December 28, 2005

Bubble Trailer

The new Steven Soderbergh film "Bubble" trailer has hit the web. I won't lie to you... this Bubble trailer is a strange little piece of footage. The long and the short of it is that it's a minute of random shots of various doll heads. No really... that's it. Doll heads. The Bubble trailer is a minute of dolls heads. Knock yourself out.

Now granted, it's just meant to be a little teaser trailer. But having said that... this trailer actually subtracted my interest in seeing the film. Marketing is a funny creature sometimes.

The synopsis of Bubble goes like this:

Residents of a small town in Ohio puzzle out the details of a murder which took place at the local toy factory.
Ok, so that explains the endless amounts of doll heads... but it's still stupid.

The real interesting thing about Bubble is that it's undertaking an interesting little experiment. You see, as we previously talked about, Bubble is going to be released in theaters AND on DVD on the SAME DAY. Personally I think this is a brilliant move. It may not work... but it's certainly worth the try. The only problem is that if the film sucks... it won't really matter either way. And this trailer isn't doing the film any favours.

To see the Bubble trailer you can just go here.

Posted by John Campea at December 28, 2005 09:59 AM


and the music for the film is by robert pollard, ex of 'guided by voices' - must admit, i bought the soundtrack c.d already, on the strength of pollards work : not much of a soderbergh fan, but admit he is a fine film maker in comparison to other such popular figures. anyway, soderbergh also wrote a small part in the book about 'guided by voices' which cameout recently : great band, some great albums. thanks for the trailer... been looking out for this one.

Posted by: logboy at December 28, 2005 11:21 AM