the minority who like Aeon Flux. I dont understand the enmity towards that movie and I think its mostly based on tastes.

Posted by: Frank at December 8, 2005 06:30 PM

I thought Bond was suppose to be the star of a Bond movie, not the female characters, theyre just supposd to objects. First there was Jolie as the villain and now this. They either don't have much confidence in Craig or theyre being politically correct in thinking they need strong female roles. Thats not the way to make a successful movie though, artistically or box office-wise imo.

Posted by: Jonesy at December 8, 2005 09:39 PM