December 07, 2005

Changeling set for remake!

I was turned onto The Changeling by my mate Dave who told me it was one of the creepiest movies he'd ever seen, and he was right, but I was amazed that when I watched it I realised I had seen it before. Now word comes out that there's a remake in the works!

From Dark Horizons comes the news that the writer, producer and director of CrashCrash has completed the latest draft of the script.

If you haven't seen this movie then you should. From IMDB.

John Russell, a composer and music professor, loses his wife and daughter in a tragic accident. Seeking solace, he moves into an old mansion unoccupied for twelve years. But a child-like presence seems to be sharing the house, and trying to share its secrets, with him. Through research into the house's past and a seance held within, Russell discovers the horrific secret of the house's past, a secret that the presence will no longer allow to be kept.

Kids...very spooky...not to mention George C. Scott!

Posted by at December 7, 2005 08:02 AM


I read half of Haggis's draft around this time last year and it was great, though very similar to the original, which is a good thing - no crazy twists to distinguish/ruin it. Of course, I didn't finish it, as it was too creepy for me to deal with during the holidays, and I suspected the ending would be the same, but maybe not... As so much time has passed, it could be wildly different now.

Posted by: nilblogette at December 7, 2005 01:59 PM

This was the first scary movie my parents actually took me to see; I was about 8 years old, and it was a double feature in the drive in - Ghost Story and The Changeling! The Changeling freak me out! I tried to be brave, but I was such a chicken back then. Even years later when I watched it on VHS it gave me the creeps - I have to wonder if it would still do the same.

As for a remake - eh - I don't know.

Posted by: Meli at December 7, 2005 04:18 PM