December 15, 2005

Batman Penguin rumours

PhilipSeymourHoffman.jpgIf I'm being honest I've been avoiding rumours of baddies in the next Batman movie, it's getting as bad as the Bond rumours were (and now the Bond villian rumours are!) still, this one just might be worth speculating about.

From all over the web, but grabbed from Moviehole, is the amazing news from left field about who might be up for the role...

Last week, Batman-On-Film reported that Oscar Hopeful Philip Seymour Hoffman [“Capote”] is being touted to star as The Penguin in the next “Batman” film.

Yeah, we heard that too. We just thought that was just wild rumour and speculation...however the site came back with this...

"I live in the Rochester, NY area, which is where Philip Seymour Hoffman grew up”, a scooper tells the site, continuing “The media has been covering his Golden Globe nomination for CAPOTE, and in a recent interview with his old high school drama teacher (who remains close to him) on a local news program, she confirmed that Hoffman has been in talks to take on The Penguin in the upcoming BATMAN sequel and is very interested in the role."

Wow...Hoffman as the Penguin? Well he certainly has the acting ability, and it could make for a harder, grittier Penguin...but would the whole thing of the Penguin work in this modern Batman?

Posted by at December 15, 2005 04:40 PM


Rochester you say. I lived there for 3 years, and now only an hour away. I'll go undercover for TMB to get to the bottom of this. To the Brad cave!

Ok that was lame.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at December 15, 2005 05:23 PM

Well in the more recent comics, the Penguin is more of a work from behind the scenes criminal, dealing in information, laundering money, etc etc. Not so much crazy bird related schemes and such. Still has the nifty 'brellas though.

Posted by: Rufus2k2 at December 15, 2005 09:23 PM

Yeah, the penguin could be more of a organized crime leader, similar to Kingpin in Marvel but on a lesser scale. Forget the Burgess Meredith penguin, he won't do in the newer Batman Movies. i take it that this means they are looking into more villains than just joker, am I correct?Of course, this rumor could be a load of manure. if they do go with penguin, they better keep the monacle!

Posted by: Brian at December 15, 2005 09:59 PM

This sounds too good to be true. Never seen this guy turn in a bad performance and I would love to see what he comes up with for the Penguin.

Saw the trailer for Capote the other day, reminded me of Will Smith doing Ali, a disconcertingly accurate performance. He would fit right in with the new Batman Nolan has crafted.

And to the pottymouth posting before me ; what are you doing after you graduate charm school?

Posted by: Randall P at December 16, 2005 04:19 AM

Who's the pottymouth?(honest question, not sarcasm)

Posted by: brian at December 16, 2005 07:50 PM

Wha? What happened to the Joker? I thought they were gonna do the Joker next. They set up for the Joker in the end of the first one. He's Batman's Archrival. Don't be throwin other baddies in the mix. Do the Joker and make him as awesome as possible. Give him a whole movie, just Batman vs. The Joker. Save Penguin and the Riddler and all that for another movie.

Posted by: slybri at December 16, 2005 09:17 PM

How about all the other villains the previous movies haven't covered from the comics, the cartoons and the TV series, like King Tut?
I only saw a few episodes of the TV series, but he always struck me as having the most movie potential.

Or are they only trying to get more people talking about the movie(s)?
You can already hear the conversations, Burton's use of Penguin as Richard the 3rd is a wonderful literary device vs the return of the Penguin to his small time, organized crime roots is a wonderful homage to the original creators.

You can turn any movie decision into a cynical marketing ploy. The scary thing is sometimes it turns out to be true.

Posted by: darkbhudda at December 17, 2005 12:10 AM

i think the penguin's character should be similar to the batman the animated series character. going to the opera and rich clubs on hand and in the other a sinister crime boss, who always tries to be the gentlemen, in a twisted sort of way.

Posted by: Garth at January 15, 2006 01:02 PM