December 19, 2005

Catch and Release Trailer

The new Catch and Release trailer has hit the web. Now, despite the awful Elektra, I remain a Jennifer Garner fan to this day. The first 2 seasons of Alias were some of the best television in years, and I thought she was just terrific in 13 Going on 30. Sigh... still the girl of my dreams.... stupid Ben Affleck.

Anyway, the film seems to be about a woman (Garner) who struggles to deal with the death of her husband, starts to learn about secrets he kept from her, and then starts to fall for his best friend. Meh... doesn't sound so great.

However, Catch and Release also has Kevin Smith, whom I'm also a big fan of. Sadly, Kevin isn't playing the new love interest, which is a shame, because it would nice to see the NOT HOT ENOUGH FOR THE COVER OF GQ guy be the love interest for a change. Oh well... that's Hollywood for ya.

Still... the Catch and Release trailer is pretty cute and you can catch it here.

Posted by John Campea at December 19, 2005 10:29 AM


I hated '13 Going On 30'. The film's one strength- a lesson in consequence for a character- sadly was tossed away for a cheat of an ending. If it was all a dream of the teen character, then over one half of the jokes fall more flat because they were contemporary. If the adult character simply had a happy dream in which things were turned around- once 'she' wakes up the reality still is her childhood friend still married another and she still put her company in ruin.

The film was annoying. Jennifer Garner was more annoying. Mark Ruffalo was average- he seems to play this romantic intrest comedy role a lot. The 80's music- the filmmakers chose music from the early 80's and not the late 80's, where the film opens.

Posted by: darren seeley at December 19, 2005 04:09 PM