December 23, 2005

Alternate endings voted top DVD extra

DVDPlayer.jpgFunny how we just posted on your favourite DVD extra, and news just out from a recent survey of consumers by Universal Studios Home Entertainment shows that their favourite DVD extras are none other than alternate endings.

From Yahoo News:

New Line Home Entertainment executive vp Matt Lasorsa, whose studio pioneered putting alternate endings on DVD with "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery" in 1999, likes them because they provide "an inside look at how studios test movies."

Well I don't totally agree with that sentiment, I think it does provide for an insight into the choices of the execs and the creatives behind the movie, it's not really showing how they test them. I'd actually love to know that and why they end up making so many bad decisions.

The ending of Hide and Seek is a perfect example of that, the cinematic ending is good but not half as strong as a couple of the twisted alternate endings provided on the DVD (thanks to Caroline for lending me that one).

Still I do like seeing them, I'm a big fan of extras, but for me it's definitely the Audio Commentary that wins out. Not only do you often get great insights into the movie, but you can benefit from seeing it a second, or third, time.

Posted by at December 23, 2005 05:12 AM


For me the gag reel is the best part but that is not a very common feature.

Posted by: Frank at December 23, 2005 03:44 PM

I like the mini-movies that show a lesser character from a movie. Dawn of the Dead remake had a decent one about the Gun store guy. The Ring 2 also had one. They aren't the best films but they fill that gap when you're wanting to see just a little more of the movie's world. I really want alternate angles, Where are the alternate angles we were promised all those years ago?

Posted by: Cybermike at December 28, 2005 10:01 AM