December 04, 2005

Bruce Campbell talks Bubba Nosferatu

bubbahotepdvd.jpgWe heard recently from the Director of Bubba Ho-Tep that the sequel was possible, and now from the star himself Bruce Campbellthat it's going to happen.

From Marsdust through Movies Online:

"It's gonna happen, but the nickel has to drop. There are a few companies interested, but administrative shakeups tend to slow business down."

I really can't wait, I loved the original and what it was saying about the way we all treat old people and the lives they have, and what can happen if they have something to believe in, some purpose. That and Campbell acted his socks off and gave me one of the best performances I'd seen in ages.

If the sequel stands up to that, I'd be so excited...and I am just waiting for word!

Posted by at December 4, 2005 11:26 AM