December 28, 2005

Apocalypto Trailer

The new Mel Gibson Apocalypto trailer hit the web a few days ago. To be honest I was a little surprised to see it online already. It feels as if they just started filming. But here it is in all it's glory, and I don't mind telling you I just LOVED the Apocalypto trailer.

Like most first trailers, the Apocalypto trailer doesn't really give too much about plot or story away, but what it lacks in information it totally makes up for in pure visual imagery. This a beautiful trailer to look at. It's colorful, vast, alien and enchanting. It's just a gorgeous piece of film to look at. The IMDB describes Apocalypto as:

An action/adventure film set 600 years ago, prior to the 16th-century Spanish conquest of Mexico and Central America, where a man goes on a perilous journey to save his idyllic world.
Say what you want about Mel Gibson (the guy looks like he's totally gone off his rocker), the man isn't afriad to make the films other people are terrified of making. He's taking risks for the sake of his art, and putting up his own money to do it. Apocalypto looks no different.

To see the Apocalypto trailer you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at December 28, 2005 10:09 AM


agreed, this film looks great. it was on before the producers the other night, and definitly got me stoked.

Posted by: miles at December 28, 2005 11:40 AM

I thought this was a great teaser. Beautiful and intriguing, without giving away a lot of plot information. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Also, there's a secret frame hidden in it. If you pause it around 3/4 of the way through, right before the people with white faces come up for the second time in the teaser, there's a photo of Mel Gibson. It's only a single frame, so you don't notice it if you play the teaser at normal speed, but it's there. It's hilarious. Just look around the end where there are flashes of lots of images before the title comes up.

Posted by: arjcandyman [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 28, 2005 11:52 AM

Wow! Does have great visuals. Now isn't this to be in the native tounge?

You have to admit, as nutty as some say he is, he truly is a talented dude.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at December 28, 2005 12:29 PM

Mel Gibson is only considered "nutty" by the Hollywood establishment because he's a rogue filmmaker who also embraces his Conservatism and religious faith, two major "no-no's" in today's Hollywood. Hell, I'm a Buddhist and I still respect the guy for his courage. Can you imagine the overwhelming pressure working in a town where 99.999% of everyone toes the Democratic Party line hook, line, and sinker? Talk about peer pressure!

Posted by: Nix at December 28, 2005 03:51 PM

I uploaded a screenshot of the frame shot.

Its about a minute and 46 seconds in.

Posted by: Mike at December 28, 2005 06:05 PM

hey, I can't selected this url without selecting the whole text. Is this my computer or is this a crapy feature of the Movie Blog ???

Posted by: darko at December 28, 2005 07:32 PM

the whole thing looks cheesy as hell to me.

Posted by: Goon at December 28, 2005 07:45 PM

bwahahaha, that screenshot is hilarious.

Posted by: miles at December 28, 2005 09:56 PM

I remember seeing that screen shot a go to and watch the trailer stop around 2:39 and look for him

Posted by: Scott at December 28, 2005 10:02 PM

Why does he always look crazy now? In the screenshot and in the picture above he looks like an escaped convict.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 29, 2005 12:19 AM

this is why Mel Gibson looks crazy:

Posted by: Goon at December 29, 2005 04:32 AM

i watched the trailer now and i didnt see that in there. it showed thous guys in white but i didnt see him. as if they cut it out. but it looks great though

Posted by: Linet at December 29, 2005 11:15 PM

i'm somewhere between christian/jewish ( believing both in the divinity of jesus AND that there are ways into heaven/paradise without that particular belief ) and am really troubled by the way Hollywood embraced this guy 15 years ago, only to kick his ass because he wants to do his own thing.

on the audio edition, you stated your opinion tht the "easter egg" frame was ridiculous... i laughed my ass off at it myself. it's showing that Mel is still a rebel. Still an outsider in his own right... and most importantly for this and any other films he does, THAT HE DOESNT GIVE ONE FUCK WHAT WE THINK AS LONG AS HE GETS HIS DREAM REALIZED...

...while i'll admit you guys have more than a right to your opinion, as do the hollywood elite, i want you to think about how scarry it must be for us christian type hillbillies (sic) in the world who are being made to feel wrongly for even believing something, while hollywood fully throws homosexuality in our faces on the terms that "whatever you want to do is ok"...

somewhere, somehow, someone is being a hypocrite.

while this opinion has nothing to do with the movie at hand, i feel that it will be a topic of major debate in mr. Gibson's later career, as he moves even more into directing and production.

i would like to ask that in a future audio edition someday you and doug will give your (very entertaining ) take on this, and that you will at least give this opinion of mine, which i assure you is shared by many silent film fans out there, ) some weight in the discussion.

Bottom line, the hollywood elite do have it half right. Buddists, Christians, gays, straights, hindus, jews, etc... WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT WE WANT. and if we are to discriminate mr. gibson for his beliefs, perhapse the people behind strictly gay movies like Jeffrey, and risquee movies like Threesome (etc) should be lambasted in public as well.

my fingers are tired. but jesus said it best. "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

i dont care what religion you are. that's true. eh?
i'll shut the fuck up now. : ) keep your opinions coming.

Posted by: mogulus at December 30, 2005 01:37 AM

that pic... Wow... I uh ... wow.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 6, 2006 02:27 PM

Check out a merge of the trailers from Passion and Apocalypto:

Posted by: RasMoshe at January 17, 2006 09:15 AM

I run a fan blog on Apocalypto news if anyone is interested in more information about this movie.

Posted by: ApocalyptoWatch at February 4, 2006 04:40 PM